This is what I did:
Eclipse BIRT DB connection to NetApp DFM 5.2
Locate the SQL Anywhere jdbc connector drivers (jconn2.jar, jconn3.jar, jodbc.jar) on the DFM server
i.e. D:\Program Files (x86)\NetApp\DataFabric Manager\DFM\misc\dbconn
copy the folder and drivers to the Eclipse BIRT server i.e. \\BirtSrvr\c$\DFM 5.2 java db connector
Open Eclipse BIRT console and create a new project, report, and define a data source
JDBC Data Source
Manage Drivers
Add the jconn2.jar driver from C:\DFM 5.2 java db connector\
Define the connection
Driver Class: com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDriver (v5.5)
Database URL: (specify the IP of the DFM DB)
User Name: specify an account that has read access to the DFM DB
Password: xxxxxxx
The jconn2.jar also needs to be copied to the following location to display reports in the Apache Tomcat BIRT Reporting runtime
i.e C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\webapps\birt-viewer\WEB-INF\lib
restart the Apache Tomcat service
hope this helps