Thanks John Spinks
- I have taken your advice using Snapshot create command (without External_snap) and Snap Creator is now handling the primary retention policy. Also, realized that I don’t require using external snapshot in this case as SnapDrive created snapshot integrates with Protection Manager dataset using SCF anyway.
########## Checking Protection Manager dataset mm-dfm ##########
[2014-04-01 12:47:26,916] DEBUG: <dataset-modify>
########## Running Snapshot copy Delete on Primary ##########
[2014-04-01 12:50:40,465] INFO: STORAGE-02013: Removing Snapshot copy [backup-daily_20140401120349] on volume [testvol]
[2014-04-01 12:50:40,465] DEBUG: <snapshot-delete>
[2014-04-01 12:50:40,465] INFO: STORAGE-02014: Removing Snapshot copy [backup-daily_20140401120349] on volume [testvol] finished successfully.
[2014-04-01 12:50:40,470] INFO: Application not defined. Skipping cleanup task