Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

Question about OnCommand API Services 2.2 Installation


Hi all,


As pre-requisites of OnCommand API Services installation, we have to install third-party libraries such as  p7zip and mysql community server in the server. Does it support tar ball installation of these third-party libraries instead of RPM (yum install) installation?


If yes, is there any additional installation procedures which could be referred? Thanks for support.



This is more a question like if there is any other package available than RPM. I did not look recently. Normally you have rpm, deb and binaries to compile. I think not.


Actually, I found that there is another packages available like tar ball to install these third-party libraries. However, it seems that OnCommand API installation script does not support it expect RPM installation of these libraries.


Would anyone share if there is a way to resolve it such that it passes the checking as below if I install these libraries by tar ball? Or only RPM installation of these libraries is the only solution? Thanks for your help and support.


$ ./OnCommand-API-services-2.2.0.bin


Ensure that you have the following packages installed or enabled in your yum repository.


  1. a) Java Runtime Environment [JAVA or later, Oracle or OpenJDK only].
  2. b) mysql-community-server, 5.7.16 or later.
  3. c) mysql-community-client, 5.7.16 or later.
  4. d) mysql-community-common, 5.7.16 or later.
  5. e) mysql-community-libs, 5.7.16 or later.
  6. f) p7zip, 16.02 or later.
  7. g) zip and unzip.


Installer will exit if any of the required packages listed above are not available.


RHEL and CentOS are the only supported operating systems. For more information about versions, see the Interoperability Matrix Tool (IMT).


Do you want to install OnCommand API Services ? (y/n):y

[Info] :: Checking installation prerequisites for OnCommand API Services.

[Warning] :: OnCommand API Services recommends 120 GB of free disk space.

[Warning] :: Only 110 GB of free disk space is available at '/opt/netapp' on this system.

[Info] :: Checking for the physical RAM

[Info] :: Required RAM [GB] --> 8

[Info] :: Recommended RAM [GB] --> 12

[Info] :: Available RAM [GB] --> 32

[Info] :: Checking if the ports required by OnCommand API Services are not being used.

[Info] :: Checking for the port 3306 that is required by MySQL server.

[Info] :: Port verification is done.

[Info] :: Checking if all the prerequisite packages required for OnCommand API Services installation are either installed or present in the configured yum repositories.

[Info] :: Checking if package zip is installed.

[Info] :: Package zip is installed.

[Info] :: Checking if package unzip is installed.

[Info] :: Package unzip is installed.

[Info] :: Checking if the required version of Java is installed or present in the configured yum repositories.

[Info] :: Checking if package java-1.8.0-oracle.x86_64 is installed.

[Info] :: Checking if package java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64 is installed.

[Info] :: The required Java package is installed.

[Info] :: Checking if the required version of MySQL server is installed or present in the configured yum repositories.

[Info] :: Checking if package mysql-community-server is installed.

[Info] :: Checking if package mysql-community-server exists in the configured yum repositories.

[Error] :: No MySQL server editions found installed or configured in the existing yum repositories.

[Error] :: Please refer to the Installation and Administration Guide to correct this issue.

[Info] :: Checking if package p7zip is installed.

[Info] :: Checking if package p7zip exists in the configured yum repositories.

[Error] :: No p7zip version found installed or configured in the existing yum repositories.

[Error] :: Please refer to the Installation and Administration Guide to correct this issue.

[Error] :: Please fix all the errors. Exiting installation as prerequisites are not met.
