Hey all,
OCI 7.2.3 has been officially promoted to GA status
If you are on OCI 7.1.x or earlier, you really should be looking at upgrading. My unofficial position is that 7.2.3 is at least as stable as any OCI 7.1.x release, but has substantial enhancements both from a feature and capabilities standpoint, but also maintenance standpoint - the data source service pack model we use in 7.2.0+ makes keeping your data collection code up to date much, much simpler and quicker.
It is also worth noting that 7.2.3 on Linux is the first GA OCI release we have had for Linux. If you want to run your OCI operational server or RAUs on Red Hat or Centos 7.x, go for it. The OCI DWH only includes the Cognos reporting layer in our Windows releases, so you probably would want to keep the DWH Windows.
7.2.3 release notes - same release notes from mid October when 7.2.3 was released