Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Working with a customer to build some SQL queries for reporting against a DFM 4.0.2 instance.
We are doing query joins for disk, plex, raid group, and aggregate to tie disks back to their aggregates, however about 80 of 300 aggregates not reporting anything due to a break in the chain showing NULL values for plex, RG, or aggr.
Here's the query:
select distinct a.aggrid
from aggregateview a
left join objectview o on a.aggrid = o.objid
left join plexview p on a.aggrid = p.plexaggrid
left join raidgroupview r on p.plexid = r.rgplexid
left join diskview d on r.rgid = d.diskrgid
Could this be a permissions issue between the DFM host and the host login credentials for each storage system?
Any guidance would be welcome.
Hi Chris,
DFM monitors disk using api and strorage system credentials must be set in dfm in-order for it to gather that data.
Can you run dfm cli and see if the disk reports give you this data ?
Also if you can give me the template ( column names with example ) of what you are looking for I can help you get this
Thanks Adai. We cleaned up the credentials and that seems to have resolved it.
Hi Adai,
One more question. The customer wants to report on spare disks and "unowned"disks. What field or fields would help us identify spares and unowned disks?
Hi Chris,
The diskRole field gives the details of the disk role, like data, parity, spare etc. Unfortunately, an unowned disk is never discovered by OCUM or for that matter system manager as well. Only owned disk is reported in case of OCUM and SM as well and aggr can only be created using owned disk.