Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Just a couple of questions that came up when setting up Vmware backups with OC host:
- Any estimate on when Protection Manager is updated to support and show the Vmware jobs correctly? Currently only start/stop and SV job steps are shown correctly. The backup steps of vm's can only be seen on OnCommand web gui.
- Is it possible to get a more detailed email report with successful/failed vm's been backed up, like with VSC? Only a very generel email report is being sent.
Yes, OnCommand also has events that are generated based on a protection jobs status. Below are some of the events you may be of interest.
[root@10 ~]# dfm eventtype list | grep -i dataset
dataset-backup:aborted Warning dataset-backup
dataset-backup:completed Normal dataset-backup
dataset-backup:deleted Normal dataset-backup
dataset-backup:failed Error dataset-backup
dataset-backup:prematurely-deleted Warning dataset-backup
dataset-protection:lag-error | Error | |
dataset-protection:lag-warning | Warning | |
dataset-protection:no-app-policy | Normal | |
dataset-protection:protected | Normal | |
dataset-protection:protection-failure | Warning | |
dataset-protection:suspended | Warning | |
dataset-protection:uninitialized | Normal | |
dataset-restore:aborted | Warning | dataset-restore |
dataset-restore:completed | Normal | dataset-restore |
dataset-restore:failed | Error | dataset-restore |
Those events would only tell me if the dataset has completed backup succesfully, correct?
If I have a dataset with a NFS datastore and Vmware consistent snapshots, I can't see which individually virtual machines has succeded or failed.
In SMVI its possible to get a email with this info.
I have been looking at a way to achieve this. Never got around of finishing anything but just to get you an idea of how to get hold of info.
Below is a cut and paste of my findings from back then.
From a command promt on the OnCommand server run “dfpm backup list”. This will obviously list all backups taken.
You have one separate backup id for each backup taken, below it is backup ids 95 and 94. 95 is the latest backup.
If you then run “dfpm backup ls –a 95” this command will show you details of this backup job.
Each row that contains this text “Virtualization.VMware.VM” will be a backup for a separate server. In this case below, it will be server vc1 and lnx1 that have a complete backup.
If the column “Restorable” says “YES” the backup have completed normal.
PS C:\Users\Administrator> dfpm backup list
Backup Id Backup Version Retention Type Retention Duration (in seconds) Node Name Description Dataset Properties(Name=Value) Matched field
--------- --------------------- -------------- --------------------------------- -------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
95 14 sep 2011 11:00:00 hourly 172800 Primary data Dataset1 CreateVmwareSnapshot=false IncludeIndependentDisks=false
94 14 sep 2011 10:00:00 hourly 172800 Primary data Dataset1 CreateVmwareSnapshot=false IncludeIndependentDisks=false
PS C:\Users\Administrator> dfpm backup ls -a 95
Member Id Type Object Name At Backup Restorable? Properties(Name=Value)
---------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ------------ -------------------------
438 Storage.ONTAP.StorageSystem NO system-id=1574126193 system-name=spica
412 Virtualization.VMware.Datacenter STO-OFFICE NO
443 Virtualization.VMware.VMConfig vc1-Virtualization.VMware.VMConfig NO Files=[DS1] vc1/vc1.vmx:VirtualMachine,[DS1] vc1//vc1.vmxf:Configuration,[DS1] vc1//vc1.nvram:Configuration,[DS1] vc1//vc1.vmsd:Configuration,[DS1] vc1//vmware-1.log:Log,[DS1] vc1//vmware.log:Log,[DS1] vc1//vmware-2.log:Log,[DS1] vc1//vmware-3.log:Log,[DS1] vc1
440 Storage.ONTAP.NFSExport /vol/esx_ds1 NO
444 Virtualization.VMware.VM vc1 YES PartialBackup=false SnapshotTakenForVM=false IsTemplate=false
442 Virtualization.VMware.VDisk Hard disk 1 YES Adapter=lsiLogic Bus=0 ExcludedFromBackup=false Files=[DS1] vc1/vc1.vmdk:VirtualDisk,[DS1] vc1/vc1-flat.vmdk:VirtualDisk Id=52f89d4f-be3d-281f-487f-324e49986349:6000C293-4ac3-fb7a-1c96-cc9dc3d963dd Independent=false RawDeviceMapping=false Unit=0
406 Virtualization.VMware.Vsphere NO
441 Virtualization.VMware.Datastore DS1 YES PartialBackup=false DatastoreType=NFS IsOntap=true
419 Virtualization.VMware.HyperVisor NO
439 Storage.ONTAP.Volume esx_ds1 NO uuid=9cef0528-d016-11e0-af82-00a09817429a
420 Virtualization.VMware.HyperVisor NO
457 Virtualization.VMware.VM lnx1 YES PartialBackup=false SnapshotTakenForVM=false IsTemplate=false
456 Virtualization.VMware.VMConfig lnx1-Virtualization.VMware.VMConfig NO Files=[DS1] lnx1/lnx1.vmx:VirtualMachine,[DS1] lnx1//lnx1.vmxf:Configuration,[DS1] lnx1//lnx1.nvram:Configuration,[DS1] lnx1//lnx1.vmsd:Configuration,[DS1] lnx1//vmware.log:Log,[DS1] lnx1//vmware-1.log:Log,[DS1] lnx1//vmware-2.log:Log,[DS1] lnx1/lnx1-b13e93b6.v
455 Virtualization.VMware.VDisk Hard disk 1 YES Adapter=lsiLogic Bus=0 ExcludedFromBackup=false Files=[DS1] lnx1/lnx1.vmdk:VirtualDisk,[DS1] lnx1/lnx1-flat.vmdk:VirtualDisk Id=503ca97a-109f-56e4-18d8-7fd5201bea70:6000C29c-2c01-dcbe-bb0c-67a0ff9b5ebd Independent=false RawDeviceMapping=false Unit=0
PS C:\Users\Administrator>