Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

Protection base policies : How are they implemented ? How are they created ?



I am loving more and more this product

However discovering and understanding its features may be a hard work.

OCUM provides several (18) builtin protection base policies.

Even if the names and graphs provide information of what each policy is supposed to do, they do not provide information on which DOT data protection mechanisms they used : SV, VSM, QSM, SyncMirror ...

It is possible to test each protection base policy and look its implementation on (v)filers.

However this is a time consuming work.

Moreover it does not guarantee that we really understood ... for instance we found several discussions about a way to enforce ocum to use exclusively QSM (this let suppose that ocum uses SV in some cases).

I've been searching in official documentation of Ocum and Operations manager without being able to find this information.

Our major concerns are about :

  • implementation of Backup : QSM or SV ? in which cases ?
  • implementation of DR : VSM or SyncMirror ? in which cases ?

Is there a document / discussion that provides this information ?

On another side, is it possible to extend the list of protection base policies; create new ones ?

Thanks a lot for you help.



If it may help someone

We found the information for backup implementation in FAQ of OCUM 4.0 here

in § 16.1 What kind of relationship does Protection Manager create to back up data if both SnapMirror and SnapVault licenses are available?

By default, Protection Manager analyzes the protection policy, available resources, and licenses on the storage systems to determine whether it can create Qtree SnapMirror relationships. If Qtree SnapMirror is not feasible, it uses SnapVault relationships instead. This behavior can be changed using this CLI command:

dfm option set pmQSMBackupPreferred=No 

In this case, Protection Manager will try first to use SnapVault relationships, and only if it can't will it use Qtree SnapMirror relationships (if licensed).

If the schedule specifies that the data is to be backed up more frequently than once per hour, then Protection Manager must create a Qtree SnapMirror relationship regardless of this option.

If the source qtree contains a space in its name, Protection Manager will try to create only SnapVault relationships regardless of the option.

If the source data is an Open Systems directory, the relationship must be Open Systems SnapVault.

We continue searching for DR
