After ONTAP 9.10 upgrade, workflows containining the 'Create Volume' step (and possibly others) failed with the previous version test.
The problem turned out to be a typecasting issue in the Compare-Ontapversions function within the WFAWrapper PS module.
To fix, add typecastinfg to [int] the following lines in the Compare-Ontapversions function (137-138, 148-150).
Corrected code is below:
if($FirstVersion -match "^(?<major>\d+)[.](?<minor>\d+)[.](?<micro>\d+)$")
$major1 = [int]$matches.major
$minor1 = [int]$matches.minor
$micro1 = [int]$matches.micro
throw "The input FirstVersion is not in the expected format."
if($SecondVersion -match "^(?<major>\d+)[.](?<minor>\d+)[.](?<micro>\d+)$")
$major2 = [int]$matches.major
$minor2 = [int]$matches.minor
$micro2 = [int]$matches.micro