I'm currently creating a design for a very large sharepoint environment.
There seems to be very little documentation for large designs.
I know already this :
- system db's - data + logs : separate lun | separate volume (lun 1 | vol 1)
- temp db's : separate luns for each tempdb | luns can share same volume (lun 2,3 | vol 2)
- Non-content db's - data : separate lun | separate volume (lun 4 | vol 3)
- Non-content db's - logs : separate lun | separate volume (lun 5 | vol 4)
But for the content db's, it becomes more complicated :
The limit is 200GB, including blobs (regardless if they are remote or local)
Assume were are using Remote Blobs (RBS)
Assume the metadata/blob ratio = 20% / 80%
=> content db's can only be 40GB (with 160GB blobs)
Assume I have to size a 20TB sharepoint , I would have 4TB databases and 16TB blobs.
The 4 TB databases would be split up in 100 x 40GB content databases. (lun 6 - lun 105 | vol 5 - vol 104)
Asume 25% logs => 100 x 10GB logs (lun 106 - 205 | vol 105 - vol 204)
If I put each 40GB content database in its own lun within its own volume and I do the same for the logs, I would create 200 volumes.
If I was to have this environment in acceptance & in production, this is 400 volumes, coming very close to the 500 volume limit.
What would be the recommendation ? place multiple luns in 1 volume ? Or place multiple db's in 1 lun ?
What about the 16TB cifs share for the blobs ? Will this become a large file count issue ?
Thanks for any help.