Hi Barnabe,
I am not sure if this is available in dfm CLI. As a workaround, once the filer is added to DFM server, you could use the following code in linux to modify the retention period on all counters:
for i in `dfm perf data list -o <HostName> | awk '{if(NR>2)print $1}'`; do dfm perf data modify -f -G $i -o <HostName> -r "<RetentionPeriod>"; done;
All you need to do is replace the occurrences of <HostName> & <RetentionPeriod> with your hostname and desired retention period.
Retention Period can be specified as x seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks as in the example below.
[root@vmlnx6U4 ~]# for i in `dfm perf data list -o mpo-vsim11 | awk '{if(NR>2)print $1}'`; do dfm perf data modify -f -G $i -o mpo-vsim11 -r "3 days"; done;
Successfully modified the data collection parameters for the counter group.
Successfully modified the data collection parameters for the counter group.
Successfully modified the data collection parameters for the counter group.
Please let me know if this works for you.
Best Regards,