Hi all
I'm new to Snap Manager. Just trying to configure our first scheduled backup job. We have a 3 member DAG. I am only looking to backup the database from the remote passive node. The one with activation preference 3. I would like copy backups to be run on the other servers.
The syntax the wizard has created is:
new-backup -Server 'DAG' -ClusterAware -ManagementGroup 'Standard' -BackupTruncatedLogs $False -RetainDays 3 -RetainUtmBackups -1 -StorageGroup 'Database\Server3' -Verify -VerificationServer 'Server3' -UseMountPoint -MountPointDir 'D:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for Exchange\SnapMgrMountPoint' -PassiveDatabaseOnly -ActivationPreference 3 -RemoteAdditionalCopyBackup $True -ArchiveRemoteAdditionalCopyBackup -RetainRemoteAdditionalCopyBackupDays 3
However, although the backup job works on Server3, the copy job fails on Server1 with:
Please remove the Storage Groups/Databases with invalid SnapManager Configuration from the input[-StorageGroup].
and also fails on Server2 with:
new-backup cmdlet will exit as it is not running in the Active node