Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
OPM daily several performance incidents. All this inicidents will be forwarded by OCUM a critical events.
This is in my oponion a too high severty. Is it possible to modify the severty level. E.g. to make OPM events as error.
A critical event would be for me a node failover, HW failures and so on. OPM must mutch mor conditions to trigger a critical event. e.g latency is so bad for the whole node that all volumes are affectet. Then a critical event could be fired and the storage managemant team will start an eskaltion with ther internal ticket system.
Many thanks for any feedback.
Best wishes,
I believe if you feel this event is too high severity you can change it via the command line.. from dfm eventtype modify
This os OCUM version 6.1 for cDOT i think thats not possible. Or I am wron.
Hi Markus.
>you can change it via the command line.. from dfm eventtype modify
Yes that's correct, there are NO dfm cli commands in OCUM6.X and OPM1.0,so we can't use the above cli
>OPM daily several performance incidents
we are aware of a internal bug 801802 where ocum sends multiple alerts for single opm incident and this is being worked upon.
available workaround for this is to resolve the event as soon as you receive the first one.
Are multiple alerts emails an issue ? In that case you can use "Manage Event" to disable the events which is available in OCUM6.1
I wouldn't do so for perf incidents as they reflect the cluster state
I wanted to know more on - why should the event severity of be set to error rather than critical.
opm incidents are critical because they tell the current state of cluster. these incidents can happen at various level in clustered ontap
for e.g. these levels are - network , network processing , policy group , cluster interconnect , data processing and aggregate.
hope this helps
Hi Srinivas,
thanks for your detailed answer.
We don't have an issue with multible mails. But in my opinion it should be configurable. We have a lot of events which are getting very fast obsolete.
So what do you recomend for this, asking the customer to do some vol move that this events are not appearing anymore?
Best wishes,
Hi Markus,
OPM is improving the analytics in OPM 1.1 to only send out email notification and display the incident when it happens with two or more polling intervals (continuous for more than 10 min), instead of just one, which will greatly reduce the amount of notifications. Hope this will help ease some of your customer's pains. Whether it should be a configurable or not is a UM feature.