Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

NetApp-Harvest 1.6.1 updater + some news about Harvest 2.0



Dear Harvest users,


First of all, apologies for not responding to your questions lately, I was too busy but I'll try to get back to unanswered messages during the next week. Here is some good news: we released a Harvest updater to fix some issues in Harvest 1.6 and add some requested features. We don't go for an official release, since that would take a lot (more) time. The updates include:


  • Support for SSL authentication in Harvest Extensions
  • Fixing bug in the extension
  • New extension to collect capacity counters (without OCUM)
  • Caching resolved Graphite hostname (previously sending metrics to Graphite could add pressure on your DNS if caching was not configured in your server/network).

Here is how to run the updater:

  • Download the updater package here
  • Verify MD5 checksum:
$ md5sum harvest_updater_161.tar.gz 
> 1923977dee44366080ca19e724ad4650  harvest_updater_161.tar.gz
  • Unextract the package somewhere on your Harvest server, e.g.:
$ tar -xzvf harvest_updater_161.tar.gz -C /tmp/
  • Stop all harvest pollers
  • Run the updater:
$ cd harvest_updater_161/
$ ./harvest_updater
  • Restart Harvest

The updater adds three Grafana dashboards which you'll need to manually import in the Grafana webgui to use/update them:



Reversing the update. Before the updater changes any files, it will create a backup in /opt/netapp-harvest/backup/harvest_updater_16100/, so if something goes wrong, you can reverse the update by:

$ ./harvest_updater --reverse


Second of all, many of you are asking about Harvest 2.0 and about replacing Graphite. We are well aware of the scalability issues of Graphite, and while we will continue supporting Graphite, our main backend in Harvest 2.0 will be (most likely) Prometheus. Unfortunately I can't give estimation of a release date, since at the moment we are trying to get more manpower behind this project, but I can tell you that Harvest 2.0 is our main focus at the moment.


Finally if by any chance you have written a Python module to send performance metrics to Prometheus and you want to contribute to an open-source project (Harvest 2.0 will be on Github!), please get in touch with me.




