Hi ,
SnapManager 5.1 supports the new SnapManager command-line functionality called cmdlet, through SnapManager PowerShell.
This SnapManager commandline interface enables you to execute the following operations:
◆ new-backup
◆ verify-backup
◆ restore-backup
◆ get-backup
◆ delete-backup
◆ clone-database
◆ clone-backup
◆ delete-clone
◆ import-config
◆ export-config
Also make sure to Enter the command get-executionpolicy in PowerShell.
If the policy displayed is “Allsigned” or “Restricted”, enter any of the following commands:
set-executionpolicy unrestricted
set-executionpolicy remotesigned
Add-PSSnapin NetApp.SnapManager.SQL.PS.Admin -ErrorAction silentlycontinue can be specified in the script.