Data Backup and Recovery
Data Backup and Recovery
Is there a limit on how many concurrent jobs that can be run in Snap Creator 4.1, on Windows server?
Yes - The Snap Creator 4.1 scheduler can handle up to 10 concurrent jobs.
Additional jobs are queued until a running job completes.
Hope this helps!
How long are the jobs on queue, is there a timeout value?
There is no timeout today. The jobs are in queue until they execute.
They are stored in the database, so the jobs will persist in the queue even if the Snap Creator Server is restarted.
We have a RFE open to add a list of pending jobs and allow those jobs to be individually cancelled if desired.
Thank you!
One more question.
Must also the snapvault be
completed before a queued job can
start? We have set SnapVault update to no and lets
Protection Manager handle the snapvault.
If the SnapVault update is set to NO, then SC will only update the new snapshot (backup version create) and PM will handle the rest via its own policies.
If you are using an on-demand update of the dataset, then the backup job will wait until the snapvault transfer is completed.
sorry for digging this up after a year. Is there any possibility to raise the 10 concurrent jobs limit?
We have a lot of daily backups running at midnight and have the problem that some wait until after 01:00 due to max 10 jobs running at the same time.
Our issue is that at 01:00 the next round of hourly snapshots already start running and if for a config the 01:00 schedule starts already running the daily one will fail because it needed to wait so long.
Daily ones have SnapVaults included, hourly ones not, so it would be better to have the hourly fail instead of the daily.