Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

QUESTION - Looking up old historical data


Hello all ... sorry is this is a dead horse subject, i am trying to look up old forum threads but here is my question.

I have a customer that wants to access old historical data ( past a year ).

One suggestion is they use old backups and restore to a new instance for that purpose but another suggestion is ... is it possible to extend the retention period for collected data past a year?  I think you can but the method is illuding me.

thanks, emanuel



Are you asking for the Graph data in OM or Perfdata ?

If its the graph, use the cli dfm graph with -F csv to get data beyond 1 year.




Emanuel -

It's very possible and common to retain data for more than a year.

What is customer trying to retain with ?

Snapshots ? You can retain up to 255 weekly snapshots.

SnapVault ? Same as with snapshots, but can be retained for years.

SnapLock ? Up to 70 year retention.

I hope this response has been helpful to you.

At your service,

Eugene E. Kashpureff
NetApp Instructor and Independent Consultant

(P.S. I appreciate points for helpful or correct answers.)


Hello .... thanks for getting back to me.

I believe this is all the general data that OM collects; for example ... capacity on volumes to go back more than a year.  I am not sure about the performance data yet but I will presume they will want that too ( i will caution them on space utilization on the DFM and PA database ) ... I do not know how many systems or objects we are dealing with yet.

So by default ... we display only up to a year.

-- do we purge after a year?

-- is there a way to adjust this?  ( is it global or by system )

Adai ... I think using the CSV option could work.  Do i use syntax like : dfm report view ... 2y?

So by default ... we display only up to a year.

In Web UI beyond 1 year use cli.

-- do we purge after a year?

Yearly data is kept in Operations Manager database forever.

-- is there a way to adjust this?  ( is it global or by system )

There is no options, to control or adjust.

Adai ... I think using the CSV option could work.  Do i use syntax like : dfm report view ... 2y?

Use the dfm graph cli.

D:\>dfm graph help

    graph -- create graphs of data over time

    dfm graph [ <options> ] <graph-name> <name-or-id-to-graph>

    The graph command generates data over time for a particular
    item in the database.

    Use 'dfm graph' with no arguments to get the list of

    The options are
        -s <start-date>
        -e <end-date>
        -D <date-format>
        -F <output-format>
        -h <height>
        -w <width>

    The <date-format> is a time format string as defined
    by the strftime library routine.  The default date format
    is the one appropriate for your locale.

    The <start-date> is the number of seconds in the past that
    the graph should start; the <end-date> is the number of seconds
    in the future that the graph should end. Use a negative
    value for <end-date> if the graph should stop in the past.

    The <height> and <width> are the height and width of the graph
    image in pixels. These options are applicable to image formats
    only i.e. when <output-format> is specified as png or gif.

    Use a suffix afer the <graph-name> to select a different
    range of valid dates; use suffix

        -1d (the default) for data going back 24-48 hours
        -1w for data going back 1-2 weeks
        -1m for data going back 1-2 months
        -3m for data going back 3-6 months
        -1y for data going back indefinitely

    The values above are ranges because the amount of data
    still available depends on whether the current time is near
    the beginning or the end of a day, week, month, or quarter.

    For example, to see the last 60 days of CPU usage for a
    particular storage system, use the "-3m" suffix, because "-1m"
    may not have all the data you request.  The command is

        $ dfm graph -s 5184000 -e 0 cpu-3m system1

    The <output-format> is the type of format in which the output will
    be generated. Supported output formats are text, html, csv, xls,
    png and gif. The output for html, png and gif is in binary format
    and needs to be redirected to a file with proper extension to open it.

    For example, to see the output of the graph 'volume-usage'
    in gif format, issue the command like below

        $ dfm graph -F gif volume-usage > graph.gif



