Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

OnCommand 5.0 installation issue



Was excited over OnCommand getting released before schedule because this promises to bring SMHV Snapvault capability. But maybe too early?

Installing the Core Package on my recently set up DFM server worked flawlessly. But now I'm having trouble installling the the Host Package on the first of a 3-node Hyper-V cluster getting no usable information from the installer that suddenly rolls back after about 20minutes of installing. The MSI logfile as only source for what's going on is huge and I can't seem to find the culprit.

Altough I find the documentation quite lacking I followed all the requirements to no avail and of course beeing so new there's nothing yet in the Knowledgebase.

Moreover my SnapManager for Hyper-V backups on the cluster now fails on this first node and Snapdrive can't list connected LUNs anymore.

Has somebody else started OnCommand 5.0 implementation (testing)?

I've attached the msi-log file if anybody cares to have a look...

Kind regards




Hey everybody

Just wanted to let you know that everything worked out now. After uninstalling SD and SMHV and then installing OnCommand Host Package all Host Services including the cluster name were registered and authorized in the OnCommand console and the first snapshot backup ran successfully last night, consisting of 27 VMs distributed over three CSVs!

Now I ough out figure out configuring the automatic transfer of the snapshots from primary to secondary via SnapVault.

Although NetApp persists on the simplicity of policy-driven management, I find the dependencies between schedules, datasets, resourcepools, storage services and protection schedules quite complex.

But thats another topic...

Thank you everybody for trying to help with my issue!

Kind regards



View solution in original post



HI Lyndon,

I am sorry you are having an issue,

looks like this might be the problem. 

The SnapDrive components could not be released after waiting 10 minutes.

Retrieved location of C:\System\NetApp\SnapDrive\en-US\SnapDriveRes.dll from the registry.
MSI (s) (64!44) [16:26:39:495]: Creating MSIHANDLE (235) of type 790531 for thread 6212
Silent Install Warning:

The SnapDrive components could not be released after waiting 10 minutes.

this will cause the install to abort.

we had seen on some setups that DNS had a handle on this dll for 2 -3 minutes after the service stop,

, so we increases the timeout to ten minutes.

but for some reason, it is not being release in your env..

some things to try maybe

stop the snapdrive service before you do the install , wait a number of minutes till the handle is released.

( you could check that file has not handles before you retry, using Handle from sysinternals maybe?)

then retry the install..

Let us know if that helps.. I will file a defect against the product so other customers dont have to hit this same issue. Thank you for your help.




can you tell me what was the pulgin port mentioned while doing silent installtion in hyper-V environment ? . i can see in the log which says the PLUGIN_PORT = 8804. can you change the pulgin port to "PLUGIN_PORT = 8080" in the command line and check if the installtion goes through. also make sure the follwoing port is not blocked by any other process.


Hi arjunan

I am not running a silent install and also left all port settings on it's default. Moreover, before setup there ist nothing sitting on the mentioned ports, so I can't see if this is the source of the problem.




Hi Jeff

The installation issue could relly be due to the new SnapDrive version being installed.

I've stopped and even disable all SnapDrive and SnapManager services and checked that all handles were closed with Process Explorer before running the Host Package setup.

Strangely enough the installer waits quite a long time stating stopping the services, then carries on and on some point installs a new version of SnapDrive that I can see many handles of in Process Explorer. Soon after setup breaks off and all services are running and set to automatic.

Any insights?



Thanks Lyndon,,

just so I understand,

when you tried the 2nd time with snapdrive  service disabled and no open handles, You got the same error ?

also, there are no scheduled jobs running durring the upgrade are there?

Do you know process that has a handle on the SD dll files for upgrade?

Could you possibly post the newer Msi log file for the 2nd attempt?  if it is the same error, and we know what process is grabing the handle,  that might

help give you direction..and I can have some other engineers look at that file..

Thanks you for your help and your patience Lyndon.




Hi Jeff

Yes exactly, I've stopped SD and SMHV services and even set them to disabled, confirmed with ProcessExplorer that no handles are open anymore to any SD and SMHV files. Only after that I ran the host package installer, but still with the same result.

I've observed the installation with ProcessExplorer but couldn't determine the open handle problem since all possible handles on SnapDrive files were created by the new SnapDrive itself. After installation rolled back, all SD and SMHV services were running again on original versions with automatic start setting.

As requested I've attached newest MSI Log file to this post.




Hi Lyndon,

sorry for the late reply.  I was away..

so hopefully support has worked this out with you by now and you dont need this 🙂

From the install logs, the info we had from the dev  was that the key is why is there a handle on the snapdrive dll.  And what process is that?

( because maybe we can make sure that service is stoped during the installer)

I guess one way to figure this out would be to write a simple script that runs during the install check the handle  all through the install

to see what it is. ( removing snapdrive prior to the install should work as well since the host package will install a new snapdrive version)  

maybe like this.?  ( I have a different path) 


time  /t >> c:\handle.txt

z:\sysinternals\handlenew>handle  "C:\Program Files\NetApp\OnCommand Host Package\SnapDrive" >>  c:\handle.txt

sleep 60

goto start

that would give you an output something like this belwo and that way, we could see during the 10 minutes OnCommand in trying to do the upgrade,

and what process has the lock. ?

10:55 AM

Handle v3.46
Copyright (C) 1997-2011 Mark Russinovich
Sysinternals -

SDMgmtSvc.exe      pid: 1996   type: File           248: C:\Program Files\NetApp\OnCommand Host Package\SnapDrive\SDManagedInterfaces.dll
SDMgmtSvc.exe      pid: 1996   type: File           318: C:\Program Files\NetApp\OnCommand Host Package\SnapDrive\SDManagedServices.dll
SDMgmtSvc.exe      pid: 1996   type: File           364: C:\Program Files\NetApp\OnCommand Host Package\SnapDrive\SDManagedAdaptor.dll
SWSvc.exe          pid: 340    type: File           2A4: C:\Program Files\NetApp\OnCommand Host Package\SnapDrive\SDManagedAdaptor.dll
SWSvc.exe          pid: 340    type: File           2AC: C:\Program Files\NetApp\OnCommand Host Package\SnapDrive\SDManagedInterfaces.dll
SWSvc.exe          pid: 340    type: File           490: C:\Program Files\NetApp\OnCommand Host Package\SnapDrive\VirtualizationAPI.dll
SWSvc.exe          pid: 340    type: File           4A0: C:\Program Files\NetApp\OnCommand Host Package\SnapDrive\VirtualizationAPI.dat
SWSvc.exe          pid: 340    type: File           4A4: C:\Program Files\NetApp\OnCommand Host Package\SnapDrive\VimService2005.dll
SWSvc.exe          pid: 340    type: File           560: C:\Program Files\NetApp\OnCommand Host Package\SnapDrive\SDManagedServices.dll
SWSvc.exe          pid: 340    type: File           598: C:\Program Files\NetApp\OnCommand Host Package\SnapDrive\SDAPIInterface.dll
SWSvc.exe          pid: 340    type: File          3CA4: C:\Program Files\NetApp\OnCommand Host Package\SnapDrive\Snpdrvdbglog.dat
mmc.exe            pid: 3200   type: File           6C0: C:\Program Files\NetApp\OnCommand Host Package\SnapDrive\SnapDriveSnapIn.dll
mmc.exe            pid: 3200   type: File           6F8: C:\Program Files\NetApp\OnCommand Host Package\SnapDrive\SDManagedInterfaces.dll
mmc.exe            pid: 3200   type: File           728: C:\Program Files\NetApp\OnCommand Host Package\SnapDrive\SDManagedResources.dll
mmc.exe            pid: 3200   type: File           734: C:\Program Files\NetApp\OnCommand Host Package\SnapDrive\en-US\SDManagedResources.resources.dll




Hey Jeff

So no now I first uninstalled the old SnapDrive and SMHV from the server and restartet OnCommand Host Packup Setup. This time ran through successfully and I was able to register and authorize the Host Service and also associate the corresponding storage systems to it.

Now my next problem seems to be that the Hyper-V VM view doesn't populate with VMs reciding on the CSVs of the associated storage systems.

Maybe the following event I found in the application log of the Hyper-V is a hint to the source of the problem:

An object can not be found in DFM server, details: (22255:EOBJECTNOTFOUND) There is no host service named 'RBAMS3BHV01'

The name mentioned is the cluster's name. Do I also need to discover that as Host Service?




Hi Lyndon,

Do I also need to discover that as Host Service?

<Yes register cluster's name as HS to DFM server>

dfm hs register <HyperV cluster name / IP "

dfm hs list

  • Should show all your HyperV parent host in a cluster
  • Should show your HyperV cluster name/IP

Are you able to see CSV luns on the hyperV parent machine in SDW.

If not you need to mention storage IP/name in the SDW where your CSV resides. And do HS discovery again.





Hey everybody

Just wanted to let you know that everything worked out now. After uninstalling SD and SMHV and then installing OnCommand Host Package all Host Services including the cluster name were registered and authorized in the OnCommand console and the first snapshot backup ran successfully last night, consisting of 27 VMs distributed over three CSVs!

Now I ough out figure out configuring the automatic transfer of the snapshots from primary to secondary via SnapVault.

Although NetApp persists on the simplicity of policy-driven management, I find the dependencies between schedules, datasets, resourcepools, storage services and protection schedules quite complex.

But thats another topic...

Thank you everybody for trying to help with my issue!

Kind regards




Hi Lyndon,

Glad to hear that and keep us informed on how things go. 


Hi Lyndon,

Just wanted to check if you've opened a support case with NGS so they can begin tracking this issue.  Internally we've already started a discussion on this thread but need NGS involved so they can help us collect logs and raise priority to dev/qa if needed.  If you've got a case open, would you mind sending me a PM with the case# and owner?




Hello everybody

As mentioned in a post I've opened a support case with NetApp and no need to provide a big bunch of information also regarding the DFM server. But since I didn't really use yet the DFM server there isn't really alot information in there, especially no host service and VM data.

No I'm wondering if I am actually doing the right thing of trying to install the Host Package on Hyper-V Hosts. Does it also have to be installed first on the DFM server, where the Core Package is installed?

Kind regards



Hi Lyndon,

Here are my responses:

“I'm wondering if I am actually doing the right thing of tryingto install the Host Package on Hyper-V Hosts.”

Yes, you’re right

Does it also have to be installed first on the DFM server, wherethe Core Package is installed?


Thanks and regards

Shiva Raja


Hello Shiva Raja

I have a question to the Hsot Package and VMware...

Does the host package have to be installed on the Core server or on the VCenter and what happens to the VSC/SMVI when working with the Host Package???



Hi Peter,

Typically the Host Package can be installed on any of the supported windows server. (It could be installed on VCenter server or Core server or any other windows server). During the Installation, you may need to provide the Core server's IP/name and VCenter server's IP/name  with its credentials for the Host package to communicate with Core server.

If the existing VSC/SMVI is installed, then you need to Install Host package on that machine so that VSC/SMVI will be upgraded to preserve the existing backups and schedules..




To add to that,

You can also have SMVI as co-existing other than the upgrade scenario mentioned above.

Say, you have SMVI installed on windows machine A

You can install Host package on windows machine B. At a later time you can unistall SMVI from machine A when you are comfortable with OnCommand 5.0.





When I installed the host package, it informed me that the SMVI Backups have to be stoped in order to proceed with the installation...


HI Peter,

  Did you try to install Host package on the windows server where you had already installed SMVI or were you installing Host package on a different server other than the server where you had installed SMVI?


I was installing on a different server. Does that make a difference?

