Hello all,
I am happy to announce that Release 0.8 of the Workflow Automation platform (WFA) is currently available.
Release 0.8 builds upon release 0.7 and offers:
- Additional commands
- Enhanced caching model
- Additional certified content "out-of-the-box"
- Additional web service for workflow interrogation after execution
Version download
License file
Will be supplied on demand. Please contact me for a license if you haven't got one already.
The following documents were updated and are available at the Workflow Automation community document section
(At http://communities.netapp.com/community/interfaces_and_tools/wfa?view=documents😞
- System requirements -
- Installation document (ver 1.3)
- Web services primer (ver 1.4)
- Support and Troubleshooting guide (ver 1.1) - Contains many useful bits of information
Configuration Backup file
Please find attached configuration backup file that includes some additional finders and a sample scenario. All these and much more will be included
in the certified content to be released as part of release 1.0 early next month.
We appreciate your opinion and feedback - Feel free to get in touch on any topic.
See you soon at release 1.0!
Best regards,
Yaron Haimsohn Kevin D. Hill
Workflow Automation team