Data Protection
Data Protection
I have a few systems in the environment that runs more than one instance of the Sybase, I couldn't find a way of setting SC configs (server and agent) without running multiple agents (on separate ports) on single host. Is there a way to set up both server profile/config and agent so single agent per host can manipulate with multiple Sybase instance (different SYBASE environments )
single host - bd4db01, there are 2 instances - BD4 and BV4.
BD4 -- SYBASE=/sybase/BD4
BV4 -- SYBASE=/sybase/BV4
.. sort of always had the question why we need to specify this variable in both agent.conf and SC server's Sybase plug-in configuration? not to mention before starting agent on the host this environment variable already has to be set in the shell from which agent is started.
If someone has a solution I'll be gratefull.
Solved! See The Solution
you need the UNIX username as well in the config file.
Once you add the UNIX username this error should go away.
# Plug-In Parameter #
SYBASE_USER=bd4unixuserid (example)
Hello Vlad,
Please let me know if the below config files help.
1) Run the Snap Creator agent as root user
2) Unix User BD4 and BV4 with associated shell profiles
3) 2 different config files from Snap Creator perspective (example BD4.conf and BV4.conf)
4) In BD4.conf
SYBASE_SERVER=BD4 (instance name)
SYBASE_USER=BD4 (available in UNIX only)
SYBASE_DATABASES=DB1:USER:PASSWORD (refer syntax below for +ALL)
5) In BV4.conf
SYBASE_SERVER=BV4 (instance name)
SYBASE_USER=BV4 (available in UNIX only)
SYBASE_DATABASES=DB1:USER:PASSWORD (refer syntax below for +ALL)
#################All Options available in SYBASE plugin ##############
- SYBASE_SERVER the sybase dataserver name (-S option on isql)
example: SYBASE_SERVER=p_test
- SYBASE_DATABASES the list of databases within the instance to backup. Format is
"DB1:USER:PASSWD;DB2:USER:PASSWD" The master database is added as a matter of course. If a database
called "+ALL" is used then database autodiscovery will be used and excludes the sybsyntax,
sybsystemdb, sybsystemprocs and tempdb databases. The password are used are passwd to isql as -P.
encrypted passwords are supported if NTAP_PWD_PROTECTION is set.
example: SYBASE_DATABASES=DBAtest2:sa/53616c7465645f5f76881b465ca8ce3745c239b60e04351e
example: SYBASE_DATABASES=+ALL:sa/53616c7465645f5f76881b465ca8ce3745c239b60e04351e
- SYBASE_DATABASES_EXCLUDE allows databases to be excluded if the +ALL construct is used use ';'
to allow multiple databases to be used.
example: SYBASE_DATABASES_EXCLUDE=pubs2;test_db1.
- SYBASE_TRAN_DUMP allows post snapshot sybase transaction dump to be performed. Each database
requiring a txn dump needs to be specified. Format is "DB1:PATH;DB2:PATH" where path is a
example: SYBASE_TRAN_DUMP=pubs2:/sybasedumps/pubs2
- SYBASE_TRAN_DUMP_FORMAT Allows the dump naming convention to use specified to match site
specific formats. Three "keys" can be specified, %S = Instance name from SYBASE_SERVER
%D is database from SYBASE_DATABASES and %T is a unique timestamp. Default format is %S_%D_%T.cmn
- SYBASE_TRAN_DUMP_COMPRESS Allows native sybase transaction dump compression to be enabled.
- SYBASE_ISQL_CMD defines the path to the "isql" command to use.
example: SYBASE_ISQL_CMD=/opt/sybase/OCS-15_0/bin/isql
- SYBASE the location of the sybase install
example: SYBASE=/sybase
- SYBASE_LOGDIR defines the directory where snap creator logs will be placed
example: SYBASE_LOGDIR=/usr/local/ntap/scServerX.X.X/logs
- SYBASE_MANIFEST allows those databases where a manifest file should be created and the location
where they should be placed. Needed for database mount to be supported.
example: SYBASE_MANIFEST=DBAtest2:/t_inf_nzl_devs/
- SYBASE_MANIFEST_FORMAT Allows the manifest naming convention to use specified to match site
specific formats. Three "keys" can be specified, %S = Instance name from SYBASE_SERVER
%D is database from SYBASE_DATABASES and %T is a unique timestamp which is the same as used for
snapshot naming. Default format is %S_%D_%T.manifest
example: SYBASE_MANIFEST_FORMAT=%S_%D_%T.manifest
- SYBASE_MANIFEST_DELETE allows the manifest to be deleted once the snapshot has been performed. The
manifest file should be captured within the snapshot so it is always available with the backup.
sounds promissing..
just have to follow up questions.
the conf files (BV4.conf and BD4.conf) would need to be created on agent (would guess there) or server side? it's name is a match for UNIX user name or Sybase intance? (in my environment these are 2 different things -- BD4 owned by sybbd4 and BV4 by sybbv4 but the SYBASE_USER is in fact doesn't match UNIX user account )
thank you.
Config files are always kept in Snap Creator server.
You can name the config files anything that you want.
Most customers name it by the application that they can recognize easily.
I would go with your Sybase instance name for your config file. (as it is easy to remember whether you have a backup of that sybase instance and the associated databases).
if I do remove in agent.conf filer SYBASE* environment variables and start agent on host from root without setting up SYBASE* environment variable the 'backup" fails with error stating it couldn't find sybase home..
(] SCF-00037: Application quiesce for plugin [sybase] failed with error [
The context allocation routine failed when it tried to load localization files!!
One or more following problems may caused the failure
Cannot access the sybase home directory, please check environment variable SYBASE or ~sybase] and exit code [1], Exiting!
the SYBASE environment variable is set in to profile/config file on SC server ..
# Plug-In Parameter #
What I'm doing wrong?
you need the UNIX username as well in the config file.
Once you add the UNIX username this error should go away.
# Plug-In Parameter #
SYBASE_USER=bd4unixuserid (example)
thank you.. that did it ..:)
Awesome Vlad.