ONTAP Discussions

ifconfig: e0a : no such interface


hello everyone!


What could be the problem if gigabit port e0a is cannot be seen? When we insert cable to it there is a light blinking indicating that it is functioning. When we initiate the command ifconfig -a this is the output :



CTRL2> ifconfig -a



e0b: flags=0x174c867<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,TCPCKSUM> mtu 1500

        inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast

        ether 00:a0:98:56:32:ed (auto-unknown-down) flowcontrol full


e0c: flags=0x170c866<BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,TCPCKSUM> mtu 1500

        ether 00:a0:98:56:32:ee (auto-unknown-down) flowcontrol full

e0d: flags=0x170c866<BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,TCPCKSUM> mtu 1500

        ether 00:a0:98:56:32:ef (auto-unknown-down) flowcontrol full


        ether 00:a0:98:56:32:f1 (auto-100tx-fd-up) flowcontrol full


        inet netmask 0xfffffc00 broadcast noddns

        ether 00:a0:98:56:32:f0 (auto-100tx-fd-up) flowcontrol full

lo: flags=0x1b48049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,TCPCKSUM> mtu 8160

        inet netmask 0xff000000 broadcast

        ether 00:00:00:00:00:00 (VIA Provider)

losk: flags=0x40a400c9<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING> mtu 9188

        inet netmask 0xff000000 broadcast



e0a port of ctrl1 is functioning.

This happend after the update of ONTAP to 8.1.4P1.




Thank you in advance!



seems like some hardware issue with e0a of ctrl2, it is not displayed in sysconfig -A command or there is any output about it from other commands.

you should open a case with NetApp support, to troubleshoot this.


View solution in original post



can you list your rc file, and check in filer logs for e0a, if you have access through nfs, try mount root volume and grep e0a in logs (in /etc/log/messages).

or rdfile /etc/log/messages.



hi Sahil ,

Thanks for the reply!

FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2> rdfile /etc/rc

hostname FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2

ifconfig e0a `hostname`-e0a mediatype auto flowcontrol full mtusize 1500

#route add default NONE 1

routed on

options dns.enable off

options nis.enable off


FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2> rdfile /etc/rc            localhost localhost-stack localhost-10 localhost-bsd localhost-20 localhost-sk

#       FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2-e0M

#       FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2-e0P FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2 FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2-e0a

#       FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2-e0b

#       FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2-e0c

#       FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2-e0d

FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2> rdfile /etc/log/messages

Tue Jun  3 15:45:45 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2: rc:info]: Registry is being upgraded to improve storing of local changes.

Tue Jun  3 15:45:45 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2: rc:info]: Registry upgrade successful.

Tue Jun  3 15:45:59 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0P: Link up. 

Tue Jun  3 15:46:00 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:monitor.globalStatus.nonCritical:warning]: There are not enough spare disks.  

Tue Jun  3 15:46:01 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:tar.csum.notFound:notice]: Stored checksum file does not exist, extracting /mroot_late.tgz. 

Tue Jun  3 15:46:01 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:tar.csum.mismatch:notice]: Stored checksum 0 does not match calculated checksum 0, extracting /mroot_late.tgz. 

Tue Jun  3 15:46:01 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:tar.extract.success:info]: Completed extracting /mroot_late.tgz. 

Tue Jun  3 15:46:01 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:tar.csum.notFound:notice]: Stored checksum file does not exist, extracting /platform/pmroot_late.tgz. 

Tue Jun  3 15:46:01 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:tar.csum.mismatch:notice]: Stored checksum 0 does not match calculated checksum 3413375557, extracting /platform/pmroot_late.tgz. 

Tue Jun  3 15:46:05 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:tar.extract.success:info]: Completed extracting /platform/pmroot_late.tgz. 

Tue Jun  3 15:46:26 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:spmgmt.driver.timeout:warning]: The software driver for the Service Processor (SP) detected a problem: waiting for SP response in loopd. 

Tue Jun  3 15:46:34 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:sp.network.link.down:warning]: Service Processor (SP) network port link down due to cable or network errors. 

Tue Jun  3 15:46:52 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2: console_login_mgr:warning]: too many bad logins on console

Tue Jun  3 15:46:55 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:callhome.performance.snap:info]: Call home for PERFORMANCE SNAPSHOT

Tue Jun  3 15:46:56 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2: console_login_mgr:info]: root logged in from console

Tue Jun  3 16:01:07 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.nm.nicTransitionUp:info]: HA interconnect: Link up on NIC 0. 

Tue Jun  3 16:01:08 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.rv.flush.handleExchange:info]: Flushing is active. 

Tue Jun  3 16:01:09 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet Wrench Port: Link down, check cable. 

Tue Jun  3 16:01:12 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:diskown.isEnabled:info]: software ownership has been enabled for this system 

Tue Jun  3 16:01:12 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:dcs.framework.enabled:info]: The DCS framework is enabled on this node. 

Tue Jun  3 16:01:13 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:wafl.memory.status:info]: 2983MB of memory is currently available for the WAFL file system. 

Tue Jun  3 16:01:13 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:mgr.boot.reason_ok:notice]: System rebooted after a halt command.  

Tue Jun  3 16:01:13 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:callhome.reboot.halt:info]: Call home for REBOOT (halt command) 

Tue Jun  3 16:01:13 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0P: Link up. 

Tue Jun  3 16:01:13 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0M: Link up. 

Tue Jun  3 16:01:14 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkInfo:info]: Ethernet e0P: Link configured down. 

Tue Jun  3 16:01:15 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:shelf.config.single:info]: System is using single path attached storage only. 

Tue Jun  3 16:01:17 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0P: Link up. 

Tue Jun  3 16:01:19 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0c: Link down, check cable. 

Tue Jun  3 16:01:19 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0d: Link down, check cable. 

Tue Jun  3 16:01:19 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0b: Link down, check cable. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:36 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.nm.nicTransitionUp:info]: HA interconnect: Link up on NIC 0. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:39 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet Wrench Port: Link down, check cable. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:42 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:diskown.isEnabled:info]: software ownership has been enabled for this system 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:42 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:dcs.framework.enabled:info]: The DCS framework is enabled on this node. 

Tue Jun  3 16:06:03 GMT [console_login_mgr:info]: root logged in from console

Tue Jun  3 16:05:42 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:wafl.memory.status:info]: 2963MB of memory is currently available for the WAFL file system. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:42 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0a.00.1 is a local HA mailbox disk. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:42 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0a.00.3 is a local HA mailbox disk. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:42 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:fmmb.instStat.change:info]: normal mailbox instance on local side. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:42 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:coredump.host.spare.none:info]: No sparecore disk was found for host 0. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:43 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:raid.cksum.replay.summary:info]: Replayed 0 checksum blocks. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:43 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:raid.stripe.replay.summary:info]: Replayed 0 stripes. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:43 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:wafl.aggr.btiddb.build:info]: Buftreeid database for aggregate 'aggr0' UUID '02adcbbd-eb30-11e3-81e8-00a0985632ec' was built in 0 msec, after scanning 0 inodes and restarting -1 times with a final result of starting. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:43 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:wafl.aggr.btiddb.build:info]: Buftreeid database for aggregate 'aggr0' UUID '02adcbbd-eb30-11e3-81e8-00a0985632ec' was built in 39 msec, after scanning 13 inodes and restarting 19 times with a final result of success. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:43 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0P: Link up. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:43 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0M: Link up. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:43 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:tar.csum.match:info]: Stored checksum matches, not extracting local://tmp/prestage/mroot.tgz. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:43 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:tar.csum.match:info]: Stored checksum matches, not extracting local://tmp/prestage/pmroot.tgz. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:43 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:fcmon.status:info]: FCMON is running 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:43 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:perf.archive.start:info]: Performance archiver started. Sampling 29 objects and 421 counters. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:43 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkInfo:info]: Ethernet e0P: Link configured down. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:43 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:mgr.opsmgr.autoreg.norec:warning]: Data ONTAP could not perform automatic registration for OnCommand Unified Manager because Data ONTAP could not find SRV records for the server or because the server is not located on this subnet. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:44 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:mgr.boot.disk_done:info]: NetApp Release 8.1.4P1 7-Mode boot complete. Last disk update written at Tue Jun  3 15:57:56 GMT 2014  

Tue Jun  3 16:05:44 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fm.unexpectedPartner:warning]: Warning: cf is not licensed yet the node once had a controller failover partner 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:44 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:mgr.boot.reason_ok:notice]: System rebooted after a halt command.  

Tue Jun  3 16:05:44 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:callhome.reboot.halt:info]: Call home for REBOOT (halt command) 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:44 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]: /etc/httpd.mimetypes.sample file is missing. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:44 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]: /etc/httpd.mimetypes file is missing. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:44 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]: /etc/httpd.mimetypes.sample file is missing. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:45 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:ip.drd.vfiler.info:info]: Although vFiler units are licensed, the routing daemon runs in the default IP space only. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:47 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0P: Link up. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:47 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0c: Link down, check cable. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:47 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0d: Link down, check cable. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:47 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0b: Link down, check cable. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:52 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:sp.network.link.down:warning]: Service Processor (SP) network port link down due to cable or network errors. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:54 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:shelf.config.single:info]: System is using single path attached storage only. 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:55 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:dfu.firmwareUpToDate:info]: Firmware is up-to-date on all disk drives 

Tue Jun  3 16:05:55 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:sfu.firmwareUpToDate:info]: Firmware is up-to-date on all disk shelves. 

Tue Jun  3 16:06:03 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:tar.csum.match:info]: Stored checksum matches, not extracting /mroot_late.tgz. 

Tue Jun  3 16:06:03 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:tar.csum.match:info]: Stored checksum matches, not extracting /platform/pmroot_late.tgz. 

Tue Jun  3 16:06:32 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:monitor.chassisPower.degraded:notice]: Chassis power is degraded: Power Supply Status Critical. 

Tue Jun  3 16:06:32 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:callhome.chassis.power:error]: Call home for CHASSIS POWER DEGRADED: Power Supply Status Critical. 

Tue Jun  3 16:06:44 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:callhome.performance.snap:info]: Call home for PERFORMANCE SNAPSHOT 

Tue Jun  3 16:07:00 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:monitor.globalStatus.critical:CRITICAL]: Power Supply Status Critical.  

Tue Jun  3 16:07:42 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:monitor.chassisPowerSupplies.ok:info]: Chassis power supplies OK 

Tue Jun  3 16:08:00 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:monitor.globalStatus.ok:info]: The system's global status is normal.  

Tue Jun  3 16:11:00 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:raid.rg.spares.low:warning]: /aggr0/plex0/rg0 

Tue Jun  3 16:11:00 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:callhome.spares.low:error]: Call home for SPARES_LOW 

Tue Jun  3 16:11:00 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:monitor.globalStatus.nonCritical:warning]: There are not enough spare disks.  

Tue Jun  3 16:15:04 GMT [rc:notice]: cf licensed

Tue Jun  3 16:17:08 GMT [localhost: rc:notice]: The system was down for 99 seconds

Tue Jun  3 16:15:28 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:kern.shutdown:notice]: System shut down because : "reboot". 

Tue Jun  3 16:15:28 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:perf.archive.stop:info]: Performance archiver stopped. (11109) 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:01 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.nm.nicTransitionUp:info]: HA interconnect: Link up on NIC 0. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:02 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.rv.flush.handleExchange:info]: Flushing is active. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:04 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet Wrench Port: Link down, check cable. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:06 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:diskown.isEnabled:info]: software ownership has been enabled for this system 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:06 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:dcs.framework.enabled:info]: The DCS framework is enabled on this node. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:07 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:wafl.memory.status:info]: 2961MB of memory is currently available for the WAFL file system. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:07 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.nm.nicReset:warning]: Initiating soft reset on Cluster Interconnect card 0 due to rendezvous reset 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:07 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.rv.notConnected:error]: Connection for 'cfo_rv' failed. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:07 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0a.00.1 is a local HA mailbox disk. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:07 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0a.00.3 is a local HA mailbox disk. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:07 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:fmmb.instStat.change:info]: normal mailbox instance on local side. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:07 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0a.00.0 is a partner HA mailbox disk. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:07 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0a.00.2 is a partner HA mailbox disk. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:07 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:fmmb.instStat.change:info]: normal mailbox instance on partner side. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:07 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fm.partner:info]: Failover monitor: partner 'FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1' 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:07 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:coredump.host.spare.none:info]: No sparecore disk was found for host 0. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:07 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:raid.cksum.replay.summary:info]: Replayed 0 checksum blocks. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:07 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:raid.stripe.replay.summary:info]: Replayed 0 stripes. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:07 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:wafl.aggr.btiddb.build:info]: Buftreeid database for aggregate 'aggr0' UUID '02adcbbd-eb30-11e3-81e8-00a0985632ec' was built in 0 msec, after scanning 0 inodes and restarting -1 times with a final result of starting. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:07 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:wafl.aggr.btiddb.build:info]: Buftreeid database for aggregate 'aggr0' UUID '02adcbbd-eb30-11e3-81e8-00a0985632ec' was built in 43 msec, after scanning 12 inodes and restarting 19 times with a final result of success. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:07 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0P: Link up. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:07 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fm.launch:info]: Launching failover monitor 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:08 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fm.partner:info]: Failover monitor: partner 'FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1' 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:08 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0M: Link up. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:08 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:tar.csum.match:info]: Stored checksum matches, not extracting local://tmp/prestage/mroot.tgz. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:08 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:tar.csum.match:info]: Stored checksum matches, not extracting local://tmp/prestage/pmroot.tgz. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:08 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:fcmon.status:info]: FCMON is running 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:08 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:perf.archive.start:info]: Performance archiver started. Sampling 29 objects and 421 counters. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:08 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkInfo:info]: Ethernet e0P: Link configured down. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:08 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fsm.takeoverOfPartnerDisabled:notice]: Failover monitor: takeover of FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1 disabled (interconnect error). 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:08 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:mgr.opsmgr.autoreg.norec:warning]: Data ONTAP could not perform automatic registration for OnCommand Unified Manager because Data ONTAP could not find SRV records for the server or because the server is not located on this subnet. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:09 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:mgr.boot.disk_done:info]: NetApp Release 8.1.4P1 7-Mode boot complete. Last disk update written at Tue Jun  3 16:15:30 GMT 2014  

Tue Jun  3 16:17:30 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2: console_login_mgr:info]: root logged in from console

Tue Jun  3 16:17:09 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.hwassist.notifyEnableOn:info]: HA hw_assist: hw_assist functionality on the partner node has been enabled by the user. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:09 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:mgr.boot.reason_ok:notice]: System rebooted after a reboot command. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:09 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:callhome.reboot.reboot:info]: Call home for REBOOT (reboot command) 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:09 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]: /etc/httpd.mimetypes.sample file is missing. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:09 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]: /etc/httpd.mimetypes file is missing. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:09 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]: /etc/httpd.mimetypes.sample file is missing. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:10 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:ip.drd.vfiler.info:info]: Although vFiler units are licensed, the routing daemon runs in the default IP space only. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:12 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:scsitarget.vtic.up:notice]: The VTIC is up. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:12 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0P: Link up. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:12 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0c: Link down, check cable. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:12 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0d: Link down, check cable. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:12 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0b: Link down, check cable. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:12 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fsm.takeoverOfPartnerDisabled:notice]: Failover monitor: takeover of FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1 disabled (unsynchronized log). 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:12 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fsm.takeoverByPartnerDisabled:notice]: Failover monitor: takeover of FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2 by FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1 disabled (unsynchronized log). 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:15 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fsm.takeoverByPartnerEnabled:notice]: Failover monitor: takeover of FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2 by FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1 enabled 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:17 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:sp.network.link.down:warning]: Service Processor (SP) network port link down due to cable or network errors. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:17 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.hwassist.DefaultPrtnrPort:notice]: The system has chose the default hardware-assist partner port number 4444. If you want to use a different port number, change it using the command 'options cf.hw_assist.partner.port'. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:17 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.hwassist.DefaultEnabled:info]: Hardware-assisted takeover feature is enabled on this system. The partner can take over this node faster during certain failures. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:18 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.hwassist.DefaultPrtnrAddr:notice]: The system automatically chose as the hardware-assist partner address. If you want to use a different IP address, change it using the command 'options cf.hw_assist.partner.address'. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:19 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:shelf.config.spha:info]: System is using single path HA attached storage only. 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:20 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:dfu.firmwareUpToDate:info]: Firmware is up-to-date on all disk drives 

Tue Jun  3 16:17:48 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fsm.takeoverOfPartnerEnabled:notice]: Failover monitor: takeover of FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1 enabled 

Tue Jun  3 16:18:09 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:callhome.performance.snap:info]: Call home for PERFORMANCE SNAPSHOT 

Tue Jun  3 16:21:50 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.misc.operatorTakeover:notice]: Failover monitor: takeover initiated by operator 

Tue Jun  3 16:21:50 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fsm.nfo.acceptTakeoverReq:notice]: Negotiated failover: accepting takeover request by partner, reason: operator initiated cf takeover. Asking partner to shutdown gracefully; will takeover in at most 180 seconds. 

Tue Jun  3 16:22:13 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fsm.firmwareStatus:info]: Failover monitor: partner Rebooting 

Tue Jun  3 16:22:13 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fsm.nfo.partnerShutdown:notice]: Negotiated failover: partner has shutdown 

Tue Jun  3 16:22:13 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fsm.takeover.nfo:info]: Failover monitor: takeover attempted after 'cf takeover' or 'storage failover takeover' command 

Tue Jun  3 16:22:13 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fsm.stateTransit:info]: Failover monitor: UP --> TAKEOVER 

Tue Jun  3 16:22:13 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fm.takeoverStarted:notice]: Failover monitor: takeover started 

Tue Jun  3 16:22:13 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1:coredump.host.spare.none:info]: No sparecore disk was found for host 1. 

Tue Jun  3 16:22:13 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:nv.partner.disabled:info]: NVRAM takeover: Partner NVRAM was disabled. 

Tue Jun  3 16:22:13 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1:wafl.aggr.btiddb.build:info]: Buftreeid database for aggregate 'aggr0' UUID '9111a452-eb1b-11e3-88c7-123478563412' was built in 0 msec, after scanning 0 inodes and restarting -1 times with a final result of starting. 

Tue Jun  3 16:22:14 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1:wafl.aggr.btiddb.build:info]: Buftreeid database for aggregate 'aggr0' UUID '9111a452-eb1b-11e3-88c7-123478563412' was built in 39 msec, after scanning 12 inodes and restarting 18 times with a final result of success. 

Tue Jun  3 16:22:14 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:wafl.takeover.nvram.missing:info]: WAFL takeover: No WAFL nvlog records were found to replay. 

Tue Jun  3 16:22:14 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:wafl.replay.done:info]: WAFL log replay completed, 0 seconds 

Tue Jun  3 16:22:14 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]: /etc/httpd.mimetypes.sample file is missing. 

Tue Jun  3 16:22:14 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]: /etc/httpd.mimetypes file is missing. 

Tue Jun  3 16:22:14 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]: /etc/httpd.mimetypes.sample file is missing. 

Tue Jun  3 16:22:14 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1:net.ifconfig.noPartner:error]: ifconfig: 'e0a' cannot be configured: Address does not match any partner interface. 

Tue Jun  3 16:22:14 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:net.ifconfig.takeoverError:warning]: WARNING: 1 error detected during network takeover processing ""WARNING: Some network clients may not be able to ""access the cluster during takeover 

Tue Jun  3 16:22:14 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.rsrc.takeoverOpFail:error]: Failover monitor: takeover during ifconfig_2 failed; takeover continuing... 

Tue Jun  3 16:22:14 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.rsrc.transitTime:notice]: Top Takeover transit times registry_postrc_phase1=388 {set_start1=0, start_stop=177 {timed=0, tftpd=0, telnet=0}, set_start2=0, snmpv3_user_init=0, reg_per_check=116, snmp_res_traphost=0}, wafl=190 {prvol_to_done=118, pvvols_to_done=72, paggrs_to_done=0, verify_names=0, destroy_vvol=0, prvol_mnt_end=0, part_vols_mnt_end=0}, rc=181 {hostname=67, ifconfig=63, options=31, options=17, raid_config_prerc=1}, raid=156, registry_prerc=130, wa

Tue Jun  3 16:22:14 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:callhome.sfo.takeover.m:info]: Call home for CONTROLLER TAKEOVER COMPLETE MANUAL 

Tue Jun  3 16:22:14 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:callhome.reboot.takeover:error]: Call home for PARTNER REBOOT (CONTROLLER TAKEOVER) 

Tue Jun  3 16:22:14 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fm.takeoverComplete:notice]: Failover monitor: takeover completed 

Tue Jun  3 16:22:14 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fm.takeoverDuration:info]: Failover monitor: takeover duration time is 1 seconds. 

Tue Jun  3 16:22:16 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:scsitarget.vtic.down:notice]: The VTIC is down. 

Tue Jun  3 16:23:00 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:raid.rg.spares.low:warning]: /aggr0/plex0/rg0 

Tue Jun  3 16:23:00 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:callhome.spares.low:error]: Call home for SPARES_LOW 

Tue Jun  3 16:23:00 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:monitor.globalStatus.critical:CRITICAL]: This node has taken over FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1. There are not enough spare disks.  

Tue Jun  3 16:23:15 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:callhome.performance.snap:info]: Call home for PERFORMANCE SNAPSHOT 

Tue Jun  3 16:23:44 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:scsitarget.vtic.up:notice]: The VTIC is up. 

Tue Jun  3 16:23:55 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fsm.releasingReservations:info]: Failover monitor: Releasing disk reservations in preparation for giveback 

Tue Jun  3 16:23:55 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fm.diskRelease:info]: Failover monitor: released disk reservations. 

Tue Jun  3 16:23:56 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.nm.nicTransitionDown:warning]: HA interconnect: Link down on NIC 0. 

Tue Jun  3 16:23:56 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:scsitarget.vtic.down:notice]: The VTIC is down. 

Tue Jun  3 16:23:58 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.nm.nicTransitionUp:info]: HA interconnect: Link up on NIC 0. 

Tue Jun  3 16:23:59 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:scsitarget.vtic.up:notice]: The VTIC is up. 

Tue Jun  3 16:26:53 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.misc.operatorGiveback:info]: Failover monitor: giveback initiated by operator 

Tue Jun  3 16:26:53 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fm.givebackStarted:notice]: Failover monitor: giveback started. 

Tue Jun  3 16:26:55 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.rsrc.transitTime:notice]: Top Giveback transit times raid=2099, registry_giveback=77, wafl_gb_sync=69, wafl=68 {sync_clean=64, finish=3, forget=1, mark_abort=0, wait_offline=0, wait_create=0, vol_refs=0, abort_scans=0, drain_msgs=0, zombie_wait=0}, sanown_replay=20, nlm=4, lock manager=3, ifconfig=2, iscsimgt=1, ndmpd=1 

Tue Jun  3 16:26:55 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fm.givebackComplete:notice]: Failover monitor: giveback completed 

Tue Jun  3 16:26:55 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fm.givebackDuration:notice]: Failover monitor: giveback duration time is 2 seconds. 

Tue Jun  3 16:26:55 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fsm.stateTransit:info]: Failover monitor: TAKEOVER --> UP 

Tue Jun  3 16:26:55 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:callhome.sfo.giveback:info]: Call home for CONTROLLER GIVEBACK COMPLETE 

Tue Jun  3 16:26:56 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.hwassist.missedKeepAlive:warning]: hw_assist: missed keep alive alert from partner(FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1). 

Tue Jun  3 16:26:56 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fsm.takeoverOfPartnerDisabled:notice]: Failover monitor: takeover of FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1 disabled (partner booting). 

Tue Jun  3 16:26:56 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fsm.takeoverByPartnerDisabled:notice]: Failover monitor: takeover of FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2 by FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1 disabled (unsynchronized log). 

Tue Jun  3 16:26:56 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.hwassist.DefaultPrtnrAddr:notice]: The system automatically chose as the hardware-assist partner address. If you want to use a different IP address, change it using the command 'options cf.hw_assist.partner.address'. 

Tue Jun  3 16:26:56 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:scsitarget.vtic.down:notice]: The VTIC is down. 

Tue Jun  3 16:26:57 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fsm.takeoverOfPartnerDisabled:notice]: Failover monitor: takeover of FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1 disabled (interconnect error). 

Tue Jun  3 16:26:57 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fsm.takeoverByPartnerDisabled:notice]: Failover monitor: takeover of FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2 by FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1 disabled (interconnect error). 

Tue Jun  3 16:27:00 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:scsitarget.vtic.up:notice]: The VTIC is up. 

Tue Jun  3 16:27:00 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fsm.takeoverOfPartnerDisabled:notice]: Failover monitor: takeover of FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1 disabled (unsynchronized log). 

Tue Jun  3 16:27:00 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fsm.takeoverByPartnerDisabled:notice]: Failover monitor: takeover of FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2 by FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1 disabled (unsynchronized log). 

Tue Jun  3 16:27:02 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fsm.takeoverByPartnerEnabled:notice]: Failover monitor: takeover of FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2 by FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1 enabled 

Tue Jun  3 16:27:04 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fsm.takeoverOfPartnerEnabled:notice]: Failover monitor: takeover of FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1 enabled 

Tue Jun  3 16:27:06 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.hwassist.DefaultPrtnrAddr:notice]: The system automatically chose as the hardware-assist partner address. If you want to use a different IP address, change it using the command 'options cf.hw_assist.partner.address'. 

Tue Jun  3 16:28:00 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:monitor.globalStatus.nonCritical:warning]: There are not enough spare disks.  

Tue Jun  3 16:31:52 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet Wrench Port: Link up. 

Tue Jun  3 16:32:23 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0M: Link down, check cable. 

Tue Jun  3 16:32:25 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet Wrench Port: Link down, check cable. 

Tue Jun  3 16:37:36 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.hwassist.DefaultPrtnrAddr:notice]: The system automatically chose as the hardware-assist partner address. If you want to use a different IP address, change it using the command 'options cf.hw_assist.partner.address'. 

Tue Jun  3 16:43:29 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fsm.takeoverOfPartnerDisabled:notice]: Failover monitor: takeover of FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1 disabled (Controller Failover takeover disabled). 

Tue Jun  3 16:43:29 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fsm.takeoverByPartnerDisabled:notice]: Failover monitor: takeover of FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2 by FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1 disabled (Controller Failover takeover disabled). 

Tue Jun  3 16:43:55 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fsm.firmwareStatus:info]: Failover monitor: partner Halted 

Tue Jun  3 16:43:57 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:scsitarget.vtic.down:notice]: The VTIC is down. 

Tue Jun  3 16:43:59 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fsm.partnerNotResponding:notice]: Failover monitor: partner not responding 

Tue Jun  3 16:44:01 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:monitor.globalStatus.critical:CRITICAL]: Controller failover of FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1 is not possible: Controller Failover takeover disabled. There are not enough spare disks.  

Tue Jun  3 16:44:07 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:kern.shutdown:notice]: System shut down because : "halt". 

Tue Jun  3 16:44:07 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:perf.archive.stop:info]: Performance archiver stopped. (11109) 

Wed Jun  4 08:53:55 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.nm.nicTransitionUp:info]: HA interconnect: Link up on NIC 0. 

Wed Jun  4 08:53:56 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.rv.flush.handleExchange:info]: Flushing is active. 

Wed Jun  4 08:53:57 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet Wrench Port: Link down, check cable. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:00 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:diskown.isEnabled:info]: software ownership has been enabled for this system 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:00 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:dcs.framework.enabled:info]: The DCS framework is enabled on this node. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:01 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:wafl.memory.status:info]: 2961MB of memory is currently available for the WAFL file system. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:01 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.nm.nicReset:warning]: Initiating soft reset on Cluster Interconnect card 0 due to rendezvous reset 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:01 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.rv.notConnected:error]: Connection for 'cfo_rv' failed. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:01 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0a.00.1 is a local HA mailbox disk. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:01 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0a.00.3 is a local HA mailbox disk. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:01 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:fmmb.instStat.change:info]: normal mailbox instance on local side. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:01 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0a.00.0 is a partner HA mailbox disk. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:01 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0a.00.2 is a partner HA mailbox disk. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:01 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:fmmb.instStat.change:info]: normal mailbox instance on partner side. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:01 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fm.partner:info]: Failover monitor: partner 'FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1' 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:01 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:raid.cksum.replay.summary:info]: Replayed 0 checksum blocks. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:01 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:raid.stripe.replay.summary:info]: Replayed 0 stripes. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:01 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:wafl.aggr.btiddb.build:info]: Buftreeid database for aggregate 'aggr0' UUID '02adcbbd-eb30-11e3-81e8-00a0985632ec' was built in 0 msec, after scanning 0 inodes and restarting -1 times with a final result of starting. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:01 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0P: Link up. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:01 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:wafl.aggr.btiddb.build:info]: Buftreeid database for aggregate 'aggr0' UUID '02adcbbd-eb30-11e3-81e8-00a0985632ec' was built in 49 msec, after scanning 12 inodes and restarting 22 times with a final result of success. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:01 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0M: Link up. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:01 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fm.launch:info]: Launching failover monitor 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:01 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fm.partner:info]: Failover monitor: partner 'FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1' 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:01 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fm.notkoverClusterDisable:warning]: Failover monitor: takeover disabled (restart) 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:02 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:tar.csum.match:info]: Stored checksum matches, not extracting local://tmp/prestage/mroot.tgz. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:02 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:tar.csum.match:info]: Stored checksum matches, not extracting local://tmp/prestage/pmroot.tgz. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:02 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.fsm.takeoverOfPartnerDisabled:notice]: Failover monitor: takeover of FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1 disabled (Controller Failover takeover disabled). 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:02 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:fcmon.status:info]: FCMON is running 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:02 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkInfo:info]: Ethernet e0P: Link configured down. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:03 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:perf.archive.start:info]: Performance archiver started. Sampling 29 objects and 421 counters. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:03 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:mgr.opsmgr.autoreg.norec:warning]: Data ONTAP could not perform automatic registration for OnCommand Unified Manager because Data ONTAP could not find SRV records for the server or because the server is not located on this subnet. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:03 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:mgr.boot.disk_done:info]: NetApp Release 8.1.4P1 7-Mode boot complete. Last disk update written at Tue Jun  3 16:44:08 GMT 2014  

Wed Jun  4 08:54:03 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.hwassist.notifyEnableOn:info]: HA hw_assist: hw_assist functionality on the partner node has been enabled by the user. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:03 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:mgr.boot.reason_ok:notice]: System rebooted after a halt command.  

Wed Jun  4 08:54:03 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:callhome.reboot.halt:info]: Call home for REBOOT (halt command) 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:03 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]: /etc/httpd.mimetypes.sample file is missing. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:03 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]: /etc/httpd.mimetypes file is missing. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:03 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]: /etc/httpd.mimetypes.sample file is missing. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:03 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:ip.drd.vfiler.info:info]: Although vFiler units are licensed, the routing daemon runs in the default IP space only. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:04 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.nm.nicTransitionDown:warning]: HA interconnect: Link down on NIC 0. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:06 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0c: Link down, check cable. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:06 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0d: Link down, check cable. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:06 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0b: Link down, check cable. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:06 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0P: Link up. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:06 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.nm.nicTransitionUp:info]: HA interconnect: Link up on NIC 0. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:08 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:scsitarget.vtic.up:notice]: The VTIC is up. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:13 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:shelf.config.spha:info]: System is using single path HA attached storage only. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:14 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:dfu.firmwareUpToDate:info]: Firmware is up-to-date on all disk drives 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:19 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:tar.csum.match:info]: Stored checksum matches, not extracting /mroot_late.tgz. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:19 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:tar.csum.match:info]: Stored checksum matches, not extracting /platform/pmroot_late.tgz. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:22 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:sp.network.link.down:warning]: Service Processor (SP) network port link down due to cable or network errors. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:23 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.hwassist.DefaultPrtnrAddr:notice]: The system automatically chose as the hardware-assist partner address. If you want to use a different IP address, change it using the command 'options cf.hw_assist.partner.address'. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:33 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.hwassist.DefaultPrtnrAddr:notice]: The system automatically chose as the hardware-assist partner address. If you want to use a different IP address, change it using the command 'options cf.hw_assist.partner.address'. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:41 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:ses.status.ACPInfo:info]: DS2246 (S/N 9443074749) shelf 0 on channel 0a ACP Processor information for SAS shelf ACP processor 1: normal status. 

Wed Jun  4 08:54:51 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:ses.status.ACPInfo:info]: DS2246 (S/N 9443074749) shelf 0 on channel 0a ACP Processor information for SAS shelf ACP processor 2: normal status. 

Wed Jun  4 08:55:00 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:monitor.globalStatus.critical:CRITICAL]: Controller failover of FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1 is not possible: Controller Failover takeover disabled.  

Wed Jun  4 08:55:03 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:callhome.performance.snap:info]: Call home for PERFORMANCE SNAPSHOT 

Wed Jun  4 08:59:49 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2: console_login_mgr:warning]: too many bad logins on console

Wed Jun  4 09:00:00 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:kern.uptime.filer:info]:   9:00am up 6 mins, 0 NFS ops, 0 CIFS ops, 0 HTTP ops, 0 FCP ops, 0 iSCSI ops  

Wed Jun  4 09:00:00 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:raid.rg.spares.low:warning]: /aggr0/plex0/rg0 

Wed Jun  4 09:00:00 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:callhome.spares.low:error]: Call home for SPARES_LOW 

Wed Jun  4 09:00:06 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:sp.network.link.down:warning]: Service Processor (SP) network port link down due to cable or network errors. 

Wed Jun  4 09:00:06 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:cf.takeover.disabled:warning]: Controller Failover is licensed but takeover of partner is disabled. 

Wed Jun  4 09:00:33 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2: console_login_mgr:warning]: too many bad logins on console

Wed Jun  4 09:00:48 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2: console_login_mgr:info]: root logged in from console

Wed Jun  4 09:04:18 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:callhome.management.log:info]: Call home for MANAGEMENT_LOG 

Wed Jun  4 09:19:10 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0b: Link up. 

Wed Jun  4 09:21:54 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0b: Link down, check cable. 

Wed Jun  4 09:22:01 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2:netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0b: Link up. 


this is error, due to which e0a is not getting active.

"Tue Jun  3 16:22:14 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1:net.ifconfig.noPartner:error]: ifconfig: 'e0a' cannot be configured: Address does not match any partner interface."

It's from logs.

Can you share RC file for both of nodes? along try configure partner node in case of an failover, that should fix the issue.


This is the rcfile of both nodes. We've already configured the partner nodes but still problem exists. What is the reason why e0a is not active? error arises when we put ip add into e0a.

ifconfig: e0a : no such interface

FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1> rdfile /etc/rc

#Auto-generated by setup Tue Jun  3 13:14:33 GMT 2014

hostname FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1

ifconfig e0a `hostname`-e0a mediatype auto flowcontrol full mtusize 1500

#route add default NONE 1

routed on

options dns.enable off

options nis.enable off


FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2> rdfile /etc/rc

hostname FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2

ifconfig e0a `hostname`-e0a mediatype auto flowcontrol full mtusize 1500

#route add default NONE 1

routed on

options dns.enable off

options nis.enable off



can you share /etc/host file for both filers?

and modify your rc as follows, after checking that host file does not contain any duplicate entry.

ifconfig e0a `hostname`-e0a mediatype auto netmask x.x.x.x flowcontrol full mtusize 15000 partner e0a

Add default netmask for your network, though not required. 'partner e0a' adding this to rc ill define ip for patner in case of failover, due to which you are getting error '"Tue Jun  3 16:22:14 GMT [FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1:net.ifconfig.noPartner:error]: ifconfig: 'e0a' cannot be configured: Address does not match any partner interface."'


here is the /etc/host file sahil

FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1> rdfile /etc/hosts

#Auto-generated by setup Tue Jun  3 13:14:33 GMT 2014 localhost localhost-stack localhost-10 localhost-bsd localhost-20 localhost-sk

#       FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1-e0M

#       FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1-e0P FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1 FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1-e0a

#       FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1-e0b

#       FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1-e0c

#       FAS2240-AISC-CTRL1-e0d

FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2> rdfile /etc/host

/etc/host: No such file or directory

FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2> rdfile /etc/hosts

#Auto-generated by setup Wed Jun  4 15:52:24 GMT 2014 localhost localhost-stack localhost-10 localhost-bsd localhost-20 localhost-sk

#       FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2-e0M

#       FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2-e0P FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2 FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2-e0b

#       FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2-e0c

#       FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2-e0d


you should modify your rc file, or host file.

if you look are your hosts file it is defining e0b on ctrl2 and e0a on ctrl1.

you can modify your rc as follows.

for ctrl1

ifconfig e0a `hostname`-e0a mediatype auto flowcontrol full mtusize 15000 partner e0b

for ctrl2

ifconfig e0b `hostname`-e0b mediatype auto flowcontrol full mtusize 15000 partner e0a

As I do not find e0a listed in hosts file ctrl2:

"FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2> rdfile /etc/hosts

#Auto-generated by setup Wed Jun  4 15:52:24 GMT 2014 localhost localhost-stack localhost-10 localhost-bsd localhost-20 localhost-sk

#       FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2-e0M

#       FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2-e0P FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2 FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2-e0b

#       FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2-e0c

#       FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2-e0d"

You can leave 'partner e0a' part, by adding ip address for partner node as

rc for ctrl1:

'ifconfig e0a `hostname`-e0a mediatype auto flowcontrol full mtusize 15000 partner'

hope this helps.


Hi Sahil ,

If we configure e0a. this is the output.

FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2> ifconfig e0a 192.167 .254.150 netmask

ifconfig: e0a: no such interface

how can we put ip add to it?

We have tried failover on both controller but still the result is the same.




Can you list output of following commands?

sysconfig -A

ifconfig -a

netdiag -v -I e0a

ifinfo -a

Thank you.



FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2> sysconfig -A

        NetApp Release 8.1.4P1 7-Mode: Tue Feb 11 23:23:31 PST 2014

        System ID: 1925703163 (FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2); partner ID: 1925704264 (FAS2                                              240-AISC-CTRL1)

        System Serial Number: 941408000222 (FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2)

        System Rev: D5

        System Storage Configuration: Single-Path HA

        System ACP Connectivity: Partial Connectivity

        slot 0: System Board

                Processors:         4

                Processor type:     Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           C3528  @ 1.73                                              GHz

                Memory Size:        6144 MB

                Memory Attributes:  Hoisting

                                    Normal ECC

                Controller:         B

        Service Processor           Status: Online

        slot 0: Internal 10/100 Ethernet Controller

                e0M MAC Address:    00:a0:98:56:32:f1 (auto-100tx-fd-up)

                e0P MAC Address:    00:a0:98:56:32:f0 (auto-100tx-fd-up)

        slot 0: Interconnect HBA:   Mellanox IB MT25204

        slot 0: SAS Host Adapter 0a

                12 Disks:            6720.0GB

                1 shelf with IOM6E

        slot 0: SAS Host Adapter 0b

        slot 0: Intel ICH USB EHCI Adapter u0a (0xdf101000)

                boot0   Micron Technology 0x655, class 0/0, rev 2.00/11.10, addr                                               2 1936MB 512B/sect (4DF0022700258215)

sysconfig: Unless directed by NetApp Global Services volume vol0 should have the                                               volume option create_ucode set to On.

Device          HA    SHELF BAY CHAN    Disk Vital Product Information

----------      --------------- -----   ------------------------------

0a.00.0         0a    0   0     SA:B    KSK0KAMF

0a.00.1         0a    0   1     SA:B    KSK34D6F

0a.00.2         0a    0   2     SA:B    KSK3THRF

0a.00.3         0a    0   3     SA:B    KSK3RK3F

0a.00.4         0a    0   4     SA:B    KSK31XYF

0a.00.5         0a    0   5     SA:B    KSK3P41F

0a.00.6         0a    0   6     SA:B    KSK3TT7F

0a.00.7         0a    0   7     SA:B    KSJV1URF

0a.00.8         0a    0   8     SA:B    KSK3436F

0a.00.9         0a    0   9     SA:B    KSK3477F

0a.00.10        0a    0   10    SA:B    KSK3TTLF

0a.00.11        0a    0   11    SA:B    KSK3P91F

volume aggr0 (1 RAID group):

        group 0: 3 disks

Aggregate aggr0 (online, raid_dp) (block checksums)

  Plex /aggr0/plex0 (online, normal, active, pool0)

    RAID group /aggr0/plex0/rg0 (normal, block checksums)

      RAID Disk Device          HA  SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type  RPM  Used (MB/blks                                              )    Phys (MB/blks)

      --------- ------          ------------- ---- ---- ---- ----- -------------                                              -    --------------

      dparity   0a.00.1         0a    0   1   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 560000/114688                                              0000 572325/1172123568

      parity    0a.00.3         0a    0   3   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 560000/114688                                              0000 572325/1172123568

      data      0a.00.5         0a    0   5   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 560000/114688                                              0000 572325/1172123568

Pool1 spare disks (empty)

Pool0 spare disks (empty)

Partner disks

RAID Disk       Device          HA  SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type  RPM  Used (MB/blks                                              )    Phys (MB/blks)

---------       ------          ------------- ---- ---- ---- ----- -------------                                              -    --------------

partner         0a.00.6         0a    0   6   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 0/0                                                             572325/1172123568

partner         0a.00.4         0a    0   4   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 0/0                                                             572325/1172123568

partner         0a.00.0         0a    0   0   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 0/0                                                             572325/1172123568

partner         0a.00.10        0a    0   10  SA:B   0   SAS 10000 0/0                                                             572325/1172123568

partner         0a.00.9         0a    0   9   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 0/0                                                             572325/1172123568

partner         0a.00.2         0a    0   2   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 0/0                                                             572325/1172123568

partner         0a.00.8         0a    0   8   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 0/0                                                             572325/1172123568

partner         0a.00.11        0a    0   11  SA:B   0   SAS 10000 0/0                                                             572325/1172123568

partner         0a.00.7         0a    0   7   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 0/0                                                             572325/1172123568

No medium changers present on system.

No tape drives present on system.

FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2> ifconfig -a

e0b: flags=0x1f4c867<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,TCPCKSUM> mtu 1500

        inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast

        ether 00:a0:98:56:32:ed (auto-1000t-fd-up) flowcontrol full

e0c: flags=0x170c866<BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,TCPCKSUM> mtu 1500

        ether 00:a0:98:56:32:ee (auto-unknown-down) flowcontrol full

e0d: flags=0x170c866<BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,TCPCKSUM> mtu 1500

        ether 00:a0:98:56:32:ef (auto-unknown-down) flowcontrol full


        ether 00:a0:98:56:32:f1 (auto-100tx-fd-up) flowcontrol full


        inet netmask 0xfffffc00 broadcast noddns

        ether 00:a0:98:56:32:f0 (auto-100tx-fd-up) flowcontrol full

lo: flags=0x1b48049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,TCPCKSUM> mtu 8160

        inet netmask 0xff000000 broadcast

        ether 00:00:00:00:00:00 (VIA Provider)

losk: flags=0x40a400c9<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING> mtu 9188

        inet netmask 0xff000000 broadcast

FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2> netdiag -v -p -I e0a

Performing physical layer diagnostics.....

No such interface e0a

FAS2240-AISC-CTRL2> ifinfo -a

-- interface  e0b --

MAC address: 00:a0:98:56:32:ed, mediatype: auto-1000t-fd-up

Driver name: igb

Unicast addresses: 1

Unicast slots: 24

Driver name: igb

Adapter hardware address = 0xfffffe0000c6a000

CTRL = 0xd00241 RCTL = 0x8002

Packet buffer = Tx=0k Rx=0k

Flow control watermarks high = 32256 low = 32240

Adapter max frame size = 1518

Adapter max non jumbo packet size = 1518

Queue(0) tdh = 756, tdt = 756

TX(0) Packets sent = 352

TX(0) TSO Transmissions = 5

TX(0) TSO6 Transmissions = 0

TX(0) no desc = 0

Queue(0) rdh = 672, rdt = 671

RX(0) Packets received = 672

RX(0) Byte count = 20823078

RX(0) no mbuf = 0

RX(0) bad pkts = 0

-- interface  e0c --

MAC address: 00:a0:98:56:32:ee, mediatype: auto-unknown-down

Driver name: igb

Unicast addresses: 1

Unicast slots: 24

Driver name: igb

Adapter hardware address = 0xfffffe0000b56000

CTRL = 0x8d00241 RCTL = 0x8002

Packet buffer = Tx=0k Rx=0k

Flow control watermarks high = 32256 low = 32240

Adapter max frame size = 1518

Adapter max non jumbo packet size = 1518

Queue(0) tdh = 0, tdt = 0

TX(0) Packets sent = 0

TX(0) TSO Transmissions = 0

TX(0) TSO6 Transmissions = 0

TX(0) no desc = 0

Queue(0) rdh = 0, rdt = 1023

RX(0) Packets received = 0

RX(0) Byte count = 0

RX(0) no mbuf = 0

RX(0) bad pkts = 0

-- interface  e0d --

MAC address: 00:a0:98:56:32:ef, mediatype: auto-unknown-down

Driver name: igb

Unicast addresses: 1

Unicast slots: 24

Driver name: igb

Adapter hardware address = 0xfffffe0000be0000

CTRL = 0x8d00241 RCTL = 0x8002

Packet buffer = Tx=0k Rx=0k

Flow control watermarks high = 32256 low = 32240

Adapter max frame size = 1518

Adapter max non jumbo packet size = 1518

Queue(0) tdh = 0, tdt = 0

TX(0) Packets sent = 0

TX(0) TSO Transmissions = 0

TX(0) TSO6 Transmissions = 0

TX(0) no desc = 0

Queue(0) rdh = 0, rdt = 1023

RX(0) Packets received = 0

RX(0) Byte count = 0

RX(0) no mbuf = 0

RX(0) bad pkts = 0

-- interface  e0M --

MAC address: 00:a0:98:56:32:f1, mediatype: auto-100tx-fd-up

Driver name: GbE

Unicast addresses: 1

Unicast slots: 15

Status 00080743

PHY 1000T Status 4000

PHY Spec Ctrl 3b60

RxDescriptorPhysical 0001d497000 - 0x000000010d49d000

TxDescriptorPhysical 0001d494000 - 0x000000010d496000

-- interface  e0P --

MAC address: 00:a0:98:56:32:f0, mediatype: auto-100tx-fd-up

Driver name: GbE

Unicast addresses: 1

Unicast slots: 15

Status 00080743

PHY 1000T Status 4000

PHY Spec Ctrl 3b60

RxDescriptorPhysical 0001d4a4000 - 0x000000010d4aa000

TxDescriptorPhysical 0001d4a1000 - 0x000000010d4a3000

-- interface  lo --

MAC address: 00:00:00:00:00:00, mediatype: VIA Provider

-- interface  vh --

-- interface  losk --


thanks for your help!



seems like some hardware issue with e0a of ctrl2, it is not displayed in sysconfig -A command or there is any output about it from other commands.

you should open a case with NetApp support, to troubleshoot this.



Hi Sahil ,

That would be the last resort to answer this issue. Ill update you asap. Thank you for the help.



what did support team says about it?


according to the output from the command printenv, the e0a interface isn't showing as a result of a set environmental variables that are set incorrectly, deeming the port inaccessible after boot, to be specific these ones:

  1. bootarg.bsdportname="e0a"
  2. bootarg.activatebsdport="true"

===> Unset the variables as follows:

LOADER-B> unsetenv bootarg.bsdportname

LOADER-B> unsetenv bootarg.activatebsdport

===> Verify that relevant variables are now set to "*** Undefined ***"

LOADER-B> printenv bootarg.bsdportname

LOADER-B> printenv bootarg.activatebsdport printenv

LOADER-B> bootarg.activatebsdpor.persist

after proceeding this commands, interface e0a showed up

Thank you


thanks Scott. we'll have eye on this before and after upgrades.
