Cloud Volumes ONTAP

Cloud ONTAP Support Chat Example - Great stuff!




i thought I'd share this Cloud ONTAP Support Chat session as an excellent example of how you can engage support as well as being able to take advantage of the online Chat support!


To start your own Cloud ONTAP or Cloud Manager Support Chat session, please go to and click on "Technical Support"






Full Name: Customer


What product are you inquiring about? NetApp Cloud ONTAP 


What can we help you with today? Product Issues 


Question: If you have an existing NetApp Cloud ONTAP support case, what is your support case number? cant launc cloud ontap explore instance from cloud manager 




  Paul Wed, 12/03/14 06:21:50 pm America/New_York 


Hello Customer. How may I help you?




  Customer 06:22:06 pm 


hey paul




  Paul 06:22:35 pm 


Hey, how are you today?




  Customer 06:22:51 pm 


i am good what about yourself




  Paul 06:23:21 pm 


I am good. How can I help you today?




  Customer 06:23:41 pm 


i cant launch a cloud ontap instance through cloud manager




  Paul 06:24:10 pm 


What kind of error are you seeing?




  Customer 06:24:38 pm 


at the end of my deployment post the 25 min wait screen i get a message failed to roll back




  Paul 06:26:45 pm 


When you view the details, where is it failing? Does it provide a specific error?




  Customer 06:27:44 pm 


ClusterMgmtDataNetwork, NodeMgmtNetwork]. API: ec2:DeleteNetworkInterface

trying to redo it now

i am at the screen where it says it will tale up to 25 mins to deploy




  Paul 06:30:33 pm 


From there, you should be able to view the details. This will provide a dynamic view of what OCCM is doing.




  Customer 06:31:10 pm 



Failed The following resource(s) failed to create: [NodeMgmtNetwork, ClusterMgmtDataNetwork]. API: ec2:ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute You are not authorized to perform this operation.API: ec2:ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute You are not authorized to perform this operation.

this is the message it get 




  Paul 06:32:48 pm 


It looks like you might not have the appropriate rights in AWS.




  Customer 06:33:16 pm 


i just deployed the cloud manager using aws machine image

it went through without any issues




  Paul 06:34:24 pm 


Give me a moment to look into the error a bit more.




  Customer 06:36:20 pm 


just fyi, the first time i tried it created the support machine image which is still running




  Paul 06:37:11 pm 


The support machine image will be created automatically as part of the Cloud ONTAP deployment. It only occurs the first time.




  Customer 06:38:41 pm 


yes i understand , if i have a permission issue that should have also failed.Just a thought




  Paul 06:39:21 pm 


Do you know what policy is applied to your user in IAM? Do you have Power User Access?




  Customer 06:40:07 pm 


let me check that

having some challenges please give me anitehr 2 mins




  Paul 06:45:51 pm 


ok. Let me know.




  Customer 06:49:07 pm 


seems to me its part of admin group

oops mybad it was not

i just added it now and i am trying it again

few more mins and i will let you know




  Paul 06:50:32 pm 


Ok. let's see if it works better this time.




  Customer 06:56:49 pm 


no erros so far

i can see its spinniing up a instance




  Paul 06:57:49 pm 


That is good news.




  Customer 06:58:24 pm 


if i want to delete it later can i just delete the working environment or should i manually delete the machine image




  Paul 07:00:17 pm 


You should always perform the delete from OCCM to make sure that all of the resources are cleaned up appropriately. You can also add storage from OCCM.




  Customer 07:03:52 pm 


u there?




Paul 07:03:57 pm 






  Customer 07:04:08 pm 


just checking :0


cool it worked




  Paul 07:07:52 pm 


I am glad to hear it.

Do you have any other questions?




  Customer 07:08:11 pm 


how do i clean up after testing




  Paul 07:10:26 pm 


When you click on the working environment, you will see a page that shows information on the Cloud ONTAP Storage instance. Near the top, just below the Working Environments tab, you should see a couple of icons.

One is a small Search icon and the other is a trash bin icon. The trash bin is used to delete the working environment.

It will ask you to confirm that you want to delete the working environment.




  Customer 07:12:34 pm 






  Paul 07:12:34 pm 


Once you click the checkbox to indicate that you understand that the instance and all associated resources will be delete, you click delete. This will delete the Cloud ONTAP instance and all of its resources.




  Customer 07:12:47 pm 



thank you paul




  Paul 07:14:06 pm 


I am happy that we were able to help resolve this issue for you. Please let us know if you require any further assistance or encounter additional issues. Thank you for being a NetApp customer, we truly appreciate your business.




  Customer 07:14:43 pm 


thank u




Customer left the chat.07:15:29 pm 




Duration: 53m 39s



Chat has been opened from website:






