Hello Guys,
we're using Netapp OnCommand Host Package 1.1 with Netapp On Command Core Package 5.0.2 and VMWARE Virtual Center 5.1.
That's Work as Designed. We creates a Local VMWARE Datastorwe Backup Job, and then Snapvault it Daily to a Secondary Storage.
Primary -------------------------------> Secondary
LUN Local Backup Snap Vault
Retention 7 Daily Retention 7 Weeks Weekly
Daily 4 AM
The Backup and Restore works fine. When the Snap Vault creates the Relation Ship, A Volume is Createted on the Secondary Syste much bigger then on Primary ?
Primary Voulume to Snap Vault

Secondary Volume on Secondary System afer Snap Vault Relation Ship

Why there is a 1,51 Tb Volume Creates instead of 750 GB ?
I found an Option in the Protection Policy which we are using. Is there a way too reduce the Volume Size on the Secondary Site, or can we Simple Shrink the Volumes Manually ?
