Hi Chris -
System Manager uses the aggr-check-spare-low API, which states: Return true if there is no suitable spare disk available for any filesystem (parity or data) disk.
If you have a client and the ONTAP SDK, you can easily use apitest to verify:
apitest toaster root <password> aggr-check-spare-low
If not, go to the storage controller console and do this:
toaster> priv set advance
toaster*> ontapi execute <aggr-check-spare-low>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE netapp SYSTEM '/na_admin/netapp_filer.dtd'>
<netapp version='1.1' xmlns='http://www.netapp.com/filer/admin'>
<results status="passed"><is-spare-low>true</is-spare-low></results></netapp>
toaster*> priv set admin
to verify that the result is coming from the aggr-check-spare-low API.
It would be useful to know what version of ONTAP the problem is occuring.
I have updated a bug report.
- Rick -