Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

WFA 3.1P2 restrict User to execute only some workflow


Hello Team,


I'v upgrade a customer WFA from 3.0 to 3.1P2 (due to Powershell toolkit bug with ACL)

Before the upgrade i had a category associated to one operator user, with only two workflow in it.

When the associated operator logs in, he was only able to view the two associated workflow and execute them.


Now with WFA 3.1P2 with the same user and category (backup/restore my WFA 3.0 DB), when the user logs in, he see all the available workflow and can execute all of them.


Is it a bug?

How can i restrcit a user to only execute some workflow?









Login with "Prod" user credential

The restriction is not available, and my operator has access to all workflow, not only the two ones associated with its category



The User Prod can see his assigned category and workflows + ALL categories and the workflows which have not been restricted


If you what Prod to see only and ONLY his assigned category, then you would need to do some work. What?


You would need to put restriction of all your WFA categories.


WFA by default has given some bunch of categories. They can be deleted. You create a new set of your own categories, put workflows in them and assign restricted access to every single of of them.


Then and only then Prod can see only his category ( and workflows ) and nothing else.






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View solution in original post



Thanks for your mail.

We will try to reproduce the issue and get back to you.




@masson @abhit


I tried to reproduce this. WFA3.0P2 to WFA3.1P2 and I don't see any problem. My Category restrictions work totally fine.


What happened in your case? I'm not sure, it could be a user mistake. But the scanario of moving to 3.0 -> 3.1P2 doesn't lose category restrictions.



Is it a bug?


Perhaps not. On your WFA3.1P2 after restoreing the backup file. Open WFA-> Designer->Categories and see if your category has the right operators restricted.



How can i restrcit a user to only execute some workflow?


1. Mark your workflow(s) ready-for-production. This will allow them to be seen in WFA Portal

2. Create a new category and select workflows into them from available list.

3. At Bottom check the check-box "Restrict access to workflows in this catrgory to following users

   Select your operators





1. A workflow is not exclusive to a single category

2. Restricted access for a category is not madatory


This means even if you have applied category restriction(opr1,opr2) for a single category (cat1) with a bunch of workflows, and you have another catogory(cat2) having some common workflows and category restriction are not restricted for cat2. Then  opr3 can't see catgory cat1 but since he has access to cat2, he can execute those workflows.


So you need to take of this.













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Thanks sinhaa for your reply.


Your right the restore of my WFA3.0 backup inWFA3.1P2 has also restored all my category settings:

  • One category restricted to only my operator user ("Prod" user) with only two workflows in it
  • Another category restricted to another operator user ("NoLogon" user) with all the other available workflow


But without doing anything more than the restore with admin logon


Login with "Prod" user credential

The restriction is not available, and my operator has access to all workflow, not only the two ones associated with its category


I will have access to customer WFA at the end of the week.


Will try to delete my category and user and restart from scratch that part.

Will give you feedback.






Login with "Prod" user credential

The restriction is not available, and my operator has access to all workflow, not only the two ones associated with its category



The User Prod can see his assigned category and workflows + ALL categories and the workflows which have not been restricted


If you what Prod to see only and ONLY his assigned category, then you would need to do some work. What?


You would need to put restriction of all your WFA categories.


WFA by default has given some bunch of categories. They can be deleted. You create a new set of your own categories, put workflows in them and assign restricted access to every single of of them.


Then and only then Prod can see only his category ( and workflows ) and nothing else.






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You're certainly right sinhaa


I have not check all other categories available

only check that my two category was restored.


I will check and delete all other categories to restore my restriction.


Will give you feedback on Thursday.




Hello sinhaa,


You was right.


The restoration process has not only restored my restricted category, but all aohter default category not restricted.

So i've restricted all this other category to another user and now my Prod operator only see its two workflow.


Thanks again


