hello all,
we found in the SnapManager logs the below errors that we need to iderstand its meaning so kindly help us:
Saving dataset backup metadata...
[23:06:00.465] SDDatasetBackupMetadataSet failed.
[23:06:00.465] [SDAPI Error]: DFM Zapi to start iteration to list Data sets failed. Error code: 13011. Error description: HTTP POST - Timed out.
[23:06:00.465] Unable to save dataset VSS backup metadata.
[23:06:00.465] [SDAPI Error]: DFM Zapi to start iteration to list Data sets failed. Error code: 13011. Error description: HTTP POST - Timed out.
[23:06:00.465] Starting dataset backup transfer now...
[23:06:00.465] Transfering now for dataset 'SnapMgr_Exchange_EXDRUEARTOP006' with retention type 'daily'...
[23:06:01.541] SDDatasetTransferNow failed.
[23:06:01.541] [SDAPI Error]: DFM Zapi to start iteration to list Data sets failed. Error code: 10061. Error description: Can't connect to host (err=10061)..
[23:06:01.541] Unable to perform dataset backup transfer now.
[23:06:01.541] [SDAPI Error]: DFM Zapi to start iteration to list Data sets failed. Error code: 10061. Error description: Can't connect to host (err=10061)..
[23:06:02.602] Backup of storage groups/databases successfully completed.
[23:06:02.602] However, archiving the backup to secondary storage failed.
[23:06:02.618] Unable to query autosupport settings.
[23:06:02.930] An autosupport message is sent to the storage system of LUN [E:\DATABASES\VDRTOP012MB1\VDRTOP012MB1.DB\]