Hello folks,
I am planning to implement snapshot based backups for our DB2 systems using SnapCreator. To do so I have started toying around with a test system. That is a DB2 9.7 on a Windows Server 2008 R2 virtual machine, I have moved the LOG and DATA file LUNs over to NetApp LUNs.
However the SnapCreator Documentation is sparse at best. I can see the two required SnapCreator Parameters (DB2_Databases and DB2_cmd) but it says nothing about how the database itself is to be configured.
At the moment we use IBM TSM to backup the databases, which means
LOGARCHMETH1 is set to TSM:<NameOfOurTSMDB2LogMgmtClass>
TSM_MGMTCLASS is set to <NameOfOurTSMDB2DataMgmtClass>
The rest ist controlled by TSM config-files and environmental variables.
Now this cannot stay like that, obviously. I have played around with SnapCreator Domino, there I specify a LUN onto which the archived logfiles are put so that they are available for restores and can also be snapshotted. Is this the same for DB2?
In this case, how would I have to set the parameters for this to work?
Any help or link to an actual documentation would be very much appreciated.
Thanks guys!