Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

WFA release 1.0.2 - Currently available !


Hello all,

I am happy to announce that version 1.0.2 of the Workflow Automation platform (WFA) is currently available.

Release 1.0.2 is a content release over 1.0/1.0.1 that adds lots of certified content (New commands, additional

finders and filters, additional functions) as well as fixes various issues with the content of previous releases.

This release has an automated upgrade path from both 1.0 and 1.0.1, so we will do the heavy lifting for you.

You can backup your previous version database and restore it in 1.0.2 (Don't forget to remove the older release first).

Don't forget - Mark the "Upgrade certified content" while restoring in order to enjoy the full benefit of all the new content.

Version download

Release notes

See attached

License file

Will be supplied on demand. Please contact me for a license if you haven't got one already.


From 1.0 onwards we have included an extensive "Online help" feature (Can be found at the "Help" top menu bar).

It is automatically generated when requested, and will document all commands and other building blocks in the release.

Before installation, please review the updated documentation in this community:

  • Installation document (ver 1.4)
  • Web services primer (ver 1.5)
  • Support and Troubleshooting guide (ver 1.3) - In review , Available soon


A recording of 1.0/1.0.1 review session was uploaded to the communities. Please watch it to see what changed from previous

versions. We are now planning a Web Based Training of WFA - To be available in H1CY12.

We appreciate your opinion and feedback - Feel free to get in touch on any topic.

Best regards,

Yaron Haimsohn

Workflow Automation team



Do we have a set procedure to upgrade the WFA server whilst preserving the existing Workflows / Custom Content;

I upgraded to 1.0.2 (deinstall/reinstall) and then found that my content isn't available;  If reimport my workflow DAR file WFA produced an error (Dar manifest does not contain a dar-version property) - this dar file was created with 1.0.1 and trying to import with 1.0.2

If I perform a backup/restore - that works - but my new 1.0.2 content is completely erased (cache tables for vc etc etc)


Dekel pointed me to the Backup/Restore procedure that is documented in the Install and Admin Guide;

Not sure what happened with my initial upgrade but after performing:

Deinstall of 1.0.1

Reinstall of 1.0.2

Restore of my original database

My content has now been successfully upgraded and my existing workflows preserved (Thanks Dekel)


1.0.2 release latest was archived here
