Hi guys,
When I utilize the OCUM api via https://<ocum ip>/rest/clusters/<cluster id>/volumes?dateTimeRange=LAST_1h&sort=latency~dsc&limit=1 i get:
"metricValue": 25.176199
When checking in OCUM via url https://<ocum ip>/volumes/<volume id>/explorer the latency chart shows
and finally if i log into our netapp appliance and run the command
statistics volume show -volume <volume> -vserver <vserver>
i get the return
*Total Read Write Other
Read Write Latency
Volume Vserver Ops Ops Ops Ops (Bps) (Bps) (us)
------ ---------- ------ ---- ----- ----- ----- ------ -------
<volume> <vserver> 13 0 6 6 0 186841 43582
as you can see these numbers are each wildly different...
I'm assuming the reason why the api is different has to deal with the dateTimeRange=LAST_1h but i can't find any documentation on another possible option.
I'm assuming the value we should take as the source of truth is the netapp appliance itself;
Can anyone let me know of a method to get all three of these sources to show accurate information?