Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

WFA 3.0rc1 - workflow as a Step - "Planning Failed - null" in a preview attempt


I'm stuck by a WFA 3.0rc1 Preview Planning Phase error the just says 'null'. I've attached the workflow and logs generated. The workflow is an attempt to test 3.0's ability to use workflows as steps. I've created a very simple 2-step workflow that calls two built-in sample workflows: A) Create an SVM and B) SVM root volume protection (LSM). To keep it simple I've hardcoded alot of the workflow paramters and so it only asks for $cluster, $svm and $aggr. Wondering if anyone else can re-create and.or resolve this. 





Hi Dave,


Ok. Thanks. I guessed, that you must have eventually given the right parameters, since wrong parameter values would have thrown the right error message.

Anyway, I was able to replicate your "null" error scenario. It seems like a bug as of now in WFA. So the issue is:

- The child workflow "Create NAS SVM" used in your parent workflow "ACME..." uses the command "Create and configure SVM" which in turn has a password type parameter.
- When there is no value provided to the password command parameter in the child workflow definition, the part of the product that tries to mask password parameters in child workflows has failed leading to the null error message issue.

I tried the following to get your workflow preview succeed. Can you please try the same with both preview and execution and let us know:
- Clone the sample workflow "Create NAS SVM"
- In the first box, i.e parameters to command "Create SVM" -> Other Parameters tab -> ADAdminPassword parameter, provide some dummy value 'dummy'
- Now use this workflow instead of the standard sample workflow in your "ACME.." parent workflow
- Try this out and let us know. Please try both planning and execution to ensure there are no surprise failures in execution.

The workaround I am suggesting is not so good as it involves cloning the sample workflow.
I will get back to you if there is a better workaround available.



View solution in original post



Here are the attachments


Hi Dave,


One of the error messages I see in the log is 

2015-03-19 14:46:31,494 ERROR [com.netapp.wfa.engine.exec.TabularWorkflowExecutionPlannerImpl] (http-executor-threads - 134) Failed to build execution plan for workflow 'Create and configure NAS Storage Virtual Machine': InvalidInputException{Message: The value hq_n01_sas for input $RootVolumeAggregate has to be within [hq-stor-01:hq_n01_sas], Cause: null}


I am still not fully sure if you have hit this since I dont know the user inputs you used when planning the workflow.


Now, the child workflow "Create and configure NAS SVM" takes root aggregate in the format "NodeName:AggregateName"


If you have been giving the input as "hq_n01_sas", please try again by giving the input as "hq-stor-01:hq_n01_sas" for $aggr.


When I tried the same on my local WFA setup, the error message came correctly i.e


Planning failed for the 'Create and configure NAS Storage Virtual Machine' child workflow.
Reason: The value aggr1_node1 for input $RootVolumeAggregate has to be within [ccr-cmode-02-01:aggr1_node1, ccr-cmode-02-02:aggr1_node2]
Location: 'Create and configure NAS Storage Virtual Machine' child workflow > 'Workflow' tab > 'NewSVM' variable


I am using a slightly different WFA version from what you have. So, I am yet to figure out why "null" error message is being thrown for you.





Thanks Shailaja,


Yes, I had that error in some prior invokations of the workflow but I then figured out the workflow uses node:aggr format. So my inputs when I'm running/testing this are (valid in my lab env):


     $cluster - hq-stor

     $svm - hq_vs9

     $aggr - hq-stor-01:hq_n01_sas


Probably un-related side note: in 8.2 vserver/svm names are allowed to have dashes '-''s in them but this workflow seems to enforce dis-allowing them. Probably not a bad idea and I don't think it's relavent but but I did try with and without the the vserver '_' in name


Hi Dave,


Ok. Thanks. I guessed, that you must have eventually given the right parameters, since wrong parameter values would have thrown the right error message.

Anyway, I was able to replicate your "null" error scenario. It seems like a bug as of now in WFA. So the issue is:

- The child workflow "Create NAS SVM" used in your parent workflow "ACME..." uses the command "Create and configure SVM" which in turn has a password type parameter.
- When there is no value provided to the password command parameter in the child workflow definition, the part of the product that tries to mask password parameters in child workflows has failed leading to the null error message issue.

I tried the following to get your workflow preview succeed. Can you please try the same with both preview and execution and let us know:
- Clone the sample workflow "Create NAS SVM"
- In the first box, i.e parameters to command "Create SVM" -> Other Parameters tab -> ADAdminPassword parameter, provide some dummy value 'dummy'
- Now use this workflow instead of the standard sample workflow in your "ACME.." parent workflow
- Try this out and let us know. Please try both planning and execution to ensure there are no surprise failures in execution.

The workaround I am suggesting is not so good as it involves cloning the sample workflow.
I will get back to you if there is a better workaround available.




Yes, That corrected the problem. The first step (child cloned-sample workflow to create SVM) previewed and executed fine.


However, I had to remove the second step (Create Load Sharing Mirrors) as it exposed another problem. That workflow (certified sample for creating loadsharing mirrors) assumes the vserver/SVM exists, and a preview was failing in that WF step. So I took it out for now. I think that problem is that at 'Preview' time it is attemping to resolve resources against the WFA cache and, of course, the vserver doesn't exist in cache. Haven't had time to run that problem down.


Thanks Dave for trying out.

The first issue that you encountered here i.e "commands with password parameters in child workflows causing parent workflow to fail in planning" is now being tracked under bug# 899641. I have copied you there.


Rearding the second issue:
In general reservations done by first child workflow in planning is visible to subsequent parts of the workflow i.e the "root volume protection" workflow should be able to get the SVM created by the first workflow as long as reservations are in place.


However, there was an issue in this area which is bug# 878092.
It would be good for you to read the bug description to confirm that you hit this specific bug.

If so, the fix for that will be available in the upcoming GA release.





Hi Shailaja,


I can confirm on WFA 3.0GA and OCUM 6.2GA that the 'null' bug you mentioned still persists when nesting workflow 'Create and configure NAS Storage Virtual Machine' in another modular workflow. The workaround you suggested of a 'dummy' password set on the 'ADAdminPassword' field still works.


Could you add/copy me on bugs 899641 (& 878092 if it is still an issue) as well?


Thank you,



Hi Joel,


You are right. The null bug (899641) is still present in 3.0GA. Its fix will be made available in a latter release.

We will ensure its public report is made available.


The other bug 88092 is already fixed in 3.0GA.



