ONTAP Discussions

deleted ~snapshot folder in offline folders


We use cifs for our users home directory and we have some users who have laptops with windows XP and use offline folders which synchronise the users home directory on the filer on their local drives.

Recently we enabled to show the snapshot folder on the filer to retreive some files from the snapshot.  We used the options cifs.show_snapshot on command.  We enabled it for 20 minutes and then switched it off.  But in that 20 minutes it seems some users logged off and syncronised the snapshot folder to their local drive.   The snapshot was quite big and has taken most of the users C drive and now the synch from the local drive to the P drive has not happenned for 2 weeks, and the users has made some changes to the offline folders which havent been synched to the P drive, so if we delete the offline folder cache the user will lose their files which they have been working on offline..   We tried the to delete the ~snapshot folder on the offline folders but its coming up as access denied, as it has read only attributes    Is there a way to delete the snapshot folder on the offline folders.




The .snapshot directory is a readonly and cannot be deleted , User's will not be able to store anything in snapshot directory they can only copy from it. So u can either hide it using the vol options no snap on and if you want to empty the contents delete all the snapshots from the filer for that volume using the snapdelete command.



The problem is the snapshot folder has synched to the users local drive via the offline synch, and we want to delete from the users local cache without deleting the cache.  The offline sych wont work now because the snapshot folder has taken a lot of space on the drive.

Is there a way of deleting the snapshot folder on the local drive.
