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Data Backup and Recovery

sc and smsql only logs



I have a little problem when I will backup only Transcation Logsvia snapcreator. The Full Backup works fine with this string.

-svr 'BRISBANE'  -RetainBackups  7 -lb -bksif -RetainSnapofSnapInfo 8 -rudays 7  -mgmt daily

Now the string for Log Files Only, I will run this for 4 times in a day.

–svr 'BRISBANE'  -ver  –verInst 'BRISBANE' -mp –mpdir 'C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for SQL Server\SnapMgrMountPoint' -RetainBackups  7 -lgbkonly -bksif -RetainSnapofSnapInfo 8 -gen –mgmt daily

But When I get this via sc no snapshot will be create but the  Snapshot will transport to our secondary Location......without failure but where is my snapshot on the primary storage?

My Config for the Only Log Snapshot..

### Snap Creator Framework Configuration File ###

### Referencing a Variable ###
# Reference previously assigned variables or variables                                  #
# assigned within Snap Creator itself by prepending                                     #
# the variable name with "%".                                                           #
#                                                                                       #
# For example)  If you want to reference a VARIABLE:                                    #
#               BLAH=/usr/local/bin/foo %USER_DEFINED                                   #
# Below is a list of all the built in referenceable variables:                          #
# %SNAP_TYPE - The Snapshot Schedule: daily, monthly, etc                               #
#           #
# %SNAP_TIME - An epoch time stamp associated with the snapshot                         #
#           #
# %ACTION - Could be -snap,-clone_vol, or -clone_lun, -arch, -list depending on which  #
#     Action you used         #
#           #
# %MSG - Used to send the error message to other monitoring tools or email. Can only #
#  be used with SENDTRAP function       #
#           #
# %USER_DEFINED - Pass a user defined argument to the script, a good example would be   #
#                 in order to integrate with a backup application like netbackup,       #
#                 you may need to pass into configuration file the netbackup schedule   #
#                 desired in the case where you have multiple schedules                 #

### Snap Creator Settings ###
# CONFIG_TYPE (required) - (PLUGIN|STANDARD) We can have two types of configuration in Snap Creator app or   #
#  standard. We can use multiple app configs to build up complex quiesce and unquiesce workflows.  #
#              #
# SNAME - (required) Your snapshot naming convention, should be unique, snapshots on storage will be deleted    #
#          according to this naming convention                                                                  #
#              #
# SNAP_TIMESTAMP_ONLY - (Y|N) Setting to set snapshot naming convention "N" will create _recent, "Y" will #
#   use a human readable time stamp        #
#              #
# VOLUMES - (required) List of primary storage controllers and volumes you want to snapshot                     #
#           ie: controller1:vol1,vol2,vol3;controller2:vol1;controller3:vol2,vol3                               #
#              #
# SNAPMIROR_VOLUMES - List of primary storage controller and volumes you want to perform a snapmirror update on #
#           ie: controller1:vol1,vol2,vol3;controller2:vol1;controller3:vol2,vol3                               #
#              #
# SNAPVAULT_VOLUMES - List of primary storage controllers and volumes you want to perform a snapvault update on #
#           ie: controller1:vol1,vol2,vol3;controller2:vol1;controller3:vol2,vol3                               #
#              #
# SNAPVAULT_QTREE_INCLUDE - List of primary storage controllers and qtree paths which should be included  #
#   in snapvault update. Without this option all qtrees under a volume will be backed up #
#   qtrees listed here will be backed up, the rest will be ignored.    #
#   ie: controller1:/vol/qtree/qtree1,/vol/volume/qtree2;controller2:/vol/volume/qtree1 #  
#              #
# SNAPMIRROR_CASCADING_VOLUMES List of secondary storage controllers and volumes where you want to perform  #
#   snapmirror update from snapvault source volume (snapshot->snapvault->snapmirror) #
#   ie: sec-controller1:vol1-sec,vol2-sec       #
#              #
# NTAP_USERS - (required) List of primary/secondary storage controller and their corresponding    #
#   usernames/passwords          #
#   ie: controller1:joe/password1;controller2:bob/password2;controller3:ken/password3       #
#              #
# CMODE_CLUSTER_USERS - (required for c-mode) List of primary/secondary c-mode clusters and their corresponding #
#   usernames/passwords ie: cluster1:joe/password1;cluster2:bob/password2   #
#              #
# CMODE_CLUSTER_NAME -(required for c-mode) Name of the primary c-mode cluster     #
#              #
# CMODE_SNAPSHOT_FORCE_DELETE - (Y|N) Setting which forces deletion of snapshots which should be deleted based #
#    on snapshot policy        #
#              #
# SECONDARY_INTERFACES - List of primary storage controllers or vfilers and there secondary interfaces   #
#   source/destination for snapvault and snapmirror relationships    #
#   ie: controller1:controller1-source/controller2-destination    #
#              #
# USE_PROXY - (Y|N) Setting which allows API calls to go through DFM proxy instead of storage controller  #
#  directly. If this option is used NTAP_USERS is no longer required.    #
#              #
# MANAGEMENT_INTERFACES - List of primary storage controller and their management interfaces used   #
#   for communications         #
#   ie: conroller1:controller1-mgmt;controller2:controller2-mgmt    #
#              #
# ALLOW_IP_ADDR - (Y|N) Setting which allows IP address to be used for storage system. This applies to  #
#   snapvault, snapmirror, and protection manager. Using IPs can create problems and should #
#   only be used under certain conditions       #
#              #
# NTAP_PWD_PROTECTION - (Y|N) Setting for enabling password protection, you must first create a scrambled #
#   password and then save that password in config file     #
#              #
# TRANSPORT - (HTTP|HTTPS) Setting to use either HTTP or HTTPS to connect to storage controller   #
#              #
# PORT - (80|443) Setting which configures which port number on the storage controller to use   #
#              #
# LOG_NUM - The number of logs .debug and .out for Snap Creator to keep                                         #
#              #
# LOG_TRACE_ENABLE - (Y|N) Setting which enables trace messages. Trace messages are an extra level of debug #
#              #
# SC_TMP_DIR - The directory used for storing temporary created files                                           #
#              The directory must exists and must be writable.                                                  #
#              If not specified, the system default will be used.                                               #
#              #
# SNAPDRIVE - (Y|N) Setting which allows you to use snapdrive instead of ZAPI for snapshot creation             #
#              #
# SNAPDRIVE_DISCOVERY - (Y|N) Setting which enables use of snapdrive for storage discovery, required in SAN #
#   or iSAN environment when using VOLUME_VALIDATION     #
#              #
# NTAP_SNAPSHOT_DISABLE - (Y|N) Setting which tells Snap Creator to not take a snapshot. The idea of the option #
#     is that Snap Creator can handle SnapVault or SnapMirror for SnapManager. In order for #
#     that to work the SnapManager snapshots need to follow this naming convention   #
#     <snapshot name>-<policy>_recent       #
#              #
# NTAP_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_CMD<#> - SnapDrive command to create a snapshot and flush the file system buffers        #
#                               where "#" is a number 01-xx                                                     #
#              #
# NTAP_SNAPSHOT_RETENTIONS - (required) Setting which determines the number of snapshots you want to      #
#                            retain for a given policy ie: daily:7,weekly:4,monthly:1                           #
#              #
# NTAP_SNAPVAULT_RETENTIONS - Setting which determines the number of snapshots on the snapvault           #
#                             secondary you want to retain for a given policy                                   #
#                            ie: daily:21,weekly:12,monthly:3                                                   #
#              #
# NTAP_SNAPVAULT_SNAPSHOT - (Y|N) Setting which enables creation of snapvault snapshot. A snapshot compatible #
#    with the storage controller snapvault scheduler. Snapshots are named  #
#    sv_<policy>.<#> and deletion is handled by the storage controller  #
#              #
# NTAP_SNAPSHOT_RETENTION_AGE - Setting in (days) which allows you to define a retention age for snapshots. If #
#           configured snapshots will only be deleted if there are more than defined in #
#           SNAPSHOT Retentions and if they are older than retention age (days)  #
#              #
# NTAP_SNAPVAULT_RETENTION_AGE - Setting in (days) which allows you to define a retention age for snapvault  #
#     snapshots. If configured snapvault snapshots will only be deleted if   #
#     there are more than defined in SNAPVAULT Retentions and if they are older #
#     than retention age (days)       #
#              #
# NTAP_SNAPSHOT_NODELETE - Setting which will override NTAP_SNAPSHOT_RETENTIONS and ensure no snapshots are     #
#                          deleted, leaving this on can cause your volume to fill up                      #
#              #
# NTAP_SNAPVAULT_NODELETE - Setting which will override NTAP_SNAPVAULT_RETENTIONS and ensure no snapshots are   #
#                          deleted, leaving this on can cause your volume to fill up                      #
#              #
# NTAP_SNAPVAULT_RESTORE_WAIT - (Y|N) Setting which waits for snapvault restore to complete. This is  #
#    recommended since after restore is complete user will be prompted to delete the #
#    baseline snapshot which gets created on the primary volume   #
#              #
# NTAP_SNAPMIRROR_UPDATE - (Y|N) Setting which allows you to turn off and on the snapmirror update function     #
#              #
# NTAP_SNAPMIRROR_CASCADING_UPDATE - (Y|N) Setting which allows you to turn off and on the cascading snapmirror #
#        function (snapshot->snapvault->snapmirror)    #
#              #
# NTAP_SNAPVAULT_UPDATE - (Y|N) Setting which allows you to turn off and on the snapvault update function       #
#              #
# NTAP_PM_UPDATE - (Y|N) Setting which allows you to turn off and on the protection manager update function #
#              #
# NTAP_SNAPVAULT_WAIT - Time in minutes where we will wait for snapvault update process to complete before      #
#                       taking a snapshot on the snapvault secondary                                            #
#              #
# NTAP_SNAPMIRROR_WAIT - Time in minutes where we will wait for snapmirror update process to complete  #
#              #
# NTAP_SNAPMIRROR_USE_SNAPSHOT - (Y|N) Setting which determines if the snapshot will be sent with the  #
#     snapmirror update        #
#              #
# NTAP_SNAPVAULT_MAX_TRANSFER - Maximum bandwidth for snapvault to consume in kbps, if left blank snapvault #
#    will consume as much bandwidth as possible     #
#              #
# NTAP_SNAPMIRROR_MAX_TRANSFER - Maximum bandwidth for snapmirror to consume in kbps, if left blank snapmirror #
#    will consume as much bandwidth as possible     #
#              #
# NTAP_VOL_CLONE_RESERVE - (none|file|volume) Space Guarantee for cloned volume                                 #
#              #
# NTAP_LUN_CLONE_RESERVATION - (true|false) If true will reserve space for cloned luns if false will not        #
#              #
# NTAP_CLONE_IGROUP_MAP - List of controller(s), source volume(s), and the Igroups used to map cloned   #
#   volumes and luns.            #
#                       IE: controller1:src_volume1/igroup1;controller2:src_volume2/igroup2                     #
#              #
# NTAP_CLONE_FOR_BACKUP - (Y|N) Setting which determines when the clone is deleted. "Y" will delete clone #
#    after it is created, "N" will delete clone before snapshot occurs so during #
#    the next run of Snap Creator for the given policy and config.   #
#              #
# NTAP_CLONE_SECONDARY - (Y|N) Setting which determines where to perform a clone. If "Y" is selected  #
#          the snapmirror destination will be cloned. This only works with snapmirror #
#          and you must set NTAP_SNAPMIRROR_USE_SNAPSHOT=Y     #
#              #
# NTAP_CLONE_SECONDARY_VOLUMES - Mapping of primary storage controllers and their secondary controller/volume #
#     ie: controller1:secondaryFiler1/vol1;controller2:secondaryFiler2/vol2  #
#              #
# NTAP_NUM_VOL_CLONES - Setting which configures how many volume clones Snap Creator will keep   #
#              #
# NTAP_NFS_EXPORT_HOST - (honstname|ip) The hostname or IP address of the server where cloned volume should be #
#   exported          #
#              #
# NTAP_NFS_EXPORT_ACCESS - (root|read-write|read-only) Setting which controls access permission to cloned vol #
#              #
# NTAP_NFS_EXPORT_PERSISTENT -(true|false) Setting which allows for export permissions of cloned vol to be #
#    saved in the /etc/exports file on the storage controller.   #
#              #
# NTAP_DFM_DATA_SET - List of storage controllers and their protection manager to volume correlations  #
#        ie: controller1:dataset1/vol1,vol2;controller1:dataset2/vol3    #
#              #
# NTAP_PM_RUN_BACKUP - (Y|N) Setting which enables starting the Protection Manager backup as soon as the #
#   snapshot registration process is complete. Eliminates need to schedule secondary #
#   backup in Protection Manager.         #
#              #
# NTAP_DFM_SNAPSHOT_FORMAT - Optional setting for the format of the secondary snapshots when using PM. This #
#        option requires DFM 5.0 or higher. You also must specify %T (timestamp). Other #
#        variables are %R (retention type), %L (dataset label), %H (storage controller), #
#        %N (volume name), and %A (application specific data). If this option is not set  #
#        then the default PM naming convention will be used. The naming convention can only #
#        be set at the time of dataset creation.      #
#              #
# NTAP_CONSISTENCY_GROUP_SNAPSHOT - (Y|N) Setting which enables use of consistency groups for creating  #
#        consistent snapshot across multiple volumes ie: IO Fencing   #
#              #
# NTAP_CONSISTENCY_GROUP_TIMEOUT - (urgent|medium|relaxed) Setting which defines how long controller will  #
#    wait for consistently group snapshot (urgent=2sec,medium=7sec,relaxed=20sec) #
#              #
# NTAP_CONSISTENCY_GROUP_WAFL_SYNC - (Y|N) Setting which can improve performance of the CG snapshot by forcing  #
#     a CP through a wafl-sync before the cg-start    #
#              #
# NTAP_SNAPSHOT_DELETE_BY_AGE_ONLY - {PRIMARY|SECONDARY|BOTH|N} Setting which allows the deletion of outdated   #
#              snapshots, regardless of the retention count                                                     #
#              #
# NTAP_SNAPSHOT_DEPENDENCY_IGNORE - (Y|N) Setting which allows for ignoring snapshot dependencies when   #
#     prompted for deletion using the "--action delete" option  #
#              #
# NTAP_SNAPSHOT_RESTORE_AUTO_DETECT - (Y|N) Setting which if disabled will always force a SFSR when doing a  #
#     single file restore       #
#              #
# NTAP_OSSV_ENABLE - (Y|N) Setting which enables the Open Systems Snapvault (OSSV) integration. This option  #
#      must be used in combination with the NTAP_OSSV_HOMEDIR parameter. OSSV is also  #
#      required on the host running Snap Creator      #
#              #
# NTAP_OSSV_HOMEDIR - The path to the OSSV home directory IE: /usr/snapvault     #
#              #
# NTAP_OSSV_FS_SNAPSHOT - (Y|N) Setting which enables ability to create file system snapshot. The file system #
#   snapshot command must be provided using the NTAP_OSSV_FS_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_CMD<#>  #
#   parameter          #
#              #
# NTAP_OSSV_FS_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_CMD<#> - Script or command that takes a file system snapshot in use with ossv #
#     backup, where "#" is a number between 01-xx    #
#              #
# OM_HOST - Name or IP Address of your Operations Manager system      #
#              #
# OM_USER - User name of an Operations Manager user which has privileges to create events   #
#              #
# OM_PWD - Password of the above Operations Manager User       #
#              #
# OM_EVENT_GENERATE - (Y|N) Setting which will enable event creation in Operations Manager   #
#              #
# APP_QUIESCE_CMD<#> - Script or command that puts your application into backup mode, where "#" is a  #
#       number between 01-xx                              #
#              #
# APP_UNQUIESCE_CMD<#> - Script or command that takes your application out of backup mode, where "#" is a #
#     number between 01-xx                              #
#              #
# ARCHIVE_CMD<#> - The archive command command where "#" is a number 01-xx                        #
#              #
# MOUNT_CMD<##> - Mount commands to be used to mount file system for cloning or mount actions where "#" is a #
#   number 01-xx          #
#              #
# UMOUNT_CMD<##> - Umount commands to be used to mount file system for cloning or mount actions where "#" is a  #
#   number 01-xx          #
#              #
# PRE_APP_QUIESCE_CMD<#> - The pre application quiesce command where "#" is a number 01-xx                      #
#              #
# PRE_NTAP_CMD<#> - The pre command where "#" is a number 01-xx                                           #
#              #
# PRE_APP_UNQUIESCE_CMD<#> - The pre application unquiesce command where "#" is a number 01-xx                  #
#              #
# PRE_NTAP_CLONE_DELETE_CMD<#> - The pre clone delete command where "#" is a number 01-xx                 #
#              #
# PRE_RESTORE_CMD<#> - The pre restore command where "#" is a number 01-xx     #
#              #
# PRE_EXIT_CMD<#> - Command which will run before Snap Creator exists due to an error                           #
#                   ie: you want to return application or backup into normal mode before Snap Creator exist     #
#                   due to an error. Where "#" is a number between 01-xx                                        #
#              #
# PRE_CLONE_CREATE_CMD<#> - The pre clone create command, where "#" is a number 01-xx                           #
#              #
# POST_APP_QUIESCE_CMD<#> - The post application quiesce command where "#" is a number 01-xx                    #
#              #
# POST_NTAP_CMD<#> - The post command where "#" is a number 01-xx                                         #
#              #
# POST_APP_UNQUIESCE_CMD<#> - The post application unquiesce command where "#" is a number 01-xx                #
#              #
# POST_NTAP_DATA_TRANSFER_CMD<#> - The post data transfer command runs after SnapVault or SnapMirror transfer  #
#                                  Where "#" is a number 01-xx.                                                 #
#              #
# POST_RESTORE_CMD<#> - The post restore command where 2#" is a number 01-xx                                    #
#              #
# POST_CLONE_CREATE_CMD<#> - The post clone create command, where "#" is a number 01-xx                         #
#              #
# NTAP_ASUP_ERROR_ENABLE - (Y|N) Setting which enables Snap Creator error messages to also log an auto support  #
#      message on the storage controller. Snap Creator will always create an info auto  #
#      support message when the backup has started and completed    #
#              #
# SENDTRAP - Command which interfaces with your monitoring software or email, allows you to pass alerts         #
#            generated from Snap Creator into your own monitoring infrastructure. The %MSG variable is the #
#      message sent from Snap Creator                                     #
#              #
# SUCCESS_TRAP - Command which interfaces with your monitoring software or email, allows you to pass the  #
#   success message generated from Snap Creator into your own monitoring infrastructure   #
#   The %SUCCESS_MSG variable is the success message for Snap Creator    #
#              #
# SUCCESS_MSG - Upon Snap Creator success will log the message you define and also send it to SENDTRAP, if #
#  SENDTRAP is defined          #

### Required Options ###

# New


### Connection Options ###

### CMODE Settings ###

### Snapshot Options ###

# New

# New

# New

### SnapVault Options ###

### SnapMirror Options ###

### Cloning Options ###


### Protection Manager Options ###

### OSSV Options ###

### Operations Manager Settings ###

### APP Commands ###

### Pre Commands ###

### Post Commands ###

### Event Configuration ###
SUCCESS_MSG=INFO: Snap Creator finished successfully ( Action: %ACTION )

### Client/Server Configuration ###
# SC_AGENT - <hostname or ip>:<port>                                                                             #
#   Snap Creator has the capability to perform tasks on remote hosts. A task is either a defined module          #
#   (parameter APP_NAME) or a command specified with the parameters *_CMD*, e. g. NTAP_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_CMD01     #
#                                                                                                                #
#   To specify a remote host, enter it's name or ip address followed by a colon and the port, the Snap Creator   #
#   Agent listening on.                                                                                          #
#   On the remote host, start the Snap Creator Agent                                                             #
#      <path to Snap Creator>/snapcreator --start-agent <port>                                                   #
#                                                                                                                #
#   If running in local mode, the parameter must be left blank.                                                  #
#                                                                                                                #
# SC_CLONE_TARGET - <hostname or ip of the clone target>:<port>                                                  #
#   Snap Creator has the capability to perform clone operations. Using the action 'clone_vol' in combination     #
#   with {PRE|POST}_CLONE_CREATE_CMDxx to handle the storage objects on the remote side                          #
#   (e. g. mounting/unmounting filesytems), either the module is enabled to perform all the necessary            #
#   activities to                                                                                                #
#                                                                                                                #
#   To specify a clone target, enter it's name or ip address followed by a colon and the port, the Snap Creator  #
#   Agent listening on.                                                                                          #
#                                                                                                                #
# SC_AGENT_TIMEOUT - Number, timeout in seconds                                                                  #
#   The implemented client/server architecture uses a timeout mechanism. This means, if the client does not      #
#   respond in the specified interval, the server fails with a timeout message. However, the task on the client  #
#   is left untouched (will not be aborted) and needs further investigation.                                     #
#                                                                                                                #
#   On server with high load or known, long running tasks like own scripts or complex SnapDrive operations       #
#   it might be necessary to extend the timeout and adapt this value on your own needs.                          #
#                                                                                                                #
#   Per default, a timeout of 300 seconds is used.                                                               #
#                                                                                                                #
# SC_AGENT_WATCHDOG_ENABLE - (Y|N)                                                                               #
#   Snap Creator starts a watchdog process while quiescing the database. After the period specified with         #
#   SC_AGENT_UNQUIESCE_TIMEOUT, the database will be brought into normal operation automatically.                #
#                                                                                                                #
# SC_AGENT_UNQUIESCE_TIMEOUT - Number, timeout in seconds                                                        #
#   Time to wait after a database quiesce operation to bring back the database into normal operation mode again. #
#   This is only available in combination with SC_AGENT_WATCHDOG_ENABLE=Y                                        #
#                                                                                                                #
#   Per default, SC_AGENT_TIMEOUT + 5 is used.                                                                   #
#               #
# SC_AGENT_LOG_ENABLE - (Y|N) Setting which enables logging on agent. The Snap Creator server sends operations  #
#   to the agent. If something happens before agent sends callback to server it is possible  #
#   messages could be lost. This allows agent messages to be logged on agent so they are  #
#   never lost.           #

### Plugin Module Options ###
# APP_NAME - (oracle|db2|mysql|domino|vibe|smsql|sybase|<plugin>) Setting which determines which plug-in is being used.   #
# Snap Creator has built-in support for the listed applications. A community plug-in can be used or you can configure   #
#                 #
# FS_NAME - (<plugin>) Setting which determines which plug-in is being used for file system operations. Currently no plug-ins  #
# exist for file system operations but we should start seeing community based plug-ins for integrating file systems soon  #
#                 #
# APP_IGNORE_ERROR - (Y|N) Will cause Snap Creator to not exit when encountering an application error. An error     #
#     message will be sent if SENDTRAP is configured but Snap Creator will not exit. This may be useful if you   #
#     are backing up multiple databases and dont want a single database failure to stop the backup      #
#                 #
# VALIDATE_VOLUMES - (DATA) Snap Creator validates that all volumes where the database resides are in fact part of the backup.  #
# Currently, there are some limitations. Only NFS is supported and only for db2, maxdb, mysql, and Oracle.   #
# Currently, this option only checks data files only for the above databases. Going forward, support for more data   #
# types like LOG will be added.             #
#                 #
# META_DATA_VOLUME - Allows for snapshot of specified volume to occur after unquiesce. This can be valuable for certain plugins  #
#       where data snapshot should occur at different times. The meta data volume must not be only volume specified #
#       ie: controller1:volume1            #
#                  #
# APP_DEFINED_RESTORE - (Y|N) The normal cli restore interface will not be shown. Instead the plug-in is responsible for   #
#  handling all restore activities including the restore of the snapshot. The built-in plug-ins do not support  #
#  this type of a restore             #
#                 #
# APP_DEFINED_CLONE - (Y|N) The built-in cloning abilities of Snap Creator will be ignored. Instead the plug-in is responsible  #
#  for handling all clone activities including vol or lun clone creation and deletion. The built-in plug-ins do not #
#  support this type of clone.            #
#                 #
# APP_AUTO_DISCOVERY - (Y|N) Similar to APP_DEFINED _RESTORE this parameter allows the plug-in to handle application discovery.  #
#  As with restore the plug-in must handle this operation itself        #
#                 #
# APP_CONF_PERSISTENCY - (Y|N) If APP_AUTO_DISCOVERY is used configuration parameters can be changed dynamically. This setting  #
#  allows any changes to be saved, meaning the configuration file updated dynamically.     #
#                 #
# JAVA_HOME - (Text) Setting which points to the Java Virtual Machine which should be used for executing .class and .jar files.  #
#                    If set, $JAVA_HOME/bin/java will be used, otherwise just java to run the .class/.jar file                   #
#                 #
# JVM_ARGS - (Text) Setting for controlling the Java Virtual Machine when executing native Java .class or .jar files. The        #
#                   default setting is "-Xms32M -Xmx128M"                                                                        #
#                 #
# JAVA_CLASSPATH - (Text) Setting which defines the Java classpath. Per default, plugins/native is configured and can be         #
#                         completed with this environment variable, which will be appended to the default.                       #
#                 #
# PERL_HOME - (Text) Setting which points to the Perl interpreter which should be used for executing .pl files.                  #
#                    If set, $PERL_HOME/bin/perl will be used, otherwise just perl to run the .pl file                           #
#                 #
# PERL_OPTS - (Text) Setting for controlling the Perl interpreter when executing native Perl files.                              #
#                    Options for settings additional include directories (-I) etc. can be passed to the Perl interpreter.        #
#                  #
# PYTHON_HOME - (Text) Setting which points to the Python interpreter which should be used for executing .py files.              #
#                      If set, $PYTHON_HOME/python will be used, otherwhise just python to run the .py file                      #
#                 #
# PYTHON_OPTS - (Text) Setting for controlling the Python interpreter when executing native Python files.                        #










### Archive Log Settings ###
# ARCHIVE_LOG_ENABLE - (Y|N|policy:age) Setting which Enables Archive Log Management   #
#  (deletion of old archive logs)        #
#            #
# ARCHIVE_LOG_RETENTION - Retention in Days for how long archive logs should be kept  #
#            #
# ARCHIVE_LOG_DIR - Path to where the archive logs are stored     #
#            #
# ARCHIVE_LOG_EXT - File Extension for the archive logs, must be <something>.<extension> #
#  ie: 109209011.log in which case you would enter "log"     #
#            #
# ARCHIVE_LOG_RECURSIVE_SEARCH - (Y|N) Setting which allows for managing archive logs  #
#     within subdirs. If archive logs are located under  #
#     subdirs this option should be used.    #

### General Plugin Settings ###

### DB2 Settings ###
# DB2_DATABASES - List of database(s) and their username separated by a comma                                   #
#              #
#   DB2_DATABASES=db1:user1;db2:user2          #
#              #
# DB2_CMD - Path to the db2 command, for connecting to the database(s).                                         #
#           If not specified, sqllib/db2 will be used.                                                          #
#                                                                                                               #
### MYSQL Settings  ###
# MYSQL_DATABASES - List of database(s) and their username/password separated by a comma of which you       #
#              #
#   MYSQL_DATABASES=db1:user1/password;db2:user2/password       #
#              #
# HOST - Name of Host where the database(s) are running, ie: localhost      #
# PORTS - List of Database(s) and the ports they are listening on      #
#              #
#   PORTS=db1:3307;db2:3308           #
#              #
# MASTER_SLAVE - (Y|N)If the Database(s) are part of a MASTER or SLAVE Environment    #
### Oracle Settings ###
# ORACLE_DATABASES - A list of Database(s) and the username ie: db1:user1;db2:user2    #
#              #
#   ORACLE_DATABASES=db1:user1;db2:user2         #
#              #
# SQLPLUS_CMD - PATH to the sqlplus command         #
# CNTL_FILE_BACKUP_DIR - Path to the directory where we should store backup cntl files     #
#  (must be owned by oracle user)          #
# ORA_TEMP - Path to a directory for storing temp files ie: /tmp (oracle user must have permissions)  #
# ARCHIVE_LOG_ONLY - (Y|N|policy:<Y|N>) Tells Oracle Module to only do a switch log, useful if you are handling #
#  archive logs separate from data backup          #
# ORACLE_HOME - PATH to the Oracle home directory        #
# ORACLE_HOME_<SID> - PATH to Oracle home directory for a given SID. When backing up multiple databases it #
# may be important to specify more than one Oracle home       #
# ORACLE_EXPORT_PARAMETERS - (Y|N) The ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID environment parameters will be exported using #
#   the export command. This only applies to Unix systems     #
# ORACLE_BACKUPMODE - Option to configure offline or online backups using a Snap Creator policy,  #
# default behavior if left blank is online backups       #    #
#              #
#   ORACLE_BACKUPMODE=hourly:online,daily:offline        #

# New
### SnapManager Exchange Settings ###
# SME_PS_CONF - Path to the powershell configuration file for SME                               #
#              #
#   SME_PS_CONF="C:\Program Files\SnapManager for Exchange\smeShell.psc1"     #
#              #
# SME_BACKUP_OPTIONS - SME backup options, Snap Creator uses a powershell new-backup cmdlet     #
#              #
# SME_BACKUP_OPTIONS=-Server 'EX2K10-DAG01' -GenericNaming -ManagementGroup 'Standard' -NoTruncateLogs $False  #
#                    -RetainBackups 8 -StorageGroup 'dag01_db01' -BackupCopyRemoteCCRNode $False  #
#              #
# SME_SERVER_NAME - SME server name                                                                #
# SME_32bit - (Y|N) Setting to enable use of 32bit version of powershell                           #
### Sybase Settings (unix only) ###
#                                                                                                               #
# GLOBAL (CORE) SNAP CREATOR CONFIGURATION (external to the SYBABE module)                                      #
#                                                                                                               #
# - Set 'APP_NAME=SYBASE'                                                                                 #
# - If you want to validate configuration then set 'VALIDATE_VOLUMES=DATA,OFFLINE_LOG,EXTERNAL_FILES'     #
#  - DATA - logs and data as reported by sp_helpdb                                                 #
#  - OFFLINE_LOG - Dump location, extracted from SYBASE_TRAN_DUMP                                  #
#  - EXTENAL_FILE - Manifest files, extracted from SYBASE_MANIFEST                                 #
# - If you want to auto discovery storage then set "APP_AUTO_DISCOVERY=Y" as NFS based filer volumes      #
#   which will override the "VOLUMES" option                                                              #
# - If you want to permanently update the configuration file with the results of the storage auto         #
#   discovery then set "APP_CONF_PERSISTENCE=Y"                                                           #
# - If you want to use encrypted password then set "NTAP_PWD_PROTECTION=Y".  NOTE this also sets          #
#   encryption on filer passwords.                                                                        #
#                                                                                                               #
# LOCAL (SYBASE module) SNAP CREATOR CONFIGURATION (internal to the SYBASE module)                              #
#                                                                                                               #
# - SYBASE_SERVER the sybase dataserver name (-S option on isql)                                          #
#  example: SYBASE_SERVER=p_test                                                                   #
# - SYBASE_DATABASES the list of databases within the instance to backup.  Format is                      #
#   "DB1:USER:PASSWD;DB2:USER:PASSWD" The master database is added as a matter of course.  If a database  #
#   called "+ALL" is used then database autodiscovery will be used and excludes the sybsyntax,            #
#   sybsystemdb, sybsystemprocs and tempdb databases. The password are used are passwd to isql as -P.     #
#   encrypted passwords are supported if NTAP_PWD_PROTECTION is set.                                      #
#  example: SYBASE_DATABASES=DBAtest2:sa/53616c7465645f5f76881b465ca8ce3745c239b60e04351e          #
#  example: SYBASE_DATABASES=+ALL:sa/53616c7465645f5f76881b465ca8ce3745c239b60e04351e              #
# - SYBASE_DATABASES_EXCLUDE allows databases to be excluded if the +ALL construct is used use ';'        #
#   to allow multiple databases to be used.                                                               #
#  example: SYBASE_DATABASES_EXCLUDE=pubs2;test_db1.                                               #
# - SYBASE_TRAN_DUMP allows post snapshot sybase transaction dump to be performed.  Each database         #
#   requiring a txn dump needs to be specified.  Format is "DB1:PATH;DB2:PATH" where path is a            #
#   directory.                                                                                            #
#  example: SYBASE_TRAN_DUMP=pubs2:/sybasedumps/pubs2                                              #
# - SYBASE_TRAN_DUMP_FORMAT Allows the dump naming convention to use specified to match site              #
#   specific formats.  Three "keys" can be specified, %S = Instance name from SYBASE_SERVER               #
#   %D is database from SYBASE_DATABASES and %T is a unique timestamp.  Default format is %S_%D_%T.cmn    #
#  example: SYBASE_TRAN_DUMP_FORMAT=%S_%D_%T.log                                                   #
# - SYBASE_TRAN_DUMP_COMPRESS Allows native sybase transaction dump compression to be enabled.            #
#  example: SYBASE_TRAN_DUMP_COMPRESS=Y                                                            #
# - SYBASE_ISQL_CMD defines the path to the "isql" command to use.                                        #
#  example: SYBASE_ISQL_CMD=/opt/sybase/OCS-15_0/bin/isql                                          #
# - SYBASE the location of the sybase install                                                             #
#  example: SYBASE=/sybase                                                                         #
# - SYBASE_LOGDIR defines the directory where snap creator logs will be placed                            #
#  example: SYBASE_LOGDIR=/usr/local/ntap/scServerX.X.X/logs                                       #
# - SYBASE_MANIFEST allows those databases where a manifest file should be created and the location       #
#   where they should be placed.  Needed for database mount to be supported.                              #
#  example: SYBASE_MANIFEST=DBAtest2:/t_inf_nzl_devs/                                              #
# - SYBASE_MANIFEST_FORMAT Allows the manifest naming convention to use specified to match site           #
#   specific formats.  Three "keys" can be specified, %S = Instance name from SYBASE_SERVER               #
#   %D is database from SYBASE_DATABASES and %T is a unique timestamp which is the same as used for       #
#   snapshot naming.  Default format is %S_%D_%T.manifest                                                 #
#  example: SYBASE_MANIFEST_FORMAT=%S_%D_%T.manifest                                               #
# - SYBASE_MANIFEST_DELETE allows the manifest to be deleted once the snapshot has been performed.  The   #
#   manifest file should be captured within the snapshot so it is always available with the backup.       #
#  example: SYBASE_MANIFEST_DELETE=Y                                                               #
#                                                                                                               #
### VIBE Custom Settings ###
# AUTHENTICATION PARAMETERS                                                                         #
# -------------------------                                                                         #
# VIBE_VCLOUD_IPADDR     - IP address(es) of the vCloud Director to log into (vCloud ONLY)          #
# VIBE_VCLOUD_USER       - Username to use when logging into the vCloud Director (vCloud ONLY),     #
#                          and you must set @<org> or @system (top level vCloud database)           #
#                                                                                                   #
# Example:                                                                                          #
#                                                                                                   #
#   VIBE_VCLOUD_USER=administrator@system                                                           #
#                                                                                                   #
# VIBE_VCLOUD_PASSWD     - Password associated to the VCLOUD_USER specified (vCloud ONLY)           #
# VIBE_VCENTER_USER      - Username to use when logging into vCenter                                #
# VIBE_VCENTER_PASSWD    - Password associated to the VCENTER_USER specified                        #
#                                                                                                   #
# OBJECT PARAMETERS                                                                                 #
# -----------------                                                                                 #
# VIBE_VCLOUD_NAMES      - list of Organization, vDC and vApp object names to backup (vCloud ONLY)  #
#                                                                                                   #
# Example:                                                                                          #
#                                                                                                   #
#   VIBE_VCLOUD_NAMES=ORG:VDC1,VDC2:VAPP1,VAPP2;ORG2:VDC3:;ORG3::VAPP6                              #
#                                                                                                   #
# VIBE_VSPHERE_NAMES       - list of Datastores and VMs to backup per vCenter (vSphere ONLY)        #
# VIBE_TRIM_VSPHERE_NAMES  - list of VMs to remove from backup per vCenter (vSphere ONLY)           #
#                                                                                                   #
# Example:                                                                                          #
#                                                                                                   #
#   VIBE_VSPHERE_NAMES=VCENTER1:DS1:VM1;VCENTER2;DS2,DS3:;VCENTER3::VM4                             #
#   VIBE_TRIM_VSPHERE_NAMES=VCENTER1:VM99;VCENTER2:VM5,VM12                                         #
#                                                                                                   #
# RESTORE PARAMETERS                                                                                #
# ------------------                                                                                #
# VIBE_RESTORE_INTERVAL    - time between each restore check (default: 30 seconds)                  #
# VIBE_RESTORE_TIME        - total time to wait for complete restore (default: 3600 seconds)        #
# VIBE_VMWARE_SNAPSHOT     - take a VMware snapshot during backup (default: Y)                      #
#                                                                                                   #
# ALTERNATE PARAMETERS                                                                              #
# --------------------                                                                              #
# VIBE_NOPING                 - do not ICMP ping VMware or storage controllers (default: N)         #
# VIBE_DYNAMIC_VOLUMES_UPDATE - if set to 'N', does not perform dynamic volume update, which means  #
#                               you have to set VOLUMES, SNAPVAULT_VOLUMES, SNAPMIRROR_VOLUMES and  #
#                               NTAP_DFM_DATA_SET manually (default: not set)                       #




### SnapManager SQL Settings ###
# SMSQL_PS_CONF - Path to the powershell configuration file for SMSQL                            #
#             #
#   SMSQL_PS_CONF="C:\Program Files\SnapManager for SQL Server\smsqlShell.psc1"     #
#             #
# SMSQL_BACKUP_OPTIONS - SMSQL backup options, Snap Creator uses a powershell new-backup cmdlet  #
#             #
#   SMSQL_BACKUP_OPTIONS=-svr 'SQL'  -d  'SQL\SHAREPOINT', '1', 'WSS_Content' -RetainBackups  7  #
#                        -lb -bksif -RetainSnapofSnapInfo 8 -trlog  -gen -mgmt standard   #
#             #
# SMSQL_SERVER_NAME - SMSQL server name                                                          #
# SMSQL_32bit - (Y|N) Setting to enable use of 32bit version of powershell                       #
SMSQL_PS_CONF="C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for SQL Server\SmsqlShell.psc1"
SMSQL_BACKUP_OPTIONS=–svr 'BRISBANE'  -ver  –verInst 'BRISBANE' -mp –mpdir 'C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for SQL Server\SnapMgrMountPoint' -RetainBackups  7 -lgbkonly -bksif -RetainSnapofSnapInfo 8 -gen –mgmt daily
### Lotus Domino Settings ###
#                                                                                 #
# DOMINO_DATA_PATH - Path to Domino Data directory        #
#    eg:/notes/notesdata         #
# DOMINO_INI_PATH - Path to notes.ini file (include notes.ini in path)     #
#    eg:/notes/notesdata/notes.ini        #
# DOMINO_CHANGE_INFO_PATH - Path where change info files should be saved.         #
#                        Use a different volume than Domino Data or Log paths     #
#    eg:/notes/changeinfo         #
# DOMINO_DATABASE_TYPE - Can be any of the following values                       #
#                        0 = Backup everything ( 1+2+3 below)                     #
#                        1 = Backup only for *.BOX files.                         #
#                        2 = Backup only for *.NSF, *.NSG and  *.NSH files.       #
#                        3 = Backup only for *.NTF files.                         #
# LOTUS - Path where Domino is installed       #
#          eg:/opt/ibm/lotus              #
# Notes_ExecDirectory - Path that contains Domino shared object(.so or .dll)    #
#    files eg:/opt/ibm/lotus/notes/latest/linux/    #        
# DOMINO_RESTORE_DATA_PATH - Path to restored lotus data directory                #
#                        Use the same volume as the Domino Data path      #
#    Use the same path as DOMINO_DATA_PATH if restoring to   #
#    the same location eg:/notes/notesdata                    #
#            #
### MAXDB Settings  ###
# XUSER_ENABLE - (Y|N) Enables the use of an xuser for maxdb so password is not required for db user            #
# HANDLE_LOGWRITER - (Y|N) Executes suspend logwriter/resume logwriter if set to Y                              #
# DBMCLICMD - The path to the MaxDB dbmcli command, if not set dbmcli on the search path is used                #
# SQLCLICMD - The path to the MaxDB sqlcli command, if not set sqlcli on the search path is used                #
# MAXDB_UPDATE_HIST_LOG - (Y|N) Tells the maxdbbackup program if it should update maxdb hostory log             #
# MAXDB_DATABASES - List of database(s) and their username/password separated by a comma of which you           #
#             want to backup                                                                                    #
#                                                                                                               #
# MAXDB_DATABASES=db1:user1/password;db2:user2/password       #
#              #
# MAXDB_CLONE_META -                                                                                            #
#   source_sid - Database SID used on the source side                                                           #
#   target_sid - Database SID used on the target side                                                           #
#   target_db_path - top level directory of the MaxDB installation                                              #
#   dbm_user       - Target Database Management User                                                            #
#   dbm_passwd     - Password or authentication key of dbm_user                                                 #
#   dbadmin_user   - Target SQL User with DBA privileges                                                        #
#   dbadmin_passwd - Password or authentication key of dbadmin_user                                             #
#   os_user        - Target operating system user                                                               #
#   os_group       - Primary group of os_user                                                                   #
#                                                                                                               #
#   MAXDB_CLONE_META=PRD:QAS,/sapdb/QAS,dbm/secret,dbadmin/secret,sdb/sdba                                      #
#                                                                                                               #
# MAXDB_CLONE_ADAPT_FS -                                                                                        #
#   target_sid     - Database SID used on the target side                                                       #
#   path           - full qualified path, file access permissions will be changed recursively                   #
#                    wildcards are allowed                                                                      #
#                    multiple paths can be specified, separated by a comma                                      #
#                                                                                                               #
#   MAXDB_CLONE_ADAPT_FS=QAS:/sapdb/QAS/sapdata*                                                                #
#                                                                                                               #
# MAXDB_CLONE_RENAME_USER -                                                                                     #
#   target_sid     - Database SID used on the target side                                                       #
#   source_username- Schema/Table owner on the source side                                                      #
#   target_username- Schema/Table owner on the target side                                                      #
#                    Multiple source/target user can be specified, separated by a comma                         #
#                                                                                                               #
#   MAXDB_CLONE_RENAME_USER=QAS:sapprd/sapqas,sapprddb/sapqasdb                                                 #
#                                                                                                               #
# MAXDB_CLONE_RESIZE_LOG -                                                                                      #
#   target_sid     - Database SID used on the target side                                                       #
#   new log size   - log size in pages                                                                          #
#                                                                                                               #
#   MAXDB_CLONE_RESIZE_LOG=QAS:2000                                                                             #
#                                                                                                               #
# MAXDB_SOURCE_PRESERVE_PARAM -                                                                                 #
#   source_sid     - Database SID used on the source side                                                       #
#   parameter      - Parameter on the source that should be enabled on the target                               #
#                    Multiple Parameters can be specified, separated by a comma                                 #
#                                                                                                               #
#   MAXDB_SOURCE_PRESERVE_PARAM=PRD:MaxLogVolumes,MaxDataVolumes                                                #
#                                                                                                               #
# MAXDB_BACKUP_TEMPLATES - specifies for each database a backup template                                        #
#   template       - must be an existing backup template of type external                                       #
#                                                                                                               #
# MAXDB_BG_SERVER_PREFIX - prefix for naming the background server                                              #
#   <prefix>       - the prefix will be suffixed with the database id, if not specified, na_bg is being used    #
#                                                                                                               #
# MAXDB_CHECK_SNAPSHOT_DIR - setting to check, if a SC snapshot operation was successful and the snapshot       #
#                            has been taken.                                                                    #
#                            NFS only. directory must point to the directory which contains the .snapshot       #
#                               directory.                                                                      #
#                            Multiple directories can be specified as a comma separated list.                   #
#                            Multiple databases can be specified as a semicolon separated list.                 #
#                                                                                                               #
#                            In case of MaxDB 7.8 and newer, the database backup request will be marked as      #
#                               failed in the backup history. The shown error code identifies the number of     #
#                               missing snapshots.                                                              #
#                                                                                                               #
#   MAXDB_CHECK_SNAPSHOT_DIR=SID:directory[,directory...][SID2:directory[,directory...]                         #
#                                                                                                               #
#                                                                                                               #
### KVM Settings ###

# KVM_RESTORE_VM_LIST - (required only during restore) List of VMs to be restored.                               #
#                       ie: RHEL5U6,RHEL5U7                                                                      #
#                                                                                                                #
# KVM_VM_MAPPING - (required) List of mapping b/w VM and its associated storage controller, lun/file path.       #
#                  This param will be updated dynamically during discovery process.                              #
#                  ie: RHEL5U6:fas3170-201-76:/vol/vol_KVM/RHEL5U6;RHLE5U7:fas3170-201-76:/vol/vol_KVM/RHEL5U7;  #
#                                                                                                                #
# KVM_VM_CONFIG_DIR - (optional) Path to the directory where all the VM's XML configuration files will be stored.#
#                     Default value: /etc/libvirt/qemu                                                           #
#                                                                                                                #
# KVM_CMD_RETRY_COUNT - (optional) The number of times the command will be re-tried when failed in KVM plug-in.  #
#                       Default value: 3                                                                         #
#                                                                                                                #
### XEN Config Settings ###
# XEN_VMS - comma separated <hostname:vmname> pair.                             #
# XEN_HOST_USERS -comma seperated <hostname:username/password>           #
# XEN_BIN_PATH - Path of xe binary.
# XEN_METADATA_PATH - Path on the server where we can download the vm metadata information   #
# XEN_VM_SNAPSHOT - Turn off VM consistency snapshot. Applicable values are Y/N     #

### CACHE Plugin Settings   ###
# CACHE_BIN_PATH - Path to where the CACHE binaries are stored                           #
#                       defaults to '/usr/bin'                                           #
# CACHE_INSTANCE - the name of the CACHE instance                                        #
#                       defaults to 'CACHE'                                              #
# CACHE_USER - User Name for user executing freeze/thaw of the CACHE instance            #
#                       defaults to 'SCBackup'                                           #
# CACHE_VERBOSE - (1|0) 1 to turn on verbosity, 0 to turn off verbosity                  #
#                       defaults to 0  (ie verbose off)                                  #
# CACHE_SWITCH_JOURNAL - (1|0) 1 to switch journal on freeze, 0 to not switch journal    #
#                        defaults to 1 (ie switch journal)                               #
### Informix Settings ###
# INFORMIX_USER - The username who has access to the informix database and onstat/onmode commands #
#             #
#   INFORMIX_USER=root           #
#             #
# ONSTAT_CMD - The path to the onstat command used to retrieve informix version    #
#             #
#   ONSTAT_CMD=onstat -           #
#             #
# ONMODE_CMD - The Path to the onmode command used to quiesce/unquiesce the informix database  #
#             #
#   ONMODE_CMD=onmode           #




I hear it´s a known Bug at this Moment. (Or Missing Feature) 


View solution in original post



Update: Windows 2003 R2 SP2 Server and Database 9.0 doesn´t work with only logs.

The Debug out from the Agent:

[Sat Aug  4 21:18:44 2012] DEBUG: Executing command [%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -psconsolefile "C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for SQL Server\SmsqlShell.psc1" -command "&{new-backup -svr 'BRISBANE'  -ver  -verInst 'SQLTEST' -mp -mpdir 'C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for SQL Server\SnapMgrMountPoint' -RetainBackups  7 -lgbkonly -bksif -RetainSnapofSnapInfo 8 -gen -mgmt standard; exit $lastexitcode}" <NUL]

[Sat Aug  4 21:18:44 2012] INFO: Starting watchdog with [-4084], forced unquiesce timeout [3605] second(s)

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:07 2012] DEBUG: Command [%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -psconsolefile "C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for SQL Server\SmsqlShell.psc1" -command "&{new-backup -svr 'BRISBANE'  -ver  -verInst 'SQLTEST' -mp -mpdir 'C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for SQL Server\SnapMgrMountPoint' -RetainBackups  7 -lgbkonly -bksif -RetainSnapofSnapInfo 8 -gen -mgmt standard; exit $lastexitcode}" <NUL] finished with

exit code: [0]

stdout: [Initializing [new-backup]

Connecting to server: [BRISBANE]

Initialization of Backup Input Data&colon; [BRISBANE][processing]

Retrieving SnapManager Configuration Information: [processing]

Retrieving SnapManager Configuration Information: [completed]


stderr: []

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:07 2012] DEBUG: Executing of external script finished successfully

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:07 2012] INFO: Quiescing databases finished successfully

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:18 2012] INFO: Skipping unquiesce, nothing needed for SMSQL integration

No More.

The Debug from the Server: here you can see, no snapshot but the transfer from the last resent works.

[Sat Aug  4 21:18:38 2012] INFO: Logfile timestamp: 20120804211838
[Sat Aug  4 21:18:38 2012] DEBUG: GMT - Sat Aug  4 19:18:38 2012
[Sat Aug  4 21:18:38 2012] DEBUG: Version: NetApp Snap Creator Framework 3.6.0
[Sat Aug  4 21:18:38 2012] DEBUG: Profile: sql
[Sat Aug  4 21:18:38 2012] DEBUG: Config Type: STANDARD
[Sat Aug  4 21:18:38 2012] DEBUG: Action: snap
[Sat Aug  4 21:18:38 2012] DEBUG: Application Plugin: smsql
[Sat Aug  4 21:18:38 2012] DEBUG: File System Plugin: null
[Sat Aug  4 21:18:38 2012] DEBUG: Policy: daily
[Sat Aug  4 21:18:38 2012] DEBUG: Snapshot Name: daily_snap-daily_recent
[Sat Aug  4 21:18:38 2012] INFO: Plugin validation for smsql completed successfully

########## Parsing Environment Parameters ##########
[Sat Aug  4 21:18:38 2012] DEBUG: Parsing VOLUMES - controller: repstorage01 volume: vol_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db
[Sat Aug  4 21:18:38 2012] DEBUG: Parsing NTAP_USERS - controller: repstorage01 user: snapdrive
[Sat Aug  4 21:18:38 2012] DEBUG: Parsing NTAP_USERS - controller: repbackup01 user: snapdrive
[Sat Aug  4 21:18:38 2012] DEBUG: Parsing NTAP_SNAPSHOT_RETENTIONS - policy: daily retention: 0
[Sat Aug  4 21:18:38 2012] DEBUG: Parsing NTAP_SNAPVAULT_RETENTIONS - sv policy: daily retention: 7
[Sat Aug  4 21:18:38 2012] DEBUG: Parsing SNAPVAULT_VOLUMES - controller: repstorage01 sv volume: vol_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db

[Sat Aug  4 21:18:38 2012] INFO: No commands defined


########## Application quiesce ##########
[Sat Aug  4 21:18:44 2012] [] DEBUG: Executing command [%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -psconsolefile "C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for SQL Server\SmsqlShell.psc1" -command "&{new-backup -svr 'BRISBANE'  -ver  -verInst 'SQLTEST' -mp -mpdir 'C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for SQL Server\SnapMgrMountPoint' -RetainBackups  7 -lgbkonly -bksif -RetainSnapofSnapInfo 8 -gen -mgmt standard; exit $lastexitcode}" <NUL]
[Sat Aug  4 21:21:07 2012] [] DEBUG: Command [%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -psconsolefile "C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for SQL Server\SmsqlShell.psc1" -command "&{new-backup -svr 'BRISBANE'  -ver  -verInst 'SQLTEST' -mp -mpdir 'C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for SQL Server\SnapMgrMountPoint' -RetainBackups  7 -lgbkonly -bksif -RetainSnapofSnapInfo 8 -gen -mgmt standard; exit $lastexitcode}" <NUL] finished with
exit code: [0]
stdout: [Initializing [new-backup]
Connecting to server: [BRISBANE]
Initialization of Backup Input Data&colon; [BRISBANE][processing]
Retrieving SnapManager Configuration Information: [processing]
Retrieving SnapManager Configuration Information: [completed]
stderr: []
[Sat Aug  4 21:21:07 2012] [] DEBUG: Executing of external script finished successfully
[Sat Aug  4 21:21:07 2012] [] INFO: Quiescing databases finished successfully

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:09 2012] INFO: No commands defined


########## PRE COMMANDS ##########
[Sat Aug  4 21:21:09 2012] INFO: No commands defined

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:09 2012] WARN: Snapshot's will not be deleted, if this is not desired please set NTAP_SNAPSHOT_NODELETE=N in config file
[Sat Aug  4 21:21:10 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:11 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:11 2012] DEBUG: creating executor for storage controller repstorage01

########## Detecting Data OnTap mode for repstorage01 ##########
[Sat Aug  4 21:21:11 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:11 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">
<version>NetApp Release 8.1 7-Mode: Thu Mar 29 13:56:17 PDT 2012 Multistore</version>

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:11 2012] INFO: Data OnTap 7 mode detected
[Sat Aug  4 21:21:11 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:11 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="failed" errno="2" reason="Option is not visible: ndmpd.preferred_interface"></results>

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:11 2012] INFO: Data OnTap vFiler detected
[Sat Aug  4 21:21:11 2012] DEBUG: Connected to repstorage01 using API Version 1.15

########## Generating Info ASUP on repstorage01 ##########
[Sat Aug  4 21:21:11 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST
<app-version>NetApp Snap Creator Framework 3.6.0</app-version>
<category>Backup Started</category>
<computer-name>r4bnamgmt01 []</computer-name>
<event-description>INFO: NetApp Snap Creator Framework 3.6.0 Backup for daily_snap ACTION: snap POLICY: daily Plugin: smsql - Supported Volumes: repstorage01:vol_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db Started</event-description>

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:11 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed"></results>

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:11 2012] INFO: ASUP create on repstorage01 finished successfully

########## Gathering Information for repstorage01:vol_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db ##########
[Sat Aug  4 21:21:11 2012] INFO: Performing Snapshot Inventory for vol_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db on repstorage01
[Sat Aug  4 21:21:12 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:13 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:13 2012] INFO: Snapshot Inventory of vol_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db on repstorage01 completed Successfully

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:13 2012] INFO: No commands defined


########## Application unquiesce ##########
[Sat Aug  4 21:21:18 2012] [] INFO: Skipping unquiesce, nothing needed for SMSQL integration

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:18 2012] INFO: No commands defined


########## Generating Info ASUP on repstorage01 ##########
[Sat Aug  4 21:21:18 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST
<app-version>NetApp Snap Creator Framework 3.6.0</app-version>
<category>Backup Completed</category>
<computer-name>r4bnamgmt01 []</computer-name>
<event-description>INFO: NetApp Snap Creator Framework 3.6.0 Backup for daily_snap ACTION: snap POLICY: daily Plugin: smsql - Supported Volumes: repstorage01:vol_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db Completed</event-description>

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:18 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed"></results>

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:18 2012] INFO: ASUP create on repstorage01 finished successfully
[Sat Aug  4 21:21:20 2012] INFO: Getting Snapvault Status for repstorage01:vol_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db
[Sat Aug  4 21:21:20 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:20 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:20 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:20 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:20 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:20 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed"></results>

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:20 2012] INFO: Snapvault Status for repstorage01:vol_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db finished successfully

########## Running Snapvault Update using source repstorage01:/vol/vol_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db ##########
[Sat Aug  4 21:21:22 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:22 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:22 2012] DEBUG: creating executor for storage controller repbackup01

########## Detecting Data OnTap mode for repbackup01 ##########
[Sat Aug  4 21:21:22 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:22 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">
<version>NetApp Release 8.1 7-Mode: Thu Mar 29 13:56:17 PDT 2012 Multistore</version>

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:22 2012] INFO: Data OnTap 7 mode detected
[Sat Aug  4 21:21:22 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:25 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="failed" errno="2" reason="Option is not visible: ndmpd.preferred_interface"></results>

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:25 2012] INFO: Data OnTap vFiler detected
[Sat Aug  4 21:21:25 2012] DEBUG: Connected to repbackup01 using API Version 1.15
[Sat Aug  4 21:21:25 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST
<app-version>NetApp Snap Creator Framework 3.6.0</app-version>
<category>Snapvault Backup Started</category>
<computer-name>r4bnamgmt01 []</computer-name>
<event-description>INFO: NetApp Snap Creator Framework 3.6.0 Snapvault backup for daily_snap ACTION: snap POLICY: daily Plugin: smsql - Supported Volumes: repstorage01:vol_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db Started</event-description>

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:25 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed"></results>

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:25 2012] INFO: ASUP create on repbackup01 finished successfully
[Sat Aug  4 21:21:25 2012] INFO: Running Snapvault Update on destination repbackup01:/vol/vol_backup_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db/db using snapshot sqlsnap__brisbane__recent
[Sat Aug  4 21:21:25 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:42 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed"></results>

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:42 2012] INFO: Snapvault Update on destination repbackup01:/vol/vol_backup_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db/db Started Successfully
[Sat Aug  4 21:21:42 2012] INFO: Getting Snapvault Status for repstorage01:vol_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db
[Sat Aug  4 21:21:42 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:42 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:42 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:42 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:42 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:42 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed"></results>

[Sat Aug  4 21:21:42 2012] INFO: Snapvault Status for repstorage01:vol_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db finished successfully
[Sat Aug  4 21:21:42 2012] WARN: Snapvault Update on destination repbackup01:/vol/vol_backup_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db/db is running, status transferring! Sleeping 1 minute
[Sat Aug  4 21:22:42 2012] INFO: Getting Snapvault Status for repstorage01:vol_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db
[Sat Aug  4 21:22:42 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:22:43 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">

[Sat Aug  4 21:22:43 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:22:43 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">

[Sat Aug  4 21:22:43 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:22:43 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed"></results>

[Sat Aug  4 21:22:43 2012] INFO: Snapvault Status for repstorage01:vol_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db finished successfully
[Sat Aug  4 21:22:43 2012] WARN: Snapvault Update on destination repbackup01:/vol/vol_backup_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db/db is running, status transferring! Sleeping 1 minute
[Sat Aug  4 21:23:43 2012] INFO: Getting Snapvault Status for repstorage01:vol_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db
[Sat Aug  4 21:23:43 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:23:43 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">

[Sat Aug  4 21:23:43 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:23:43 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">

[Sat Aug  4 21:23:43 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:23:43 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed"></results>

[Sat Aug  4 21:23:43 2012] INFO: Snapvault Status for repstorage01:vol_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db finished successfully
[Sat Aug  4 21:23:43 2012] INFO: Snapvault Update on destination repbackup01:/vol/vol_backup_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db/db finished successfully

########## Running Snapvault Update using source repstorage01:/vol/vol_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db ##########

########## Detecting Data OnTap mode for repbackup01 ##########
[Sat Aug  4 21:23:45 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:23:45 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">
<version>NetApp Release 8.1 7-Mode: Thu Mar 29 13:56:17 PDT 2012 Multistore</version>

[Sat Aug  4 21:23:45 2012] INFO: Data OnTap 7 mode detected
[Sat Aug  4 21:23:45 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:23:45 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="failed" errno="2" reason="Option is not visible: ndmpd.preferred_interface"></results>

[Sat Aug  4 21:23:45 2012] INFO: Data OnTap vFiler detected
[Sat Aug  4 21:23:45 2012] DEBUG: Connected to repbackup01 using API Version 1.15
[Sat Aug  4 21:23:45 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST
<app-version>NetApp Snap Creator Framework 3.6.0</app-version>
<category>Snapvault Backup Started</category>
<computer-name>r4bnamgmt01 []</computer-name>
<event-description>INFO: NetApp Snap Creator Framework 3.6.0 Snapvault backup for daily_snap ACTION: snap POLICY: daily Plugin: smsql - Supported Volumes: repstorage01:vol_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db Started</event-description>

[Sat Aug  4 21:23:45 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed"></results>

[Sat Aug  4 21:23:45 2012] INFO: ASUP create on repbackup01 finished successfully
[Sat Aug  4 21:23:45 2012] INFO: Running Snapvault Update on destination repbackup01:/vol/vol_backup_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db/db using snapshot sqlinfo__brisbane__recent
[Sat Aug  4 21:23:46 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:25:01 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed"></results>

[Sat Aug  4 21:25:01 2012] INFO: Snapvault Update on destination repbackup01:/vol/vol_backup_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db/db Started Successfully
[Sat Aug  4 21:25:01 2012] INFO: Getting Snapvault Status for repstorage01:vol_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db
[Sat Aug  4 21:25:01 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:25:01 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">

[Sat Aug  4 21:25:01 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:25:01 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">

[Sat Aug  4 21:25:01 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:25:01 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed"></results>

[Sat Aug  4 21:25:01 2012] INFO: Snapvault Status for repstorage01:vol_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db finished successfully
[Sat Aug  4 21:25:01 2012] WARN: Snapvault Update on destination repbackup01:/vol/vol_backup_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db/db is running, status transferring! Sleeping 1 minute
[Sat Aug  4 21:26:02 2012] INFO: Getting Snapvault Status for repstorage01:vol_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db
[Sat Aug  4 21:26:02 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:26:03 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">

[Sat Aug  4 21:26:03 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:26:03 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">

[Sat Aug  4 21:26:03 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:26:03 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed"></results>

[Sat Aug  4 21:26:03 2012] INFO: Snapvault Status for repstorage01:vol_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db finished successfully
[Sat Aug  4 21:26:03 2012] INFO: Snapvault Update on destination repbackup01:/vol/vol_backup_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db/db finished successfully

########## POST DATA TRANSFER COMMANDS ##########
[Sat Aug  4 21:26:05 2012] INFO: No commands defined

[Sat Aug  4 21:26:05 2012] INFO: Performing Snapshot Snapvault Inventory for vol_backup_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db on repbackup01
[Sat Aug  4 21:26:05 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:26:05 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">

[Sat Aug  4 21:26:05 2012] INFO: Snapshot Inventory of vol_backup_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db on repbackup01 completed Successfully

########## Running Snapshot Rename on Secondary repbackup01 ##########
[Sat Aug  4 21:26:06 2012] INFO: Rename the recent snapvault snapshot from daily_snap-SV_daily_recent to daily_snap-SV_daily_20120804192230 for repbackup01:vol_backup_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db
[Sat Aug  4 21:26:06 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:26:31 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed"></results>

[Sat Aug  4 21:26:31 2012] INFO: Snapshot Rename for vol_backup_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db on repbackup01 completed Successfully

########## Running Snapshot Create on Secondary repbackup01 ##########
[Sat Aug  4 21:26:31 2012] INFO: Creating Snapvault Snapshot for vol_backup_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db on repbackup01
[Sat Aug  4 21:26:31 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:26:45 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed"></results>

[Sat Aug  4 21:26:45 2012] INFO: Snapshot Create of daily_snap-SV_daily_recent on repbackup01:vol_backup_repstorage01_nfs_rep_brisbane_db Completed Successfully

########## Running Snapshot Delete on Secondary repbackup01 ##########

########## Running Snapshot Delete on Primary repstorage01 ##########

########## POST COMMANDS ##########
[Sat Aug  4 21:27:00 2012] INFO: No commands defined


########## ARCHIVE COMMANDS ##########
[Sat Aug  4 21:27:00 2012] INFO: No commands defined


########## NetApp Snap Creator Framework 3.6.0 finished successfully ##########
[Sat Aug  4 21:27:00 2012] INFO: INFO: Snap Creator finished successfully ( Action: snap )
[Sat Aug  4 21:27:00 2012] DEBUG: Loaded Config File D:/Program Files/NetApp/NetApp_Snap_Creator_Framework/scServer3.6.0/configs/sql/rep_brisbane_log_vault.conf Successfully
[Sat Aug  4 21:27:00 2012] DEBUG: creating dfm executor for dfm
[Sat Aug  4 21:27:00 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:27:01 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">
<version> (5.0)</version>
<edition>Standard edition of DataFabric Manager server</edition>
<node-limit>250 (currently managing 5)</node-limit>
<prov-mgr-node-limit>250 (currently managing 5)</prov-mgr-node-limit>
<prot-mgr-node-limit>250 (currently managing 5)</prot-mgr-node-limit>
<operating-system>Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) x64 based </operating-system>
<install-dir>D:/Program Files/NetApp/DataFabric Manager/DFM</install-dir>
   <name>D:/Program Files/NetApp/DataFabric Manager/DFM</name>
   <name>D:/Program Files/NetApp/DataFabric Manager/DFM/perfdata</name>
   <name>D:/Program Files/NetApp/DataFabric Manager/DFM/dataExport</name>
   <name>D:\Program Files\NetApp\DataFabric Manager\DFM\reports</name>

[Sat Aug  4 21:27:01 2012] DEBUG: creating proxy executor for dfm
[Sat Aug  4 21:27:01 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST

[Sat Aug  4 21:27:01 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">
<version> (5.0)</version>
<edition>Standard edition of DataFabric Manager server</edition>
<node-limit>250 (currently managing 5)</node-limit>
<prov-mgr-node-limit>250 (currently managing 5)</prov-mgr-node-limit>
<prot-mgr-node-limit>250 (currently managing 5)</prot-mgr-node-limit>
<operating-system>Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) x64 based </operating-system>
<install-dir>D:/Program Files/NetApp/DataFabric Manager/DFM</install-dir>
   <name>D:/Program Files/NetApp/DataFabric Manager/DFM</name>
   <name>D:/Program Files/NetApp/DataFabric Manager/DFM/perfdata</name>
   <name>D:/Program Files/NetApp/DataFabric Manager/DFM/dataExport</name>
   <name>D:\Program Files\NetApp\DataFabric Manager\DFM\reports</name>

[Sat Aug  4 21:27:01 2012] INFO: Creating OM Event (script:information-event) on
[Sat Aug  4 21:27:02 2012] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST
<event-message>SNAPCREATOR INFO: Snap Creator finished successfully ( Action: snap ) (Config: rep_brisbane_log_vault Name: daily_snap Policy: daily)</event-message>

[Sat Aug  4 21:27:02 2012] TRACE: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed"></results>

[Sat Aug  4 21:27:02 2012] INFO: OM Event (script:information-event) on created successfully
[Sat Aug  4 21:27:02 2012] DEBUG: Exiting with error code - 0


Windows 2008 R2 Server with Database Version 10.50 is running. Also the Only Logs Backups.

Lokal Only Log Backups friom the Windows 2003 Server are running but I don´t want Schedule on the Server.

Regards Thorsten



I hear it´s a known Bug at this Moment. (Or Missing Feature) 

