Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

WFA - cDOT 8.3 LIF & Existing Named Subnet Workaround


When using WFA 3.0 and ONTAP 8.3 I ran into an issue creating a data LIF with the standard WFA verified command to create a cDOT logical interface.  I was able to workaround the issue with an adjusted WFA command and wanted to post the information here iin case anyone else has this issue.


In this case I was attempting to use an un-used IP address from a previously defined subnet and was presented with the following error (IP address redacted but within the named subnet's /24):


11:03:32.549 ERROR  [Create logical interface] The specified address "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX" is within the address range of subnet "ontap_subnet". Specify "-force-subnet-association" to acquire the address from the named subnet and assign the subnet to the LIF.
11:03:34.421 ERROR  [Create logical interface] Command failed for Workflow 'Create and configure NAS Storage Virtual Machine' with error : The specified address "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX" is within the address range of subnet "ontap_subnet". Specify "-force-subnet-association" to acquire the address from the named subnet and assign the subnet to the LIF.


To get around this I cloned the command 'Create logical interface' and changed a portion of the code to add on an additional argument if the system being worked on is ONTAP 8.3.  Some of this code was already present for the routing group(pre-8.3) and routes(8.3) portion and was simply placed higher in the body.



$OntapVersionInfo = Get-NcSystemVersionInfo
$OntapVersionString = $OntapVersionInfo.VersionTuple.ToString()
$OntapVersionComparedTo830 = Compare-OntapVersions $OntapVersionString "8.3.0";

# WFA version 3.0.0, as of 4/6/2015, won't let you create a LIF on an 8.3 system using an address in a previously defined subnet
# This does a quick check of ONTAP version at 8.3 and add's the argument of '-force-subnet-association' to properly assign the address 
#   from the subnet & create the LIF.
if ($OntapVersionComparedTo830 -lt 0)
    Get-WFALogger -Info -message $("Creating logical interface  '" + $LogicalInterfaceName + "' on Storage Virtual Machine '"+ $VserverName + "' using command : " + $expression)
    Invoke-Expression $expression -ErrorAction stop
    $expression = $expression + " -ForceSubnetAssociation "
    Get-WFALogger -Info -message $("Creating logical interface  '" + $LogicalInterfaceName + "' on Storage Virtual Machine '"+ $VserverName + "' using command : " + $expression)
    Invoke-Expression $expression -ErrorAction stop


Attached is the full exported command from WFA in .dar format.


If anyone else has a better suggestion to this issue, whether its better coding (the code adjustment was done on the fly) or a different workaround in the verified WFA commands, please let me know.  If there are any potential issues with this adjustment that information would also be helpful.




Thanks for pointing out the issue and also providing the workaround. WFA team will look into it and see if this needs fix in the product.




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Thanks for pointing out the issue and also providing the workaround. WFA team will look into it and see if this needs fix in the product.




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