Data Protection
Data Protection
Hi All,
I am trying to configure snap creator for my SAP systems and stuck up at the pre and post scripts , Can anybody help with this i am using Snap Creator 4.0
Solved! See The Solution
Wll inside the config file you will see PRE_* and POST_* commands. If you want to run commands on server you set SERVER: <cmd> and if you want to run commands on agent you set AGENT: <cmd>.
For example run command "echo test" on server as post ntap command:
on agent
POST_NTAP_CMD01=AGENT: echo test
If you are running commands on agent you also need to edit the scAgent4.0.0/etc/agent.conf file and add permission to execute commands:
command: * - this will allow all commands, not so secure
command: echo test - this will allow the echo test command
You can have multiple commands each specified using command: <cmd>
The only other thing is set all PRE_* and POST_* commands to "echo test" to see where they run within workflow, then you can decide which ones work best for what you are trying to do.
This is documented in IAG (admin guide) and requires playing around with so make sure you have the time to get into this. Most of all have patience and experiement
Good luck!
Sure what issues are you having? Maybe send config file and logs with an error?
Hi Keith,
Yes you are the right person to deal with Snap Creator , Sorry what i mean issue is i don't know how to use the PRE and POST scripts in fact i don't know where i will be able get those and how to integrate them with Snap Creator so that my snap creator will work. Please can help me as i never did this before.
Wll inside the config file you will see PRE_* and POST_* commands. If you want to run commands on server you set SERVER: <cmd> and if you want to run commands on agent you set AGENT: <cmd>.
For example run command "echo test" on server as post ntap command:
on agent
POST_NTAP_CMD01=AGENT: echo test
If you are running commands on agent you also need to edit the scAgent4.0.0/etc/agent.conf file and add permission to execute commands:
command: * - this will allow all commands, not so secure
command: echo test - this will allow the echo test command
You can have multiple commands each specified using command: <cmd>
The only other thing is set all PRE_* and POST_* commands to "echo test" to see where they run within workflow, then you can decide which ones work best for what you are trying to do.
This is documented in IAG (admin guide) and requires playing around with so make sure you have the time to get into this. Most of all have patience and experiement
Good luck!
Yuppp,and you are the author of the Script Thanks a lot for your instructions.
And once i set the above parameters then i can configure everything from GUI right ?? Or only scripts can do the work ??
You cant set pre/post cmds through GUI directly. You can edit config file directly via VI or you can download config through GUI, update config locally, and the upload config and write over it.
How about Agent and Plugins is there any difference else once i install the agent on the host plugins are automatic ??
Never mind i really don know about the snap creator jus now started working on it
What is the Community Plugins
SC-NETWARE etc...?? Don have MaxDB in this ??
How the Community Plugins play role in SnapCreator ??
Hi Siva,
So no community plugin available for MaxDb ?? as i can only see for, I am not good with scripts too now what will be the solution to proceed further
SC-FS-PLUGINS (ZFS snapshots)
Snap Creator default installation comes with MaxDB plugin, which is supported by NetApp support.
You don't need to do the community plugin install for that.
Oh Thanks !! is this same applies to Oracle as well ?? and i have my Snap Creator server installed on the Windows 2008 and i will be able to have my Agents on Solaris , HP-UX and Linux is there something like both server and Agent should be on the same O.S ??
Yes. Snap Creator also comes with prepackaged plugin for Oracle.
You will also get NetApp support when using Oracle plugin.
You can have cross platform support for running server and Agent.
No need to be on the same OS.
Hi Siva & Keith,
Thanks a lot gained enough confidence now will start with configuring SNAP CREATOR for my MaxDB first and will post here if i face any difficulties
Thanks a Ton to you both