Data Protection
Data Protection
Hi all
I've problems to run DB2 snaps using SnapCreator 3.3.0 to get consistent DB2 snaps. Environment is as follows. SnapCreator is running on a dedicated 2008 x64 VM. DB2 is running on a 2003 Ent x64 VM where also SnapDrive 6.3 is running.
Here the problem I have. The DB2 is not set into the write suspend mode. When the job start to quiesce the DB2 on the DB2 server a dos window opens where it says
'-tvf' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
C:\Program Files\NetApp\scAgent3.3.0>
Same window pops up when the unquises command should run
Also in the db2diag log file no info about suspended tablespaces etc. can be found.
Thanks for any comments
Did you set APP_NAME=db2
That should call the DB2 plug-in which come with Snap Creator.
Also please ensure the DB2_CMD is configured as below
DB2_CMD=<DB2 Path>\db2cmd.exe -c -w -i <DB2 Path>\db2.exe
Hi Thorsten,
I would recommend opening a support case with NGS but let me try to help as well.
I think issue is the DB_CMD parameter in config file is incorrect. I think in our example we only give a unix example so this is probably result of documentation which needs improvement.
For winwods DB_CMD should look something like this
DB2_CMD=Z:\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN\db2cmd.exe -c -w -i Z:\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN\db2.exe
When troubleshooting please run with --debug so you can see all the things SC is doing
Can you please let us know if this helps?
Hi Bobby & Keith
Thanks for picking up this issue
I've added the db2 command as mentioned
DB2_CMD="D:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN\db2cmd" -c -w -i "D:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN\db2.exe"
Now I get the following error
ERROR: Application quiesce for plugin db2 failed with exit code 256, Exiting!
But the previous mentioned dos window with the error '-tvf' is not recognized as an internal or external..... is not appearing anymore
Is these anything spacial which must be done on the SnapCreator Agent?
What happens when you run the command by hand from CLI?
You can try using progra~1 instead of program files. The 256 error is comming from OS so it isn't finding something.
You could try
DB2_CMD=D:\Progra~1\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN\db2cmd.exe -c -w -i D:\Progra~1\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN\db2.exe
Remember SC is only running a CLI call here so you can troubleshoot this outside of SC which makes things a bit easier.
Hi Keith
Yep we got it. Progra~1 did the trick. So the space is the problem. Maybe the variable %programfiles% can also be used?
There is still an error left ERROR: snapshot-unique-id must be specified in version-member-info. (code = 13001) as I want to use PM integration but for this I already found a discussio
Will take a look at it and try to solve it as well. Or is there a very short solution you can tell me?
Hi Thorsten,
Good news!
You should be able to use %programfiles% but I have never tried that so feel free to try it and let us know
As for PM issue yes read the thread, especially my last post. Your issue is probably DFM_DATA_SET isn't configured correctly.
Also make sure you created dataset from SC not PM, this is critical
./snapcreator.exe --profile <profile> --action pmsetup
This creates blank dataset. It is up to you to then go into PM and configure dataset. First you need to set protection policy. Then you can either import existing relationships or let PM provision on secondary and setup relationships. Once this is done you must configure DFM_DATA_SET correctly.
If I had in my data set snapcreator_dataset the following: filer1->vol1/qtree1, filer1->vol2/qtree1 it would like like this
You will only ever enter volumes never qtrees in DFM_DATA_SET, SC figures out dataset members on its own.