In a virtualization environment we are using Netapp storage provisioning VMware datastores over NFS. Each ESXi hypervisor has a management NIC with an IP and a corresponding DNS host entry. These are the host names managed by Virtual Center.
Since we are using NFS, each ESXi hypervisor has another NIC (team) for the actual datastore traffic on another VLAN.
When using SnapProtect the snapshot as such works, but during the indexing phase process seem to want to mount the snapshot on the proxy ESXi's management NIC, but this NIC will not be able to mount the snapshot since the actual NFS exports are on another VLAN.
How can I tune SnapProtect and configure it to use a specific NIC/IP/Hostname to mount the snapshots? Although I've not tested it, I imaging an iSCSI datastore would have the same issue.