Data Protection

KVM plugin and VMs on iSCSI



i try to use SnapCreator 4.0 with the KVM plugin on cOT 8.2.

I've created Linux VM on iSCSI Luns

The Linux Host Utility kit is installed on my server and I can see the mapped luns with 3 paths for each Luns :

On : "lun_dgfip_iscsi_31" I've created a linux partition and a file system with mkfs.ext4

On : "lun_dgfip_iscsi_32" I've just created a linux partition without  file system

I've modify the kvm.conf :


But SnapCreator can't discover them  :

Any idea ?

Thanks in advance





Hello Nicolas,

Discover operation should auto detect your kvm mappings.

1) Is Vserver_SAN name resolvable by the snapcreator - this is a must

2) KVM_VM_MAPPING=auto:detect:detect (this param will be updated dynamically during discovery process)

The syntax is KVM_VM_MAPPING=vm1:filer1:/vol/vol1/lun1

So, looking at your output, I see a : (colon) missing.


Please let me know if this helps.



Before Thanks for your help.

I've done the corrections in the kvm.conf file but i've still the error



Hello Nicolas,

Please double check the information below.  (This is taken out of Installation and Administration Guide).

By any means, does your setup fall under unsupported configuration?

Supported KVM configurations

• NAS: Supports guest virtual machines installed on NFS volumes.

• SAN: Supports guest virtual machines installed on a raw multipath device (LUN with multiple paths).

Note: Configurations with multiple virtual machines installed on a single multipath device are not supported.

Guest virtual machines installed on LVM or on an image file in the SAN environment are not supported.

Red Hat KVM plug-in

Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) is a virtualization solution for the Linux kernel.

Snap Creator uses the KVM plug-in to backup and restore the guest virtual machines.

The plug-in internally uses virsh commands.

The KVM plug-in supports guest operating systems such as Linux, Windows, and Solaris.

You must consider the following when you use the KVM plug-in:

• OnCommand Unified Manager server as a proxy is not supported.

• The actions mount, unmount, backup operation using Open Systems SnapVault, and archive log

management are not supported.

• In a storage area network environment, the Linux Host Utilities (LHU) kit is required to collect information about LUNs and volumes from the storage controller.

The LHU kit should be installed on a KVM hypervisor, which is a Snap Creator Agent.

Note: If the LHU kit is not installed and the configuration is a mix of network attached storage and storage are network environments, then the backup and restore operations work only on a Network File System (NFS).

• The KVM plug-in supports only the Linux version of the Snap Creator 4.0.0 Agent.

• Volume restore is not supported; only application-defined restores are supported.

• The deleted virtual machines cannot be restored.

• The storage controller IPs and host should be either in /etc/hosts on the KVM host or in a Domain Name System (DNS).

• Only one KVM host per configuration is supported.

• If a virtual machine is created by using an iso repository, then to perform any action, you should disconnect this repository from the virtual machine through the Virt Manager console in CDROM options.

• The SC_AGENT_TIMEOUT value should be more than the default value.

You should set the value to 600 or higher.

• The volumes are automatically discovered by using autodetect.

You cannot see the discovered destination volumes if it is not in a SnapMirror relationship.

You should use dpstatus to check the status of the SnapMirror relationship.

If a SnapMirror relationship does not exist, you must first create the SnapMirror relationship.

• If the value of APP_DEFINED_RESTORE is Y, then the SnapVault restore operation by using the GUI is not supported.

While creating a SnapMirror and SnapVault configuration by using the GUI, the volume details must be entered manually because the SnapMirror and SnapVault relationship is not detected automatically.

Siva Ramanathan
