setting as below, but SnapVault did not auto delete old snapshot refer retention count
- primary storage vol1 with LUN did not setup snapshot schedule copy
- SnapCenter create Policy hourly and "Total Snapshot copies to keep" 3, Secondary policy label Select Customer Label "hourly", select "Update SnapVault after creating a local Snapshot copy"
- SnapCenter create Windows host Resource Group, select "Use custom name format for Snapshot copy" $Policy
- secondary storage create Protection policy name svtest with Asyn Vault, SnapMirror label "hourly" and Destination Retention Count 3
- seconday storage create volume relationship, Relationship Type Vault, Vault Policy select svtest, Schedule None
- SnapCenter primary snapshot backup and snapshot transfer to secondary successful
but secondary storage did not keep retention to 3, it did not auto delete old backup snapshot, is normal? How can setup auto delete the old backup snapshot?
Best regards,