Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
I have located my nearstore devices to own group on OnCommand. All filers are using default thresholds but this is not good with nearstores as they get lots of errors and warnings. Mainly because of full volumes and old snapshots.
So i browse to edit volume quota settings to some nearstore volume, set wanted threshold values and select settigns to apply to whole nearstore group.
And what i get is this:
Restored volume nearly full threshold (%) for near1:/dstvolume (9642) to default.
Restored volume snapshot count threshold for near1:/dstvolume (9642) to default.
Restored volume full threshold (%) for near1:/dstvolume (9642) to default.
Changed volume too old snapshot threshold for volume near1:/dstvolume (9642) to 80 weeks.
Error: volume near1:/dstvolume.snapshot is not SIS enabled.
And i get this every time when i change group thresholds. Does not matter do i change them to some value or clear values to use default values.
And only this one volume changes, no any changes to any other volumes.
If i use "dfm volume set" command for one volume or set only one volume at time thru web, it works. But not for whole group.
And there is 4 nears and couple hundred volumes in total, so no any possibilities to change them one by one...
- J
Hi J,
Couple of questions to you.
What version of DFM are you using ?
Do all the nearstore belong to the group as direct members ?
What version of ONTAP are your nearstores running ?
Do Volume also belong to the group ?
What is the hierarchy level of this group, ?( ie from Global how many levels down ?)
Is it possible to past a screen shot of the error when you try to push it to all member of the group ?
Hi J,
I tried this in OnCommand 5.0, with group two level down( Global/Group/Sub_Group).In my case the controllers were direct members of the group did what you said and this is what i got.So more details from your end will help is this regard.
Changed volume snapshot count threshold for volume sim735rtp1:/vol0 (322) to 255.
Changed volume full threshold (%) for volume sim735rtp1:/vol0 (322) to 95.
Changed volume too old snapshot threshold for volume sim735rtp1:/vol0 (322) to 80weeks.
Changed volume snapshot count threshold for volume sim735rtp1:/vol0.snapshot (323) to 255.
Changed volume full threshold (%) for volume sim735rtp1:/vol0.snapshot (323) to 95.
Changed volume too old snapshot threshold for volume sim735rtp1:/vol0.snapshot (323) to 80weeks.
Changed volume snapshot count threshold for volume sim735rtp1:/nfs_ds_demo_1 (324) to 255.
Changed volume full threshold (%) for volume sim735rtp1:/nfs_ds_demo_1 (324) to 95.
Changed volume too old snapshot threshold for volume sim735rtp1:/nfs_ds_demo_1 (324) to 80weeks.
Changed volume snapshot count threshold for volume sim735rtp1:/nfs_ds_demo_1.snapshot (325) to 255.
Changed volume full threshold (%) for volume sim735rtp1:/nfs_ds_demo_1.snapshot (325) to 95.
Changed volume too old snapshot threshold for volume sim735rtp1:/nfs_ds_demo_1.snapshot (325) to 80weeks.
Changed volume snapshot count threshold for volume sim735rtp1:/iscsi_ds_demo_3 (326) to 255.
Changed volume full threshold (%) for volume sim735rtp1:/iscsi_ds_demo_3 (326) to 95.
Changed volume too old snapshot threshold for volume sim735rtp1:/iscsi_ds_demo_3 (326) to 80weeks.
[additional messages trimmed...]
- DFM versio is 5, so it is OC.
- Problem group is in first level. Global -> Nearstores
- All nears are moved to that group. Volumes are not moved separately.
- Ontap is 8.0.2P6
For screenshot, as it has lots of customer information so i can send it to you via mail.
But error itself is that what i copied to original post.
- J
Hi J,
I tried it with first level group also, but works fine in my case. I suggest you to open a case with Netapp support as it may need more back and forth information, or a copy of your db will help solve this.
As the operation you are trying to do is simply going to update the db tables in dfm sybase.