Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
hi Adai,
I have another question regarding dfm, you might know the answer;
I am looking to find a list of source volumes which does not have snapmirror relationship (backup), do you know if I can generate such report or run a query on the dfm?
Hi Igal,
Its possible with the help of NMSDK and some scripting.
Can you give me your definition of what is an unprotected volume ?
What kind of relationships do you typically create ? Qtree SnapMirror of Volume Snapmirror ?
We usually create a volume snapmirror and sometimes cascading another replication to a DR site.
When I see the volume in the DFM , there is a section called protection, see screen shot.
I want to have report for all volumes which does not have any snapmirror configured and identify them as 'at risk' (no backup).
I am looking for a way to monitor my backup policy.
do you have any ideas? (I'm sure you have )
Hi Igal,
So all you do is VSM and no QSM or SV right ? We already have a script that generates this report using SDK let me see if we can bundle it as Script Plugin.
Pls ping me back in a week or two regarding the same.
Thanks Adai,
I would love to use the SDK capability but I am not a developer,
How hard is it to deploy such tool ?
Is there any quick start ?
Hi Igal.
The best place for you to get started and download SDK will be
Using SDK is simple, we have a tool called ZEDI which is a GUI tool to automatically generate code, that could help you a lot since you are not a developer.
Let me know if you need any help with getting started.
Thanks !
I will look into it.
Can you still create the query / script for my initial problem?
I guess it would take me some time to implement & work with SDK.
Thanks again,
Hi Igal,
May I know what kind of protection relationships are being used in your environment? (Volume SnapMirror/ Qtree Snapmirror/ Snapvault)
I am working on a Perl/ NMSDK script, to list unprotected volumes in your environment.
Mainly We are doing a Volume SnapMirror.
Hi Igal,
Please find attached the script archive:
Procedure to use the script:
The csv file includes the list of unprotected volumes (excluding snapmirror secondary).
Could you please execute the script and let me know if it works for you?
hi Pavan,
the script works great!
thanks a lot.
Hi Igal,
Thanks for the update. I'm glad that the script worked.
Please mark the question as 'answered'. It will help others to find this post in future.
Best Regards,
where do I specify this was answered?
Hi Igal,
Once you have logged in, you would find "Mark Answered" right below to the question on the top.
Or you might find "Mark this answer as correct" at the bottom of the post where there is like and reply button.
Would it be complicated to modify this script for vaults?
Kind Regards
here is how it looks
could not find "Mark Answered" button
Thanks for the feedback. May be this cannot be marked since it says 'Branched from an earlier discussion'.
Best Regards,