My enviroment is an SQL Cluster 2012 and windows 2012 cluster,
first I install Host Utility Kit 6.0.2 in each node,
and then I install Snapdrive 7.0.1 in each node,
Finally I install the SMSQL 7.0 in each node,
When the SMSQL 7.0 finish the installation,
I found the SnapManager service is not start,
so I start the service,
but it' give me an error like this:
november I restart the server or reinstall the SMSQL 7.0,
It has the same problem!
So I remove the SMSQL 7.0 change to SMSQL 6.0.1
but I SnapManager service is also can't start,
It will give me different error message like this:
Then I change the SMSQL to 5.2 to try,
but the error message is the same as SMSQL 6.0.1!
Is any step I miss or wrong,
Please help me!
It's very hurry!