Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
my customer is asking to create the auto generate snapmirror report from clustered netapp storage which is connected with number vservers. once in a day i should get mail along with vservers details and snapmirror replication sizes.
anyone can guide me to setup the report
I think we can configure report via DFM..
Thanks for reply. Can you just tell me the procedure to create?
reached Dp. Thanks
George, how often are the snapmirror relationships updated in your environment, hourly/daily/synchronously?
I did look around in Ops Manager and DFM, but I too am having trouble finding a report built into those applications for this type of data. If you are familiar and comfortable with Powershell and the Dataontap module, I could possibly provide a solution.
I suggest you review powershell, Make's life easy
JGPSHNTAP, I'm with you on that, all my reporting is done using powershell now. Extremely valuable.
George, to get you started, below is a quick example of how to get your last transfer size using powershell. This will work assuming your snapmirrors are updated daily. In the event you have an hourly update schedule, things get a little tougher to handle but can be accomplished using scheduled snapshots on the volumes along with a little math and date comparisons.
Import-Module dataontap
$toEmail = ""
$vol=DESTINATIONVOLUME #at this point, you can also create a loop to run through all your destination volumes if you have a larger pool of snapmirrors
$toEmail = $toEmail + $vol + " - " (get-nasnapmirror $vol).LastTransferSize + "`n" #This command will write the name of the volume along with the last transfer size in bytes, feel free to do some math to this number to make it more readable
Once you have completed building your $toEmail variable with all the volumes you would like to measure, you can send an email off using send-mailmessage like below:
Send-MailMessage -From "ALIASEMAILADDRESS@DOMAIN.COM" -To "RECIPIENT@DOMAIN.COM -subject "Daily Snapmirror replication size report" -body $toEmail -smtpServer IP_ADDRESS_OF_SMTPSERVER
OCUM/DFM, 5.x though it support clusterMode, doesnt support monitoring or discovery of Storage Efficency and Data Protection related things.
All of these are availabe in OCUM 6.0 which is clustermode only, which can be exported.