ONTAP Discussions

New Netapp user with a question


Hi.  I'm new to using Netapp (inherited from previous sys admin) and have a problem.  This may best be directed to "support" but we don't have the hardware under a maintenance/support contract.  When I boot the NetApp (using boot_ontap, boot_primary, or any other boot command), I get this output and it goes back to sitting at the LOADER prompt.  It looks to me like the operating system is corrupted, and copying the compact flash contents from the second controller doesn't help.  Any help would be appreciated!

LOADER-A> boot_ontap
Loading x86_64/freebsd/image1/kernel:.....0x100000/8252680 0x8ded08/1275584 Entry at 0x801582e0
Loading x86_64/freebsd/image1/platform.ko:.0xa17000/613472 0xb49908/638088 0xaacc60/38888 0xbe5590/41184 0xab6448/80684 0xac9f74/61528 0xad8fe0/132480 0xbef670/148824 0xaf9560/1560 0xc13bc8/4680 0xaf9b78/288 0xc14e10/864 0xaf9c98/1656 0xc15170/4968 0xafa310/960 0xc164d8/2880 0xafa6d0/184 0xc17018/552 0xafa7a0/448 0xb22ae0/12458 0xb49816/237 0xb25b90/80184 0xb394c8/66382
Starting program at 0x801582e0
IBM Data ONTAP 8.1.1 7-Mode
Copyright (C) 1992-2012 NetApp.
All rights reserved.
Warning: /sbin/fsck_ffs returned 3.
fsck /dev/md1: No such file or directory
init died (signal 0, exit 3726)
PANIC  : Going nowhere without my init!
version: 8.1.1: Mon Jul 30 12:49:46 PDT 2012
conf   : x86_64
cpuid = 2
Uptime: 17s
coredump: primary dumper unavailable.
coredump: trying secondary dumper...
no tftp server ip specified
netdump: no targets available to dump
coredump: secondary dumper failed -1.
System halting...
cpu_reset called on cpu#2

Phoenix TrustedCore(tm) Server
Copyright 1985-2006 Phoenix Technologies Ltd.
All Rights Reserved
BIOS version: 4.4.0
Portions Copyright (c) 2007-2009 NetApp. All Rights Reserved.
CPU= Dual-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 2218 X 2
Testing RAM
512MB RAM tested
16384MB RAM installed
Fixed Disk 0: STEC

Boot Loader version 1.8
Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
Portions Copyright (C) 2002-2009 NetApp

CPU Type: Dual-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 2218



Hi Noah Grant,

Welcome to communities.

fsck /dev/md1: No such file or directory

init died (signal 0, exit 3726)

PANIC  : Going nowhere without my init!                <<< --- Filer does show the PANIC string

version: 8.1.1: Mon Jul 30 12:49:46 PDT 2012

conf   : x86_64

Did you try booting from backup -- boot_backup command?

also refer the below link




Thanks Srinivas!

That didn't work.  However, I was able to copy files from a working controller's CF to the non-working one (there must have been some corruption in the non-working one) and I'm in!  Dealing now with duplicate aggr0 aggregates but I should be able to work that one out.

Thank you for your help.
