Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
If you are facing any performance problem related to System Manager 2.0R1 related to slowness, please file a NetApp support case and send a mail to and with the following information.
Support Case #
OS Type and Version
Browser Type and Version
System Manager Support Bundle attachment
- Before generating the support bundle, please set the log level to trace
How to generate Support bundle?
Setting log level:
Tools -> Options -> Log level
Generating Support Bundle
Help -> Support Bundle -> Generate support bundle link
We will be looking at the data on a case by case basis to root cause and fix the problem.
We saw some complaints sbout System Manager slowness over the past week. In case you are running into these issues please file a support case and pass on the details to us. We will be taking a look at these cases. Thanks for your help and support.
OVer the past few weeks we have heard some complaints from you regarding System MAnager performance. One way to improve performance is to follow the following steps
1. Add the filer ip address in ‘hosts’ file in ‘C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc’ folder
2. Restart System Manager and measure the performance again in the same client machine.
Please do let us know if this workaround worked for you.
This worked for me perfectly
I confirm that adding NetApp uname's to hosts does make SM far more responsive. While this is valid workaround for customer installations, this is not really acceptable for me as consultant/engineer in situation where I permanently face new systems and new networks.
Hello Amrita..
i add my filer IP address in hosts file..but i have no idea i got error for SNMP that " No SNMP response" SNMP status keep changing....says "UP" and after few second it was "No SNMP response" you have any idea why is this happen ???
Please help me for this issue.....appreciate..
Hi Krupesh,
In case you are still wondering about this, the application starts up and assumes that SNMP is working.. then when it polls it realizes that it is not. You have to add the ip of the workstation that you are running System Manger from to the options snmp.access list for SNMP to work from your System manger console.
The hosts file fix does seem to make the System Manager more responsive. I'm using Windows XP SP3 with IE6.
It works like a charm! Thank you very much.