Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

dfm report customization


There's an existing report in DFM, srm-hist-users, that I'd like to create a customized version of.  When I look at the specifics of the report....

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>dfm report view srm-hist-users help
SRM File Owners Report (srm-hist-users)
Shows an owner histogram of files in an SRM path.

         ownerName            Name
         cumFrequency         Count
         cumTotalBytes        Bytes Used

Default sort order is -cumTotalBytes.

Yet if I try to create a custom report I must put in a catalog field, which there is none in the existing report.  Also some of these fields aren't available for creating custom reports in the web gui.

Any ideas on how I can create customized reports based on (or copies of) existing reports ?




Hi Andy,

I checked this out by myself (and confirmed with the engg team). Unfortunately, this seems to be a limitation.

The report "dfm-hist-users" is an internal report and cannot be used in custom reports (custom report catalogs).

However, we can go with some custom scripts to circumvent this problem.

Thanks and Regards

Shiva Raja


Specifically I'd like use the grouping feature to put a bunch of directories of interest into a single group and then use FSRM to report (for the entire group):

The total file and disk usage for each top level directory

The person with the highest GB in the directory

The person with the most files in the directory

This would be a hybrid of the CLI reports srm-directories-largest and srm-hist-users reports, plus the data that's already available in the current FSRM reports.

Any ideas on how to combine these pieces of information into a single report?




You can add SRM Paths to resource groups in Operations Manager. But there is no way to get all the data in a single report/page.

The following reports (with options to list only one row and sort on the required column when required), will give you all the data you need.

You can either take the output in csv or perl output format to convert it to a pretty page in a script.

[root@agentsmith ~]# dfm group list
ID   Group Name                               Group Type     Group Status
---- ---------------------------------------- -------------- -------------
1985 BLR                                      Host           Error       
1986 SVL                                      SRM Path       Warning  

The total file and disk usage for each top level directory:

[root@agentsmith ~]# dfm report view srm-paths svl
Object ID Path      Host     Total KBytes Total Files Last Walk Time Mapped To
--------- --------- -------- ------------ ----------- -------------- ---------
2445      /mnt/sdd2 mandrake       273841         103 03 Feb 07:38   N/A     
2437      /opt      mandrake     25268541       24724 03 Feb 07:05   N/A     
2444      /proc     mandrake       917524        4931 03 Feb 07:38   N/A     
2443      /rpai     mandrake            2           3 03 Feb 07:26   N/A     
2438      /tmp      mandrake          294          18 03 Feb 07:05   N/A     

The largest file in the directory (run the report for each srm path id above)

[root@agentsmith ~]# dfm report view -l 1 srm-files-largest 2445
Path               File Name Owner File Size Create Time       Access Time       Modification Time
------------------ --------- ----- --------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
mandrake:/mnt/sdd2 dfm       root  122743188 08 Jan 2009 07:22 08 Jan 2009 07:22 08 Jan 2009 07:22
Totals                             263478131 08 Jan 2009 07:22 08 Jan 2009 07:22 08 Jan 2009 07:22

[root@agentsmith ~]# dfm report view -l 1 srm-files-largest 2437
Path          File Name                                              Owner File Size   Create Time       Access Time       Modification Time
------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ----- ----------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
mandrake:/opt NTAPdfm-2008080503461217888176/log/core-20080804171434 root   1233563648 04 Aug 2008 17:14 04 Aug 2008 17:34 04 Aug 2008 17:14
Totals                                                                     10271191040 21 Sep 2008 13:19 22 Sep 2008 06:52 21 Sep 2008 13:19

The person with the highest GB in the directory

[root@agentsmith ~]# dfm report view -l 1 srm-hist-users 2445
Name Count Bytes Used
---- ----- ----------
root   103  280413567

[root@agentsmith ~]# dfm report view -l 1 srm-hist-users 2437
Name Count Bytes Used
---- ----- -----------
root 24702 25874041106

The person with the most files in the directory

[root@agentsmith ~]# dfm report view -l 1 -s -cumFrequency srm-hist-users 2437
Name Count Bytes Used
---- ----- -----------
root 24702 25874041106

[root@agentsmith ~]# dfm report view -l 1 -s -cumFrequency srm-hist-users 2445
Name Count Bytes Used
---- ----- ----------
root   103  280413567


