Data Protection

Error when using SC script from SMVI.



We are trying to use SC to quiesce/unquiesce a DB2 database inside a Linux VM.

We are running the VM backup from SMVI (VSC 4.1) and are using the smvi pre/post scripts to call snapcreator --action quiesce using the DB2 plugin.

The quiesce/unquiesce works fine when we launch the scripts from a CMD:

C:\Users\Administrator>snapcreator.exe --profile DB2 --config CSLLAB1P01_DB2 --action quiesce --verbose

[Fri Nov  9 12:49:17 2012] INFO: Logfile timestamp: 20121109124917

[Fri Nov  9 12:49:17 2012] INFO: Plugin validation skipped for db2, no plugin parameters file found or no parameters set

########## Parsing Environment Parameters ##########

########## Application quiesce ##########

[Fri Nov  9 12:49:19 2012] [] INFO: Quiescing databases

[Fri Nov  9 12:49:19 2012] [] INFO: Quiescing database LAB

[Fri Nov  9 12:49:24 2012] [] INFO: Quiescing database LAB finished successfully

[Fri Nov  9 12:49:24 2012] [] INFO: Quiescing databases finished successfully

########## NetApp Snap Creator Framework 3.6p1 finished successfully ##########

[Fri Nov  9 12:49:24 2012] INFO: INFO: Snap Creator finished successfully ( Action: quiesce )

C:\Users\Administrator>snapcreator.exe --profile DB2 --config CSLLAB1P01_DB2 --action unquiesce --verbose

[Fri Nov  9 12:49:33 2012] INFO: Logfile timestamp: 20121109124933

[Fri Nov  9 12:49:33 2012] INFO: Plugin validation skipped for db2, no plugin parameters file found or no parameters set

########## Parsing Environment Parameters ##########

########## Application unquiesce ##########

[Fri Nov  9 12:49:34 2012] [] INFO: Unquiescing databases

[Fri Nov  9 12:49:34 2012] [] INFO: Unquiescing database LAB

[Fri Nov  9 12:49:38 2012] [] INFO: Unquiescing database LAB finished successfully

[Fri Nov  9 12:49:38 2012] [] INFO: Unquiescing databases finished successfully

########## NetApp Snap Creator Framework 3.6p1 finished successfully ##########

[Fri Nov  9 12:49:37 2012] INFO: INFO: Snap Creator finished successfully ( Action: unquiesce )

But when invoked "inside" SMVI we always get the following error in SC:

[Fri Nov  9 12:04:56 2012] INFO: Logfile timestamp: 20121109120456

[Fri Nov  9 12:04:56 2012] DEBUG: GMT - Fri Nov  9 11:04:56 2012

[Fri Nov  9 12:04:56 2012] DEBUG: Version: NetApp Snap Creator Framework 3.6p1

[Fri Nov  9 12:04:56 2012] DEBUG: Profile: DB2

[Fri Nov  9 12:04:56 2012] DEBUG: Config Type: STANDARD

[Fri Nov  9 12:04:56 2012] DEBUG: Action: quiesce

[Fri Nov  9 12:04:56 2012] DEBUG: Application Plugin: db2

[Fri Nov  9 12:04:56 2012] DEBUG: File System Plugin: null

[Fri Nov  9 12:04:56 2012] DEBUG: Policy: null

[Fri Nov  9 12:04:56 2012] DEBUG: Snapshot Name: null

[Fri Nov  9 12:04:56 2012] INFO: Plugin validation skipped for db2, no plugin parameters file found or no parameters set

########## Parsing Environment Parameters ##########

[Fri Nov  9 12:04:56 2012] DEBUG: Parsing VOLUMES - controller: volume: SAN_SAP_PRE_APP_S_01

[Fri Nov  9 12:04:56 2012] DEBUG: Parsing VOLUMES - controller: volume: SAN_SAP_PRE_SO_S_01

[Fri Nov  9 12:04:56 2012] DEBUG: Parsing VOLUMES - controller: volume: SAN_SAP_PRE_DAT_S_01

[Fri Nov  9 12:04:56 2012] DEBUG: Parsing VOLUMES - controller: volume: SAN_SAP_PRE_LOG_S_01

[Fri Nov  9 12:04:56 2012] DEBUG: Parsing NTAP_USERS - controller: user: root

[Fri Nov  9 12:04:57 2012] DEBUG: Parsing NTAP_SNAPSHOT_RETENTIONS - policy: hourly retention: 4

########## Application quiesce ##########

[Fri Nov  9 12:04:57 2012] [] ERROR: [scf-00139] Application quiesce for plugin db2 failed, no exit code returned from plug-in, Exiting!

I already had a look to error scf-00139 but apparently it only has to do with restores.. ????

I also checked (using tcpdump) that the SC Server is communicating with the Linux VM even when the quiesce/unquiesce operation is failing, but no logs are being created in the scAgent.

Are we missing something on the SMVI side?, any environment variable that should also be set before invoking snapcreator?

These are the contents of the script:



set Path=%Path%;C:\Program Files\NetApp\NetApp_Snap_Creator_Framework\scServer3.6p1\


if %BACKUP_PHASE% == PRE_BACKUP goto pre_backup

if %BACKUP_PHASE% == POST_BACKUP goto post_backup

if %BACKUP_PHASE% == FAILED_BACKUP goto post_backup

goto end


snapcreator.exe --profile DB2 --config CSLLAB1P01_DB2 --action quiesce --verbose

goto end


snapcreator.exe --profile DB2 --config CSLLAB1P01_DB2 --action unquiesce --verbose

goto end


Thanks a lot in advance,




Very strange

So you run SC from CLI and it works and on SAME maching call same command through SMVI and it doesnt?

This error

[Fri Nov  9 12:04:57 2012] [] ERROR: [scf-00139] Application quiesce for plugin db2 failed, no exit code returned from plug-in, Exiting!

Means that the SC server got back no exit code from plugin, basically the plugin returned a response with no messages or exit code. Usually this is some kind of communications issue between server and agent.

Something has to be different, I would focus on what is set when things work and not set when it doesnt.

You can use "set" to print all the ENV parameters, maybe SMVI is setting something or something isnt set which is when things work. I would look at this.

Let me know if you get any further in troubleshooting?

