Cloud Volumes ONTAP

Microsoft Azure CVO configuration Multiple availability zone


Hi All,


Does CVO HA deployment in different(multiple) availability zone configuration supported in Microsoft Azure platform? The referred NetApp cloud documentation includes only configuration availability only within one availability zone/Zone sets.

In general on-premise HA nodes sits in same datacenter and having Azure proximity placement groups the nodes can be configured in same AZ and nearest POD to avoid latencies ,but want to cross check whether CVO HA nodes can span across multiple datacenters (AZ's) or not.

If its not supported then how zone how we can achieve redundancy.


In AWS we can deploy CVO HA in different availability zones ,each one and mediator node in different zones.


Thanks in Advance.





I submitted a reply but not sure why its not updated.


I previously gone through this articles and missed HA part. I have one question related to the same topic.


1. Does cloud manager automatically choose the  availability zone(zone1,2,3) in Azure while building the HA pair . In my case its not choosing the HA availability zone and its creating the scale set(Fault domain and update domain) only within the same zone. 

2. How cloud manager choose the availability zones for HA redundancy and do we need to modify the API request(json file to choose manually the zones or based on our subscription will it choose automatically)


My question is more on choosing the other Zone 1/2/3 part of HA pair build. Not sure whether any subscription or capacity limitations causing cloud manager to choose only one zone and if that is the case where can we see that from cloud manager. 

