Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
I have configured 4 pollers in the netapp-harvest.conf file. Each pollers are reachable on port 443 from Grafana, and graphs are shown, but log file for each poller shows below message, cannot decide if these messages are of any significance. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Warning message as below.
[WARNING] [object_store_client_op] update of data cache failed with reason: either instances or instance-uuids must be given
[2020-01-02 11:36:01] [WARNING] [object_store_client_op] data-list update failed.
Kind regards,
Could you verify if you are hitting this bug:
check the fixed-in versions.
We are using CVOs (Cloud volumes Ontap), all these are on version 9.6.
Thanks & regards,
Hi, are you still facing this issue?
Yes it is still happening on 3 out of 5 CVOs we have. Please help to clarify the reason and also how significant this is. Thanks.
Kind regards,
It is significant if object_store_client_op counters are important for you.
I could not replicate the error that you are getting. Could you maybe run Harvest a few cycles in verbose mode and send me the logs? I assume this has to do with the instance_names of this object.