During workflow execution I get the following error. Although execution fails the vfiler is created successfully. I assume it has something to do with the alias creation on the interface. I used the same command in another workflow where the interface had no ip adress before and that worked. Any ideas how to solve this? Thanks in advance
10:06:55.223 INFO [Create and configure Vfiler] ### Command 'Create and configure Vfiler' ###
10:06:56.598 INFO [Create and configure Vfiler] Executing command: ./Create_and_configure_Vfiler5378893620992433722.ps1 -AdminHostIpAddress -Array -CifsSupported $true -DnsDomainName v998dpv1.v998.intern -DnsServers @('','','') -FtpSupported $false -HttpSupported $false -IpAddressBindings @('') -IpSpace its -IscsiSupported $false -NfsSupported $false -RshSupported $false -SshSupported $true -Storage @('v998spnvv1999gl','g999_filelight_001','/vol/gmc002_cifs_audit/g999l') -VfilerName v998spnvv1999gl
10:06:56.832 INFO [Create and configure Vfiler] Get-NaCredentials -Host
10:06:56.926 INFO [Create and configure Vfiler] Connect-NaController (with credentials) -Name
10:06:58.895 INFO [Create and configure Vfiler] Connected to controller
10:06:58.973 INFO [Create and configure Vfiler] Creating vFiler: name: v998spnvv1999gl, IP addresses:, storage: v998spnvv1999gl g999_filelight_001 /vol/gmc002_cifs_audit/g999l, IP space: its
10:07:00.988 INFO [Create and configure Vfiler] IPspace its already present in the array
10:07:01.020 INFO [Create and configure Vfiler] Assigning interfaces vif3-231 to IPspace its
10:07:02.004 INFO [Create and configure Vfiler] Creating new vfiler v998spnvv1999gl
10:07:05.145 INFO [Create and configure Vfiler] Setting vfiler Address Interface vif3-231 Netmask
10:07:06.395 INFO [Create and configure Vfiler] Setting up vfiler DNS
10:07:06.957 INFO [Create and configure Vfiler] Setting vfiler AdminHost Address
10:07:07.582 INFO [Create and configure Vfiler] Setting up vfiler password
10:07:08.379 INFO [Create and configure Vfiler] Disabling protocols : nfs iscsi http ftp rsh
10:07:10.535 ERROR [Create and configure Vfiler] Interface list assignment was only partially successful
On the system the vfiler looks loke this
ipspace: its
IP address: [vif3-231]
Path: /vol/v998spnvv1999gl [/etc]
Path: /vol/g999_filelight_001
Path: /vol/gmc002_cifs_audit/g999l
UUID: e142d6c8-bd0f-11e1-97e9-00a0980f5a50
So everything fine actually