Data Protection
Data Protection
I need to rename my volume, lun, qtree and igroup
but the lun is mapped and online
how should i do this?
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Correcting my post - no need to offline the volume, Scott is correct
Correcting my post - no need to offline the volume, Scott is correct
ok i got it. i was able to do it with some rename and mv commands
the volume stayed online while i did it. there does not seem to be an issue
You can dynamically rename.. even with NAS as long as auto export update is on for nfs... cifs automatically changes shares to the new path. For LUNs you can rename all including the volume, qtree, lun and igroup... see example below in my vsim. I create a volume/qtree/lun/igroup called "test" then rename each to "test2". I would be careful with snapdrive interaction and snapmanager too but the renames are done with now outage.
fas6280> vol create test aggr1 2g
Creation of volume 'test' with size 2g on containing aggregate
'aggr1' has completed.
fas6280> qtree create /vol/test/test
fas6280> lun create -s 32m -t windows /vol/test/test/test.lun
lun create: created a LUN of size: 39.2m (41126400)
fas6280> igroup create -i -t windows test
fas6280> lun map /vol/test/test/test.lun test
fas6280> Fri Dec 16 21:30:44 GMT []: LUN /vol/test/test/test.lun was mapped to initiator group test=0
fas6280> vol rename test test2
Fri Dec 16 21:32:38 GMT [fas6280:wafl.vvol.renamed:info]: Volume 'test' renamed to 'test2'.
'test' renamed to 'test2'
fas6280> priv set advanced
Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use
them only when directed to do so by NetApp
fas6280*> qtree rename /vol/test2/test /vol/test2/test2
fas6280*> lun move /vol/test2/test2/test.lun /vol/test2/test2/test2.lun
fas6280*> igroup rename test test2
fas6280*> lun show -m
LUN path Mapped to LUN ID Protocol
/vol/test2/test2/test2.lun test2 0 iSCSI
thanks. I see you went into priv mode to rename a qtree.
do I need to do that? I was able to use mv to rename the qtree
Mv does the same thing.. but using the qtree command is my preference. Rename is only in advanced mode.
If we didn't use qtrees will this rename process still work if I omit the step to rename the qtree? I'm looking to rename the underlying volume, and then the lun that was created with 'snap drive' app.
Go ape crazy. I rename volumes all of the time. Clients like to name volumes with crazy upper and lower case letters which drives me crazy because I live in CLI. igroups are mainly for human reference. The LUN mappings are by iqn or WWPN, igroups are just a way for us to logically combine things. Rename igroups whenever you want. LUN renames will be automatically detected by SnapDrive. You can even create a qtree, and move a LUN into or out of a qtree while online. SnapDrive is good at handling these path changes. Like Scott mentioned, just make sure if it is an NFS export that it is exported after the rename.