Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

Thomson Reuters: How is the NetApp OnCommand product suite being used in the environment?


Throughout the week, the NetApp Community will focus on a series of questions that highlights how Thomson Reuters followed a path of steady IT evolution that ultimately allowed them to avoid $65 million in costs, reduce power use by 25%, and improve availability, all while allowing them to search 50X more data in half the time.

How is the NetApp OnCommand product suite being used in the environment?

You can check out the article at:

Watch the Thomson Reuters video at:



Hi all - Mike Arndt here, I am a NetApp Systems Engineer and have been working with Thomson Reuters in a variety of roles over the past 6+ years.

To manage their environment, Thomson Reuters uses the full complement of NetApp OnCommand management products including Operations Manager, Provisioning Manager, Performance Advisor, and OnCommand Insight. This gives them a single set of tools that work across all of their NetApp storage to simplify management, reporting, alerting, provisioning, and identify performance issues.

Many of the NetApp storage systems in this environment are used in a shared storage service offering, and being able to quickly identify which applications are driving the most I/O is an important capability that is provided by OnCommand Performance Advisor.  OnCommand Insight (formerly known as NetApp SANscreen®) gives Thomson Reuters a consolidated view of their entire heterogeneous SAN storage environment in terms of capacity, connectivity, configurations, and performance. It also provides alerts on component failures so that they can resolve issues before redundant components experience a second failure.
